Organization XIII

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Last Login: 10/29/2009 6:31 pm

Registered: 11/24/2006

Gender: Male


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I - Xemnas

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II - Xigbar

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III - Xaldin

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IV - Vexen

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V - Lexaeus

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VI - Zexion

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VII - Saix

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VIII - Axel

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IX - Demyx

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X - Luxord

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XI - Marluxia

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XII - Larxene

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XIII - Roxas

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I am the Organization XIII
and here are my members
I-Xemnas-the superiorUser Image
II-Xigbar-the FreeshooterUser Image
III-Xaldin- the Whirlwind LancerUser Image
IV-Vexen- the Chilly AcademicUser Image
V-Lexaeus- the Silent HeroUser Image
VI-Zexion-the Cloaked SchemerUser Image
VII-Saix- the Luna DivinerUser Image
VIII-Axel- the Flurry of the Dancing FlamesUser Image
IX-Demyx- the Melodious NoctumeUser Image
X-Luxord- the Gambler of FateUser Image
XI-Marluxia- the Graceful AssassinUser Image
XII-Larxene- the Savage NymphUser Image
XIII-Roxas- the Key of DestinyUser Image

many things happen between my members:
some funny-
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and some moments are just plain weird...
User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Imageand that is why they are not allowed any alcohol

information about the members

Xemnas-the Nobody of Xehanort. He is the leader of the Organization.His original self was named Xehanort, but prior to becoming a Nobody he took his master's name, Ansem. He controls Sorcerer Nobodies, and in battle he uses Aerial Blades and manipulates nothingness to phase through solid matter and manifest energy-based shields and projectiles. he is infrequently spoken of by the members of the Organization, who refer to him only as the "Superior". Xemnas initially appears in Roxas's dreams, as he struggles to remember what he is. Xemnas also makes two appearances at Hollow Bastion; in the second, his identity is clarified and his face revealed. His plan is explained as increasing the power of Kingdom Hearts by having Sora destroy Heartless, releasing the hearts inside them. Xemnas appears again, in the World That Never Was, when DiZ attempts to contain Kingdom Hearts's power with a device of his creation. However, DiZ's machine overloads and explodes, killing its creator, leaving a huge hole in Kingdom Hearts, and causing many of the hearts to rain down and become Heartless. Xemnas uses what is left of Kingdom Hearts's power to summon the emotions of rage and hatred and take on a new form to fight Sora's party. Though Xemnas is thought to be defeated, he manages to separate Sora and Riku from the others, and attacks them. However, the two defeat him, and he then fades into darkness.

Xigbar-a senior member and number II of the Organization He is also referred to as the "Freeshooter". Xigbar's original self was named Braig.He controls Sniper Nobodies, and in battle he uses Gun Arrows and manipulates space to teleport himself, warp his bullets, and levitate upside down. Xigbar initially appears before Sora at Hollow Bastion though he never takes off his hood, and compares him to Roxas. During the player's second visit to the Land of Dragons, he transforms a dragon into a Heartless, and leaves after Sora confronts him in the Emperor's Palace, summoning his Nobodies to cover his escape. In the World That Never Was, Xigbar confronts Sora again, confusing him by calling him Roxas. Xigbar fights Sora's party, and after they defeat him, he fades into the darkness, refusing to clarify to Sora the mystery of "Roxas".

Xaldin- He is known as the "Whirlwind Lancer". Xaldin's original self was named Dilan.With his powers, he uses wind to manipulate his six lances and shield himself. Xaldin's lances can transform into a dragon-shaped contraption to attack opponents with whirlwinds. He controls lance-wielding Dragoon Nobodies. Xaldin first appeared in Hollow Bastion with other members. He later confronts Sora in Beast's Castle when he manipulates the Beast's rage by various means so that a powerful Nobody and Heartless could be created from the Beast. But Sora's interference with his plan forces Xaldin to steal the Beast's mystical rose to temper the Beast's rage. Sora and the Beast find him, and he reveals that the Organization needs Kingdom Hearts to become complete beings. He then kidnaps Belle, forcing the Beast to choose whether Belle or the rose is more important to him. The plan fails when Belle gets away with the rose and Xaldin falls against Sora and the Beast.

Vexen-He is known as the "Chilly Academic". Vexen's original self was Even. he was interested in studying Xehanort's memories. Vexen can control ice and carries a large shield in battle that blocks any frontal attacks made against him.Vexen sides with Zexion and Lexaeus, other members occupying the castle's basements, to prevent Marluxia's plan to overthrow the Organization. He first battles Riku in order to gather data to create a replica of him. However, Vexen cares nothing for his "experiment" and allows Naminé to manipulate the Riku Replica's memories against his wishes. When the Replica fails to defeat Sora, Marluxia threatens to reveal the shortcoming to Xemnas, forcing Vexen to kill Sora. Encountering Sora, Vexen says that he came to collect his "debt" and provokes Sora's anger by making him believe that he controlled Riku rather than created a replica. After their battle, Vexen gives Sora the card to Twilight Town with the intention of revealing Roxas's existence. Marluxia considers him a traitor as a result and sends Axel to kill him. In Twilight Town, Vexen attempts to reveal to Sora why he feels as though he has been to Twilight Town despite being fairly certain that he had never been there. Sora and Vexen battle again after Vexen tells Sora to throw away his memories and listen to his heart. As Vexen is about to reveal Marluxia's plot, he is killed by Axel.

Lexaeus-a well-built fighter in Organization XIII's ranks. He is also known as the "Silent Hero" His original self was Aeleus. He combines earth magic with his giant tomahawk when fought. Lexaeus, along with Vexen and Zexion, are older members of the Organization who occupy the basement levels of Castle Oblivion. When they find Marluxia plans to overthrow the Organization by capturing and manipulating Sora, Lexaeus and Zexion decide to capture Riku and use him in the same fashion to counter Marluxia. When it becomes dangerously apparent that Sora might fall into Marluxia's grasp, Lexaeus confronts Riku directly, trying to convince him to open himself up to the power of the darkness in his heart. Riku refuses to give in and Lexaeus attacks him. He employs a large tomahawk and earth, throwing his tomahawk, breaking rocks and shaking the arena itself. Riku manages to defeat the warrior, but with his last bits of strength, Lexaeus releases all of the darkness within him in hopes of overwhelming and consuming Riku. However, King Mickey protects Riku from the part of Xehanort's Heartless in his heart. Kingdom Hearts.

Zexion-a manipulator also known as the "Cloaked Schemer". Zexion's original self was Ansem the Wise's youngest lab assistant, and named Ienzo. He convinced Ansem the Wise that they should build an underground lab for research. Zexion uses his power of illusion, used to mimic others' weapons, disguise himself as others, and create duplicates of himself. His unique weapon is a lexicon. Zexion tracks Riku's actions until Vexen's death; Zexion and Lexaeus then decide to use Riku to counter Marluxia's plan to use Sora. After Marluxia is killed, Zexion sees Riku as unnecessary and attempts to destroy Riku himself. He leads Riku into a manifestation of Destiny Islands, Riku's home. There, Zexion tells Riku about how he threw away his friends and his home and opened the door to darkness, thus destroying the islands. Following Riku's battle with a large Heartless, Zexion disguises himself as Sora and attacks Riku, telling him that he's become a pawn of the darkness. He engulfs Riku in light, but a vision of Kairi convinces Riku to accept darkness and light. With newfound confidence, Riku follows Zexion's scent through the light and causes Zexion to flee. Axel brings the Riku Replica to Zexion and convinces the replica that he can become "real" by gaining power that the real Riku does not have. The replica agrees, and as per Axel's suggestion, kills Zexion.

Saix-He is known as the "Luna Diviner" He has an X-shaped scar on his face and wields a claymore. He draws power from the moon and controls the Berserker Nobodies, who wield weapons like his own. Saïx first appeared in Hollow Bastion. He appears again in Twilight Town after Sora defeats his Berserker Nobodies and warns Sora of Axel's intention of turning him into a Heartless. After Sora defeats the Heartless army at Hollow Bastion, Saïx appears and explains Sora's purpose in the Organization's plans and refuses Sora's request to meet Kairi, whom Saïx kidnapped. After Saïx summons a horde of Heartless, Maleficent attempts to use her own Heartless to battle Saïx, but his Nobodies quickly dispatch them and overwhelm Maleficent. Later, at the World That Never Was, when Naminé helps Kairi escape, Saïx appears to deal with the two, but is stopped by Riku in the guise of Xehanort's Heartless; Saïx fled. Once Kingdom Hearts neared completion, Xemnas gives him permission to destroy Sora and his friends. Despite appearing calm, Saïx shows his true nature when he fights Sora in the World That Never Was by absorbing the light from the Kingdom Hearts moon, which puts him in a berserk state where he wildly attacks with his claymore. After Sora defeats him, he dies while pining for Kingdom Hearts to give him his heart.

Axel-utilizes a pair of chakram, as well as fire with the Assassin Nobodies under his control. He is referred to as "Flurry of the Dancing Flames" Axel can create walls of fire or throw his weapons. Axel pretends to join with Larxene and Marluxia in their plan to seize control of the Organization. To gain their trust, he assassinates Vexen when ordered by Marluxia. He later attempts to derail the plans by setting Naminé free so that she can reveal to Sora the truth about how she manipulated his memory. Eventually, Axel confronts Marluxia, prepared to destroy him. Marluxia uses Naminé as a shield to keep Axel at bay, though Axel resolves to go through her. When Sora makes a sudden appearance, Marluxia vanishes with Naminé, leaving Sora to fight Axel. Sora defeats Axel, after which he states the existence of their relation before vanishing. After Marluxia is defeated by Sora, Axel enlists the aid of the Riku Replica to get rid of Zexion in Castle Oblivion's basement levels. Axel attempts to rescue Roxas from DiZ's virtual Twilight Town. he received orders to bring back or kill Roxas. Despite Axel's efforts, Roxas merges with Sora. Later, acting separately from the Organization, Axel kidnaps Kairi to bait Sora to him. However, Saïx takes her away so the Organization can use her to fuel Sora's anger. During a visit to Twilight Town, Saïx warns Sora that Axel desires to turn him into a Heartless. Axel appears after the Heartless invasion of Hollow Bastion to Sora, and informs him that Organization XIII has been using him to get hearts. He then apologizes for getting Kairi involved. Axel later finds Sora in a pathway to the World That Never Was and chooses to fight Nobodies with him. The numbers get overwhelming and Axel performs a suicide attack to save Sora. Fading away, Axel apologizes for kidnapping Kairi and asks Sora to rescue her. When asked what he was trying to do, Axel admits he wanted to see Roxas, who made him feel like he had a heart, and Sora made him feel the same way. With the last of his strength, Axel opens an entrance to the World That Never Was.

Demyx-He is referred to as the "Melodious Nocturne". Demyx first appeared at Hollow Bastion with the other Organization XIII members. He later appeared in the Underworld, the world in which he first removes his hood. He is confronted for stealing the Olympus Stone, an object that protects the bearer from the effects of the Underworld. He refers to Sora as Roxas, having been given orders to "use aggression to liberate [Sora's] true disposition" but nevertheless still proclaiming "they sent the wrong guy for this". He fights Sora with the use of his water abilities and sitar to create duplicates, giving the player a time limit to defeat them all and leaving after losing. The two cross paths again at Hollow Bastion during the Heartless attack, which involves Demyx's Dancer Nobodies. Upon being reminded that he is a Nobody, and has no heart, Demyx commands the "traitor" to be silent, and uses his duplicates and water attacks; Demyx fades into darkness at the conclusion of the battle.

Luxord-is described by Jiminy Cricket as "a master of rhetoric". Luxord is also known as the "Gambler of Fate". His lesser Nobodies are Gambler Nobodies. With games of luck, Luxord is able to transform Sora into a card or a die; and uses his cards as weapons, defense or hiding places. Luxord also has power over time. Luxord appears at Port Royal from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, where he revives the curse of the Aztec gold, and the cursed pirates along with it. Luxord makes use of the opportunity to scout the powerful Grim Reaper Heartless and the gold's curse to ascertain as to whether or not they would be useful to the Organization in terms of Sora's part in their plan and making Port Royal's people assist in it as Heartless. For amusement, he has his Nobodies steal four of the Aztec medallions while having Grim Reaper curse Jack Sparrow. Sora defeats Grim Reaper in order to free Jack from his curse and Luxord collects the forthcoming heart before escaping without fighting Sora and his party himself. At the World That Never Was, Luxord traps Sora's companions in his cards, leaving Sora to fight alone in a battle. Luxord fades back into darkness, unable to comprehend how "Roxas" could kill him.

Marluxia(needs to be finished)-A relatively new recruit to the Organization courtesy of Xigbar, Marluxia is lord of Castle Oblivion He is also referred to as the "Graceful Assassin". He uses a scythe and his control over flowers to attack. He uses a scythe and his control over flowers to attack

Larxene-she conspired with Marluxia to overthrow Organization XIII by using Sora. Larxene wields knives and the power of thunder to fight and is known as the "Savage Nymph" She is agile and can call forth bolts of lightning in battle. she entices Sora to believe the false memories Naminé implanted in his mind. Larxene later appears to Sora, after he fought the Riku Replica for the fourth time, planning to destroy them all. Again, Larxene mocks Sora for "chaining" himself to false memories of Naminé and the "promise" he made to her. She has a cruel, sadistic personality and enjoys seeing others suffer. She taunts Vexen after Marluxia charges him with treason and incompetence, and toys with Sora before fighting him the first time. After she discovers Axel's betrayal and sees that her and Marluxia's plans have fallen apart, her playful manner vanishes and she attacks Sora in a rage. She is later killed by Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

Roxas-Roxas is the Nobody of Sora. Xemnas found him in Twilight Town and gave him the epithet, "Key of Destiny". In battle, he uses the "Oathkeeper" and "Oblivion" Keyblades, which represent Sora's memories of Kairi and Riku, as well as the power of light. As a stronger Nobody, Roxas controls Samurai Nobodies. Unlike the other Organization members, Roxas lacks memories of his previous life, due to the short time Sora had spent as a Heartless. During Roxas's time in the Organization, he and Axel became friends, but Roxas leaves to find answers as to why he possesses the Keyblade. He is confronted by Riku, who defeats Roxas and takes him to DiZ. DiZ places Roxas in a virtual Twilight Town, leaving him without any memory of the Organization and with a fabricated identity to throw them off. While here Roxas begins seeing his other self's memories in dreams. Roxas lives an otherwise normal life in "Twilight Town" until Axel infiltrates it to save him. Despite Axel's attempts to stop him and Roxas gaining back his memories of the Organization, Roxas merges with Sora early in the game, which also causes some of Roxas's memories to influence Sora. Roxas appears twice later on in the game. The first is a battle with Sora, shown only as a cut scene and never fully explained. Roxas appears once again with Naminé before Kairi enters the corridor of darkness back to Destiny Islands. He and Naminé imply that they will live on within Sora and Kairi as both a part of them and as individuals, as seen in the ending cinematic when they smile at each other through Sora and Kairi.


View All Comments

nice_little_EmO Report | 07/10/2008 3:40 pm
omfg love ur profile! ^_^
RikuShia Report | 07/02/2008 6:47 am
Heh, Nice effort on your fake laugh.
RikuShia Report | 06/30/2008 6:45 am
No.....Ill let you know when I do so back off!
xXfineinfamyXx Report | 06/24/2008 11:15 am
Lolz... Looks like much work^^ I love the avi^^
Ritsuka Valentine Report | 06/23/2008 12:06 pm
Ritsuka Valentine
I love the gift.
Ritsuka Valentine Report | 06/23/2008 11:58 am
Ritsuka Valentine
Thank you members of the Organization Xlll
Kayu Ryukai Report | 06/22/2008 10:17 pm
Kayu Ryukai
I love the organization guys. How'd you do that?
KamiKaze1337 Report | 04/09/2008 12:14 pm
XD no problem lil dude
KamiKaze1337 Report | 03/27/2008 5:48 pm
O_O wow. very acknowaglbe(SP) Sora.
F--KLikeAStar Report | 03/07/2008 9:58 pm
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and here's my attempt at kairi but its not very good

here they are as cats

fan of the organization made this um...dolls...