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My name is Reiko you can call me
Reiko or Ozi
I am 20 years old going to be 21 on 12/17 woo
I am happily taken and engaged
I am from the US
I have an Xbox one and I like to game, write poems, attempt but fail at drawing and singing

I like dogs but not the little yappy ones
I just moved out of my home state to live with my now fiancé
My life is going well
I am the cheeseist person you will ever meet and if you get to know me you will know I am an utter smartass
I don't like when people bully others
I love hot or cold coffee
I love music
I love animals even though I do hunt
I love my soon to be husband < 3
Hell if you want to know more about me message me or just drop a comment I don't bite
Hope to be able to get to know you!

This is me and my Fiance
User Image

User Image

< 3
Love you hunny bear.


Besos Mi Amor < 3
Love you Rob.
My soon to be husband!~

Brey is gr8 2 b around. talk 2 her, gois. b kind n gentle and she'll b kind n gentle bak (^ :
-Savage Trash



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XxCountessLuluOfLunacyxX Report | 07/22/2024 9:57 am
hai XD heart xp
Mr Positions Report | 04/06/2024 3:28 pm
Mr  Positions
I can imagine how hard it must've been. When I got sick a few years back (wasn't cancer, don't worry), I ended up laying down on the floor of a rikshaw as soon as we arrived home from the lab where they'd taken my blood for testing. Thankfully, my brother realized I needed something to eat pretty quickly and then him and the rikshaw driver (also a family friend) helped me up the stairs once I'd been provided with some nourishment and water. Rough time for the family, really. Tends to be when just about anyone that's cared for gets sick.
As for the kids, damn, you've been at work poppin those out, huh? When we first met, you were still only planning a marriage. And now you've got a six year old and several other cute little gremlins running around the house. I like the name choices as well. Jaxson, Amber, Kinsley and Benjamin. It's been nice catching up.
Mr Positions Report | 03/24/2024 4:43 am
Mr  Positions
Livin the good life. Alhamdulillah. Sorry to hear you had to deal with someone you love getting cancer. Having lived through that, I have a pretty good understanding on how much of a toll that can take on you. Obviously on the person that's actually going through the illness too but also on the people around them who care for them. Glad to hear life's been progressing super well for you outside of the one hectic year, from the sounds of it. c:

What'd you name the kids and how old are all of em currently?

XxCountessLuluOfLunacyxX Report | 01/29/2024 5:07 pm
your avi looks like a Harley Quinn-type character, fighting crime with Joker. heart
Mr Positions Report | 01/09/2024 5:34 am
Mr  Positions
Hey! It has been ages and we kinda lost touch, how've you been? How's life been treatin ya? Last I heard, you were getting married. I'm assuming you are already? If so, congrats. c:
Hatoful Girlfriend Report | 01/08/2024 12:56 pm
Hatoful Girlfriend
that is a hard question lol. i love all their albums, but the one with most of my favorites is Disguise and my favorite song is of course Headache because i relate a lot to it. most of my favorites are from newer albums, but Immaculate Misconception and Dead As ******** are my favorites of their "older" songs. i've liked MIW since Creatures, but Graveyard Shift was the album that made me fall in love with them. i've seen them in concert twice!
Noxtober Report | 12/18/2020 4:59 pm
I'm a day late but happy birthday!!! heart
Noxtober Report | 09/06/2019 9:24 am
Ahh congratulations! When did you get married? What is your son's name? I bet he is so precious 4laugh
Umm nothing much new with me, bought my first house back in May and my husband finished school and is now practicing family law while I teach 3, 4, and 5 years art and exercise part time. Oh and I managed to talk him into getting a cat and now we have two. He spoils them so much, which is funny because he initially didn't want cats! But anyway its so good to hear from you, and I'm happy for you! ♥
Noxtober Report | 08/30/2019 6:58 pm
Hey I'm doing great! Oh my goodness, we haven't spoken in ages!! How are you love? cat_4laugh
Star-geeker Report | 08/17/2019 7:55 am
yes you pro would
Coffee Bell
Mr  Positions
Ulqor Ezakiya

This dude right here is a close
friend of mine he is basically a brother to me, he is family
regardless if you say not to worry about you damn well I will Dl<
So dude you mean alot to me no matter what you say and yeah I
worry alot but if I worry alot about someone it means I care alot..
And yeah we just met not to long ago but I still care about you. c:
You mean alot to me your basically a brother to me. I mean you
listen to me and you care about me you worry and you help
me through stuff and lastly you accept my weirdness haha~
You accept me for who I am with my issues or not and I appreciate that, not many people look past all of that~ You mean alot to me brotha~

This dude right here he literally makes me smile so much he means so much to me, we end up having a funny a** time every time we are together which is the WORST IDEA FOR ANYONE wanting a calm day ROFL! Brotha I care about you dude! Your are my ride or die, we are like inseperable bro, I will always miss you dude every minute of the day ! Regardless if you say shut up I wont rofl and aye dude I will always worry and care about you. You are one of my closest friends ever bro. I care about you and would cry if I ever lost you as a friend but hey dude, like I tell everyone we can never not be ourselves our smart a** selves lmao. But aye dude never forget this dude you changed my life meeting you brotha, you changed me in the way of knowing how it is to be cared for. I really love you dude, we own every single moment in our lives. And to be honest I owe you alot. I owe you the fact of me being happy. You make me smile a genuine smile and not a fake one, not one that is forced a genuine smile. You make me laugh like I have never ever in my life, seriously on my shittest of days you always put that smile on my face every time Dude I can never even put in words how much you mean to me.. Its really crazy rofl. Dude I could never ask fro a better friend~ I love you bro.

Bebs, I literally can not ask for a better friend than you~ I don't know how to explain our friendship like seriously I guess I can put it as we are insane, crazy and hella funny, but lastly I really can not ever thank you enough for being there for me with my anxiety to teaching me how to stick up for myself and take no one's bullshit. I really appreciate all you do to bringing a smile to my face to our snap chat fights with pictures rofl! xD To our very sarcastic sense of humor, people all the time look at us like we belong in a psych ward! Lmaooo but aye your my bestie and my bebs, I love you forever and always bebs.
< 3