
First thing's first. This is NOT my first Gaian account. I've been on Gaia a few years now. Deal with it. Also, please remember that while Paraphiaron is male, I am not. He's my avatar, not me. An avatar is defined as:
"Somebody who embodies, personifies, or is the manifestation of an idea or concept" ~ Straight from the dictionary. See? Doesn't say "An image of the exact form of its creator" or anything like that, so if I do romance with a male, don't think I'm gay. Granted, if you're male, don't ask me out, either. ninja
I like being alone and if I'm gonna get a boyfriend, it'll be a real one, not someone I can't even prove the age/gender of, sorry.

And remember this:
In truth, nothing is ever as it seems. Although I appear as a newb to your eyes, my posts should make it perfectly clear that I am fully literate and simply care more of my postings than whether little Paraphiaron is in a pimp coat or his boxers.

Aside from that, you should probably be informed of the fact that when I created him, there was a glitch and not only was his name corrupted, so was his gender in the edit profile page. Even though I have changed it back to male and deleted the avi, when I go to reconstruct it it only gives me a female composition setup. Because of this, my customizing screen shows a 'click here to create avatar' error even though you can see I already have an avatar. so yeah..don't expect him to get dressed anytime soon.....
*********EDIT= This has been fixed, though it cost me one or both gender changes and a name change.

Oh, and don't ask to be on my FriendsList if I don't know you or if we just met. It ain't gonna happen. The only accepted user(s) will be my own avis and/or people I know IRL. Exceptions will only be made for people I've known a long time and tend to RP or speak to on a daily basis or so.



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Report | 12/31/2008 9:49 pm


Happy New Years Luna 2009

Happy new years Luna! It's that time again, lol. Hrm, I have so much to tell you. A lot has happened this year. Where to start?

Chronicallogical sounds good to me. So, not long after last new years I met somebody. Don't worry, it didn't last. 6th months we were together though, before I broke up with her. It was... Interesting, lol. Ending up breaking up with her because she didn't really treat me right. Bought her a white gold necklace, matching pendent with a bunch of tiny dimaons in it. Ah, but she pretty much threw it back in my face. Lol, that was a while ago though, and everhthing is good with me since then. So you don't need to worry. I had a team in college (yes, had, I've graduated but more on that later) and we took our project to GDC (Game Developer's Conference). I did tell you that I went to study game programming, yes? So thats what we did, we made a game and showed it off to everybody. We got some good views on it, even people playing our game and having a bit of fun! It was really cool. I also went to the Anime Expo in LA... First anime convetion, lol. It was intersting, lots of walking around, saw some things, got some free stuff, hung out with friends. It was lots of fun.

Ah, then finally we get to graduation. The last few months were pretty hetic, me and my team (we called ourselfs Touchd Entertainment) worked on our major project to graduate. We called it Space Pirate Wars. It was a 5 person co-op game that you could play with on 5 different computers. It took a lot of work but it came out really nice, we even won 2 awards for it; student choice award and most techincal award.

So now with graduation, I"m sitting here at home, with a huge debt to worry about trying to find a job. Couldn't have picked a worse time to graduate, lol. People are getting laied off, not hired! I'm sure i'll find something though. Also, you might know this already but I found your message you sent on my little Fourm to find somebody to play WoW with, haha. I found it like 3 months after you sent it, supprised me so much! I'm glad you let me know that you were still alive. I miss you Luna, I hope to talk to you again someday, but until then, I'll always send you a new years message.

Happy new years Luna.


{I am female}

A: "Everytime Gaia works properly, an angel gets its wings."
B: "Really?"
A: "Yes. It's been proven."
B: "I believe you. That explains why angels went extinct."