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Created by MML

About me, eh?

Wall of Text! Get!

-You got Wall of Text!-

Well, I'm Canadian. I rather love the Phoenix Wright games, as well as gimmick accounts. Naturally, Phoenix Wright gimmick accounts are total love. XD;

I'm looking at starting to pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology next year. Still torn as to what my minor's going to be. Anyway, the ideal plan is to get that degree out of the way, before pursuing Law School. Why Law? Because I love to debate and argue and wage intellectual battle. Plus, I have wanted a job involved with the justice system for awhile. This way, I still get to help justice be dealt, without having to be out in the field and getting shot at and stuff. Plus, the legal system interests me, and I love seeing it work. =D

As geeky as it is, I still love Digimon. Pokemon and Sailor Moon have special places in my heart as well. Oh! I absolutely love Pong. That's right; at the best of times, I only need a few pixels as well as bleeping and blooping sound effects to keep me entertained.

I roleplay every now and again. I like to think of myself as being literate most of the time. I normally tend to shy away from IC relationships, because I have had FAR TOO MUCH experience in the past with people who take it out of the roleplay context. I hate it when I'm confused with my character outside of roleplay. Hence my attempts to make my characters DIFFERENT from me. I suppose that that's one of the reasons that I feel so drawn to roleplay canon characters moreso than fanon characters. At least most of the time.

I could write more, but I'm fairly sure this is Tl;Dr material as is.

Here's a quote which amuses me too damned much:

"It's becoming like a sick initiation ritual for anyone wearing a frilly neck thing.

Sans Franzy." ~ Pie on the de-pantsing of characters in the Objection! thread.


Yagi's Place

Watch your step...

Where I store stuff. Where I talk about stuff. ..My little place of random on Gaia.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Captain Jessie Hawk

Report | 11/11/2008 2:55 pm

Captain Jessie Hawk

Acksul Rowse

Report | 01/28/2008 3:51 am

Acksul Rowse

Oh dear Lord. You left the longest comment EVAR on my profile. Not that I mind; I'm home sick today and I've got absolutely nothing to do.

You didn't like The Spaghetti Incident? I think it's pretty good, although they're all covers and I'm not really into that.

A lot of people (including my mom) tell me that since I'm so young I can't be sure that I want to be a guy. I want to ask how I'd be able to live with weird lumps of fat on my chest and an organ that gives me no sexual pleasure whatsoever. D:

I'd be very afraid of hating any tattoos I got. However, I am going to be rich and famous someday (yes, I WILL keep telling myself that), and then I'll have enough money to get any unwanted tattoos removed. [x A back tattoo is always an option, because those are a) less visible and b) slightly more socially acceptable than other tattoos. Well, as of now, I frankly don't care what other people think of me, but I may grow out of that. I'd love to get a septum piercing and small gauges, but I do already have a half-Italian nose and big ears. (Well, at least I'm not as bad off as one of my friends, who is part Jew, part Italian, and part Slovakian, which translates to = Jew fro + Jew hump + Italian nostrils + Slovakian & Italian hairy legs.)

I so regret coming out of the closet to my mom. You see, she pretended to be accepting, and acted like she'd take my feelings into consideration, but at the same time told me I was fooling myself and that she never wants me to talk about it again. And now she also wants me to have nothing to do with the the GLBT community (in her own words, I'm "immersing [myself] in that community." Bullshat.) So far I've had three boyfriends in my life, and only one of them was serious, although I found out he was lying to me about his thoughts on my tranny-ness the same way some of my friends did. Needless to say, although we're friends again, I will never fully trust him. I've had strong feelings for I think 3 girls, and only one of them I knew IRL. ><; It sounds nerdy, I know. But I thought I was in love with her, even though she constantly lead me on while she was in relationships with other men. And eventually I found out she was never going to quit drugs although she had promised me she would, and after a while I dropped her.

I get the "phase" deal a lot myself, although I've actively known I was a guy for two years. I at least respect people's opinions when they can be up-front about them, unlike my ex-boyfriend who said he didn't mind and thought of me as male, and then later said he thought I had "p***s envy."

On another note, a billion years from now, when I lose my virginity, I'm going to look straight at the guy/girl/androgyne/transvestite/genderqueer/hermaphrodite/other (please specify) I'm with and yell "I WIN! HA. HA. HA." (:

Report | 01/26/2008 10:00 pm


Random quote I figured you might like:

"Consider your next words carefully. They WILL be your last."
Acksul Rowse

Report | 01/16/2008 3:19 pm

Acksul Rowse

Axl Rose.

Oh, lawdy, I must be one of his biggest fans.

Even in his "current state," if you get me.

I once considered the option of law school (hey, I've still got a while to go until I've got to make a choice), but upon second thought, I realized it'd be hard to find someone who'd hire a crazy tranny like me, much less in law.

And I'm not really into hard work. : D

Also, I totally know how you feel about roleplays. That's the reason I don't roleplay with some of my ex-boyfriends and close friends. Because my characters seem to be the ones that just HAVE to have all this attention. Even though they don't want it. At all. And let people know it.

Report | 11/19/2007 7:04 pm


nice eye pice hahall hale to purple i love it
Toranosuke Shibakuzou

Report | 11/13/2007 3:32 am

Toranosuke Shibakuzou

User Image

Page! Babe!

M'world! M'Darlin! M'Hamburger!




Report | 11/09/2007 2:50 pm


heya, ya wanna come on rp with me and joe again

Report | 11/08/2007 2:05 pm


heya howve ya been


Report | 08/21/2007 7:49 pm


thanks 4 buyin from my shop ♣
Antonio Thunderbottom

Report | 04/15/2007 8:37 pm

Antonio Thunderbottom



I am a GD Lawyer.

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