
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
-!-Section 1: About Yourself -!-
-!- Name: Brittany-!-
-!- Ethnicity: Caucasian -!-
-!- Eye Color: Blue -!-
-!- Hair Color: Brown -!-
-!- Fears: Spiders, Clowns and Oompa Loompas -!-

-@- Section 2: Have You Ever -@-
-@- Fallen Off The Bed? Yeah -@-
-@- Fallen For a Relative? Well not fell from him.. but this kid I didnt know was my cousin i thought he was cute -@-
-@- Had Plastic Surgery? No -@-
-@- Broke Someone's Heart? Don't think so.. -@-
-@- Had Your Heart Broken? Yes -@-
-@- Had A Dream Come True? No -@-
-@- Done Something You Regret? All the time. -@-
-@- Cheated On A Test? Ya -@-
-@- Broken A Body Part?Nope I am completely un broken *Knocks on wood>.<) -@-

-#- Section 3: Currently -#-
-#- Wearing? PJ bottoms and Black tanktop -#-
-#- Listening To? Myself typing and the motor in my comp -#-
-#- Eating? Nothing -#-
-#- Feeling? Bored -#-
-#- Reading? What I'm typing. -#-
-#- Located? Bedroom -#-
-#- Chatting? to Siver, Vince,Sean and micheal -#-
-#- Craving? Ice cream. -#-
-#- Should Be Doing? Sleeping -#-

-$- Section 4: Do You -$-
-$- Brush Your Teeth? Yeah -$-
-$- Like Anyone? Not important to me right now>.< -$-
-$- Drive? No -$-
-$- Believe in Santa Claus? No -$-
-$- Smoke? nope -$-
-$- Drink? On occasion when Im allowed -$-
-$- Have a Cellphone? I want one -$-
-$- Have a Pager? nope -$-

-%- Section 5: Friends -%-
-%- Who is Your Best? Chelsea, Spencer, and krystina -%-
-%- Who is The Loudest? Spencer or me... probally me lol -%-
-%- Who is The Shyest? Lisa -%-
-%- Who Is The Most Talkative? Me -%-
-%- Who is the Hottest? Ryan orSpencer!!!! -%-
-%- Who is The Cutest? Cody -%-
-%- Who Have You Known The Longest? Lisa and Chelsea -%-
-%- Who Do You Turn To For Personal Problems? Krystina, Spencer, Lisa,Chelsea, Robbie... any of my friends there all awesome. -%-
-%- Do You Belong To a Crew?Meh, Me, Dom and Allanah -%-
-%- Do You Consider Yourself Popular? God no! -%-
-%- Do You Trust Your Friends? All the time -%-
-%- Can You Keep A Secret? Of course -%-

-^-Section 6: The Last Person You -^-
-^- Hugged? Chelsea -^-
-^- Gave EProps? huh? -^-
-^- Fell In Love With? Umm... not saying? -^-

-&-Section 7: Personal -&-
-&- What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?A Veterinarian -&-
-&- What Is Your Most Embarrassing Story? How bout I keep that to myself -&-
-&- What Comes First In Your Life? Friends, Family, School. -&-
-&- What Are You Scared Of? Clowns, Oopa Loompas -&-
-&- How Many Times Have You Fallen Deeply In Love? I dont know -&-
-&- Love Your Friends? All the way! biggrin -&-
-&- What Are You Addicted To? Orange juice -&-

-*-Section 8: Favorite -*-
-*- Movie? Titanic -*-
-*- Band? BSB(I know >.<), or Nirvana -*-
-*- Store? any store -*-
-*- Sport? Volleyball, badminton -*-
-*- Ice Cream? Vanilla -*-
-*- Candy? Smarties -*-
-*- Dream Car? I dont knwo nothing about cars haha -*-
-*- Holiday? Christmas -*-
-*- Day of the Week? Friday -*-
-*- Color? Black and blue -*-
-*- Name For a Girl? Rhein -*-
-*- Name For a Guy? Damien -*-
-*- Spot For a Date? Beach, Tim Hortons. -*-
-*- Resturant? Lilies -*-
-*- Wendy's? Yucky -*-

-(-Section 9: Do You -(-
-(- Like To Give Hugs? Yup -(-
-(- Like To Walk in the Rain? Course -(-
-(- Dress Up on Halloween? Yeah -(-
-(- Like To Travel? Uaully... it's relaxing -(-
-(- Sleep on Your Side? no -(-
-(- Ever Have The Falling Dream? every night ... grrr -(-
-(- Go On Vacation? not usually -(-

-!)-Section 10: What Do You Think About -!)-
-!)- What If This What If That? >.< -!)-
-!)- Smoking? Ive done it before... it's none too pleasent -!)-
-!)- Summer? It's hot.. but funn -!)-
-!)- Piercing? Ears -!)-

-!!-Section 11: This Or That? -!!-
-!!- Pierced Nose or Tongue? not toung... Lip and nose.. right on -!!-
-!!- MTV or BET? neither -!!-
-!!- 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? 7th Heaven -!!-
-!!- Silver or Gold? Gold.. but only cuz im not allergic to it -!!-
-!!- Color Or Black-And-White Photos? Both -!!-
-!!- Stay Up Late Or Sleep In? Both -!!-
-!!- Left or Right? Right -!!-
-!!- 10 Acquaintances Or 1 Best Friend? 1 best friend -!!-
-!!- Mustard Or Ketchup? Ketchup -!!-
-!!- Spring or Fall? Spring -!!-
-!!- Happy or Sad? Happy biggrin -!!-
-!!- Mexican or Italian Food? Neither -!!-
-!!- Light's On or Off? on and Off -!!-
-!!- Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi -!!-


My quest for possible names:
1.kos-mos_kairi: Mizuki
2.Strideo:blanketnoise, mostly harmless ,Toxic Whispers


Viewing 12 of 13 friends


me Random! biggrin



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Saint Anthema

Report | 10/24/2006 1:57 am

Saint Anthema

Running aroud in your underwear again I see. XD
invader zim fan

Report | 09/24/2006 7:56 am

invader zim fan

dont be scared of oompa-loompa ^^

Report | 07/28/2006 2:44 pm


sup home girl
fly sugar

Report | 07/24/2006 7:49 am

fly sugar

i bored yaaaaaaaaa!
Nami Amuro

Report | 07/21/2006 1:48 pm

Nami Amuro

Hey whats up
Mr Not So Clean

Report | 07/19/2006 4:17 pm

Mr Not So Clean

P H E N O M x

Report | 07/17/2006 1:02 pm

P H E N O M x

Heyy Brittany! Its Mariah i love your profile its awesome biggrin lol i'll ttyl k CANT WAIT UNTIL I SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! lmao xP
Saint Anthema

Report | 07/12/2006 7:24 pm

Saint Anthema

Where'd you go?
Saint Anthema

Report | 07/10/2006 9:32 pm

Saint Anthema

Mmmm? Meow....

Report | 07/10/2006 12:25 pm


yo was up like the pro


Quest thread