
Hai there! This account as been remade. :3 I used to be Deikyuu and had a twin named Dizzy.
If you've seen my old account before, Please talk to me! I'm on a search for my old friends and family.


My name is Panx Eni (Painx Ene-eye -if that gives you a better idea of how to say it-).
You have the option of calling me Pan or P.E right off the dot (any other nickname must be approved by me first).

I've always wanted someone to call me Paneni O3o; Like the food.


(Fun facts are updated once a month)
Last update: Sunday / July 15 / 2012

Fun fact (about me!):
My real last name is Sin.
Fun fact (about -insert randomized subject here-):
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

~*~Info section~*~
wahmbulance THIS AREA IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION wahmbulance
Hard hat only area!


Dream Avi:
Help me out? ^^
v Shopping Cart v

Warm Starter Rocker Girl FlatsObtained!
Halftone Hero
Acid Teru Teru BozuObtained!
Coal Sprite
GO Phones
Morgana's GlovesObtained!
X_X Pink Raving GogglesObtained!
Bunny Flop
Atrum Egg
Satin HairbowObtained!
Radio Jack
SDPlus #38 Labtech X Doll
Pink Alien TattooObtained!
Black Tribal Left Arm TattooObtained!
Black Tribal Right Arm TattooObtained!
Padmavati's Lotus 7th Gen.
Scarlet Mist
Skittles Squirt
Compass of Seidh 9th Gen
Noel's Gift
Skittles Skinny Jeans
Rainbow Stripes Speedies BottomObtained!
Rainbow Jubilee
Rainbow Jubilee

My Poem:
^~*~^When the Siren's cry^~*~^
Tragic magic and fairy tale wing's.

The soul within simply sings.

Story's of unknown and a sprite here and there.

The eyes of the elves so very, Very fair.

Pixie dust and unicorns.

Beautiful roses with deadly thorns.

I wander through a world so tragic.

I wander through a world of magic.

What comes next is what I fear.

As the Siren's sing I'm drawn near.

They pull me in and say goodbye.

No one heard my desperate cry.

So it has come to this and the pixies help me not.

Just a little magic is what my heart sought.

But watch out for the fairy's bite,

And ogars aren't a pretty sight.

Stay away from the water's rim,

Or your fate will soon be grim.

You will quickly die,

When the Siren's cry.


Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Nym's Dreams

Just a place to keep all of my Dream Avatars and Art! x3



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/15/2012 8:18 pm


Did I ever comment you back? Lol

Report | 08/26/2012 9:42 pm


LOL Well, they're kinda not that bad. We usually have less work than the regular classes. I mean, we have a lot of work but usually it's easy stuff. Like last year, all we did was read and answer questions and do projects, but the regular english had to memorize and recite speeches and do tons of papers, and write their own speeches and we hardly did much. Lol

Plus, the AP teachers will let us get away with a lot because they trust us more. Like, sometimes they'll just be like "I'm giving you all an A for this homework assignment because I'm assuming you all did it" without even really checking, and sometimes they'll be like "Today will be an easy day because I know you guys all work really hard"

But that's just the ones at my school, I'm sure they're not ALL like that.

Report | 08/18/2012 12:54 am


Not sure if I replied to this already or not, but it's not too bad. I love all my classes and I've got a friend in every one. The days go by pretty fast, I think! Lol
Lots of work though. Really regretting doing 4 AP classes now. Haha

Report | 08/13/2012 10:46 pm


Yeah, it starts tomorrow.
It didn't used to start until the end of August.
I'm really wishing I at least had one more week. Lol

Report | 08/13/2012 1:00 pm


Lol It's okay, I'm in the same situation. I have a bunch of stuff to do today before school starts tomorrow.

Report | 08/07/2012 10:25 am


Lol Its okay, I havent been on as much lately because I have had a lot going on.

Im on my phone again now, so sorry about the short reply. Lil

Report | 08/04/2012 2:06 am


You can try taking vitamin C or Uhm....there was some other vitamin that helps your hair grow but I forgot what it was. Lol

And okay. I wanna PM it to you later because Im on my phone and kinda lazy but that kinda defeats the purpose. LMAO You PM me and Ill give it to you. I dont even know how to PM you easily on my phone,

Report | 08/03/2012 4:37 pm


Ive had my hair a lot shorter than this and hated it. But Im starting to like it. I cut some if the layers a little shorter and when I straighten it its not that bad. But the one good thing about hair is that it grows back!

Report | 08/02/2012 11:16 am



But yeah, saaame. I always felt like I had to brush it and stuff, but then at the same time it always looked pretty. I could do pretty much anything with it and it'd still look pretty. Lol
But I really am starting to like my new hair.

Report | 07/29/2012 7:04 pm


Lol My hair used to be down to my belly button, and I was trying to get it longer.
I don't suit short hair at all. I absolutely LOVED my hair, it was soooo pretty! And now I have nothing. gonk

Lolno, but I think that it was definitely my best quality. I always felt so pretty, even if my hair was just thrown up in a ponytail. And now it's just...blehh.