I'm in love with Ozzy Osbourne


P03T1C~4R33K's avatar

Last Login: 07/22/2008 2:39 pm

Registered: 01/02/2007

Gender: Female


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imma winged poet, music composer, creative, dependable, rebellious, friendly,social, individual, unique, strange, musical. trombone player


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Music Composer; Band Geek

Little Miss EMOtional Sickness


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Key to Pandora Report | 06/28/2008 7:54 am
OMG hey Memember its Neko from school
Crazzy_Mofo_xD Report | 12/30/2007 4:05 pm
hii long tym no talk!!

just wishing you have a nice new year!! && wondering how your doing!
Amelie Sycamore Report | 12/19/2007 5:20 pm
omg I totally saw you at the grocery store yesterday.


Well anyways, how you been?

[x] Emily
Amelie Sycamore Report | 08/30/2007 8:19 pm
Yeah, I'm probably going to go to the game, but I dunno yet.

I'd have to dodge Matt a whole lot if I went.

Or I could lose my temper with him and not have to mess with him anymore.

Or I could be slightly nicer and ignore him.

Bleh. =/

But yeah, I'm probably going.

What about you?

If you do we need to meet up and hang out. Y'know, kick rocks and stuff. =D
Atamansk Report | 08/30/2007 1:39 pm
HELLO guess who??!?!?!?!?! yeah so what ya been doin lately coment me im bored..............
Amelie Sycamore Report | 08/29/2007 8:42 pm
Sucks, though, because Chibi's a senior and next year she'll be gone. *sheds tear* I'll really miss her.

And yeah, my group of friends has given me about 20985409583094582 nicknames and nobody ever uses them. xD

I really don't mind all that much though because I kinda like my name, actually. =]



I suppose that's about all for now.

See you at school~

<3 Emily
Amelie Sycamore Report | 08/27/2007 7:25 pm

Right now I'm waiting my 3 minutes so I can pump more water at the big WATER FIGHT THING today. =DDD

But like I said you've gotta wait 3 minutes in between pumps. >.<


Well, what do IIII think about Brock?

He and I go way back, we knew each other in Kindergarten.

To me, he sort of gets on my nerves because he pesters me, but if he didn't pester me all the time he'd prolly be an alright guy.

Soooo I guess if he's not obnoxious to you I'd go ahead and date him if you wanted. =]


Oh yeah, and Greg [[Neko]] won't think any less of you, if that's what you're worried about. He's not that type of guy, trust me on this one. =D




...What? ^_^;;;

^That was really random, sorry 'bout that. D:

Well, I've gotta go pump more water. Maybe somebody'll pump me. ;D

Eww, that sounded dirty.


Bahahaha. xDDD

Yeah, well.... I'll talk to you later!

<3 Emily.
Amelie Sycamore Report | 08/26/2007 6:24 pm
"Nice present, Kelly."

"Shut up, deck!"


"I'm gonna betch-slap you, shetbag!"


Yeah, my video on here's weird, but it makes me lol everytime I watch it. It's so stooooopid! =DDD

Oh my, Brock Spears.

Don't worry about him m'dear, nobody takes him seriously, he won't be able to spread any rumors about you.

And if he manages to he'll have MAH FIST to answer to.


I wouldn't hit him... I don't think. xD KIDDING AGAIN. Harhar. =]

It's strange but I sort of want to go back to school on Monday.

Can't figure out why though. =/

Well, I guess I'll let you go now. Yeah. I've gotta go get my stuff ready for tomorrow. See ya~

<3 Emily
plzsmileatme Report | 08/26/2007 3:40 pm
Put some clothes on! ............................jk lol.

Amelie Sycamore Report | 08/25/2007 9:53 pm
You don't like water? I like swimming, I just don't like drying my hair after I'm done. It takes so long! xD


Well, yeah, last night was pretty cool, except one of my ex-friends was there and he kept asking me why I wasn't his friend anymore. >.> Geez, THAT'S why! You ask the same thing over and over again and won't take no for an answer! x3 Gosh.

But I guess that's just the way it goes. D:

The first few weeks of school are always the worst because you're not used to your normal sleep pattern. I was exhausted. I slept till one o' clock in the afternoon today. DDD:


Hmm, guess that's all for now. I'll chat some more with you later~

<3 Emily

i <3 Black Sabbath


i love guitar and jessica

little brother....