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Faerie Shepardess !!

Other air faeries in my class received coveted assignments of guarding baby dragons, cherubs, and the cherished pegasus, while I am the Faerie Shepardess in charge of the most mischevious little block of ice...nicnamed Porkchop! He can find trouble faster than a baby dragon can melt a snowball! Whatever you do...don't eat the yellow snow! Got stuck with this just because my dad is a ice faerie, so I was given something close to my nature...ice. Two days on the job and I would rather roast on a spit with a apple in my mouth. Wings or not, the Faerie Queen's ice piglet can MOVE! I lost him again, so can you help a faerie out here? Have you seen him?!
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Had an Idea! Made some chocolate chip cookies to lure Porkchop to me. I wonder if I can get him to stick out his tongue and see if he can get stuck to a pole. At least I would know where he is.

Porkchop put bubblegum in the cookie dough. Faeries all over the Cloud Acadamy had gum in their wings and hair, it did wear out...but only after applying lots of faerie dust and peanut butter. I didn't dare offer to make peanut butter cookies. Now they all whisper and giggle behind their wings at me. "I don't fit in here Mother, can I come home? Please Mama?"

After listening carefully while I poured out the entire story, "Darling, your a faerie and this is the best faerie school. We certainly did NOT send you to fit in. Your Father was so proud of you being accepted. It would break his heart into tiny slivers to see you in pain, the big softy. Do something for me my little snowflake...be yourself. Stay until the end, can you be that strong? I am asking a lot of you, but I know you can do it. No more being like an Air, Flower, or even Water faerie like your Mama. Promise me you will think on this and be yourself. Your so much like your father. We will be waiting and we are ALREADY proud of you. Love you Darlin.....", her mothers face and voice faded in the pool as one of her tears fell in the fountain and started a ripple.

Sitting at the fountain, Cleo watched the ripple turn the water to ice and the ice froze the entire fountain. "I promise Mama."

"Look at that! She broke the fountain. Can't you do anything right?" screamed Tabitha the Air Faerie with the best grades.

Wiping the icicles off her face, "Maybe not, but try this." Flicking her wrist ahd clicking her fingers at the same time formed a snowball that she threw in Tabitha's mouth. Yeah she thought to herself, Mama was right. Knowing she was going to be in trouble later, she pointed at Tabby's feet and iced them together in a block. Da always said, 'In for a snowball...in for an avalanche'.

The good feeling wore off when she was in Superior Faerie's ofc, but no regret. Thinking of the look of shock on Tabby's face was worth it. "In light of your recent trials Cleo Icewater, I'm going to let you think of your own punishment. Don't make me regret it. And before you leave, would you please send in Tabitha Wind?" As she walked towards Tabby, Cleo apologized and unfroze the foot blocks. Tabby flounced past Cleo with her nose in the air, "I hope you get expelled", she hissed.

Apologizing to every faerie was dreadful, to help herself feel better, Cleo started wearing her regular clothes and put the formal wear away. No one would eat if she helped in the kitchen. Laundry froze, and icecicles formed on the classroom ceilings. The angrier or sadder she became, the colder it got around her. Dinnertime was the worst. She couldn't choke down a bite, worrying if everyone's soup would become a block in a bowl.

Running outside, Cleo didn't stop until she was out of sight of the Academyc buildings. Sitting down by the lake and watching the moon reflect off the water soothed her. It made her think of her parents, so different yet so happy together. Pointing at her feet, Cleo made ice blades to attached to her slippers and skated on the part of the lake she froze. Almost felt like home when she heard snuffling at the lakes edge. "Whos there?" Out of the brush slid a little piglet trailing tears of ice. Porkchop lost his balance halfway to her and fell on his bottom and slid the rest of the way towards Cleo's outstretched arms. "guess I'm not the only one leaving a trail, huh? I won't tell if you won"t, deal?"

Making a chain of ice and tying it around Chop's middle, Cleo was able to help him stay on his hooves and learn how to skate. When he was tuckered out, She made an igloo under a willow tree and they slept inside. Porkchop liked chocolate chip cookes and ice cream with the bubblegum in it, and Cleo realized he was trying to 'help' not prank.

Porkchop had been bored in his ice pen, Cleo realized. Other faeries tried ice skating in the days that followed. Cleo asked a few of them to watch her charge for an hour while she made a surprise for him. She made him a tiny skating rink, igloo and a ice slide in his refridgerated pen. Porkchop was so happy after sliding down the slide for the fifth time, he squealed in glee.

Everybody stopped what they were doing to see where the noise was coming from. Cooks, teachers, students all surrounded the pen and listened to Chops in awe. Not being a normal piggy, Chops does not snort unless he is laughing. His squeals sound like the bell-like sound you hear when you run your wet fingertip around the edge of a fine glass. The little piglet was making such beautiful music that no one noticed the Faerie Queen until she spoke. "He used to make that sound when he was first given to me, I have not heard him sing in years."

Every Sunday Da will make it snow and a lot of the faeries will go ice skating. Chops lives it and gets to run around everywhere in the snow. No one can beat me in a snowball fight...instant snowballs are a nice advantage.

I eventually became a Faerie Shepardess and graduated at the top of my class, even beating Tabitha! Taking care of Chops was no longer a chore and hearing him sing whenever he saw me was wonderful. I didn't think anything coud be better, until the Faerie Queen gave the little piglet to me for keeps. "He is happy with you, no one else could do that or cared to try. Thats how he was given to me. I'm worried that it would shatter him if you left, he loves you so."
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My parents were proud, not because of the trophy or the Queen's gift...but because I had been the best Cleo Icewater i could be!!
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Next year the academy is admitting its first Fire Faerie. Haha, I hope she keeps them hopping!

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Like Nyaneko's Profile music!
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Total Value: 986,378 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Western Zodiac
Lovely Genie Gold Bangle Bracelets
Lovely Genie Gold Bangle Bracelets
Gift of the Goddess
Gift of the Goddess
Red Heart Balloon
Grace of Aphrodite
Blue Strapless Bra
Celestial Wrap
Biancamella 5th Gen
Biancamella 2nd Gen
Biancamella 5th Gen
Biancamella 2nd Gen
Christian Siriano's Pink And Black Dress


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

MiiSs FaShiiOn

Report | 02/05/2011 8:10 am

MiiSs FaShiiOn

thanks for the purchase

Report | 12/11/2010 3:56 pm


My apologies for the random comment, but I must say that I love your profile, and avatar

Report | 06/14/2010 3:25 pm


Happy birthday ^^

Report | 06/14/2010 12:04 pm


Happy birthday

Report | 06/17/2009 3:56 pm


opps sorry went to watch a movie. anyways i've been good depressed and tired lately but goods, and your not old as dirt

Report | 06/17/2009 1:15 pm


heys happy birthday, hows you? 3nodding whee
Sex Drugs n Motley Crue

Report | 06/16/2009 8:57 pm

Sex Drugs n Motley Crue

NVM You add me cause I cannot add you
Sex Drugs n Motley Crue

Report | 06/16/2009 8:56 pm

Sex Drugs n Motley Crue

Hey its Dita Von Vampira
accept my friend request

Report | 06/15/2009 10:52 am


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heart You're welcome heart
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Report | 06/15/2009 6:17 am


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heart Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! heart
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Why are some fluffs tame and others so tough?
Fluffs are really farts in disguise!