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scootch4411 Report | 06/04/2024 1:10 pm
Left you another letter. Not sure you’ll ever come back to see it but I’ll be back on in another six months to see if you answered.
scootch4411 Report | 11/28/2023 2:35 pm
How wrong you were sweatdrop
scootch4411 Report | 03/13/2023 10:38 am
I'm trying to get on every few years in hopes you'll come back and see my messages. I don't even know if you'll ever come back or if you're even alive. I know it's been like a decade now or something but I'll keep coming back just in case someone sees it and gets ahold of you. Last time you came on was January 2018. I had missed you by just a few short years. It's so funny that back then I was telling you about those guys I was dating. I'm married these days actually have been for six years now. I think you'd like him. He treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I hope you're happy too. I hope life was kinder after we parted ways. I'm sorry it took so long for me to come back to this because you waited a long time and're gone. Maybe like me you'll think about it and come back on one last time. I'll keep trying every few years because I haven't given up on my friend. I hope you haven't either.
scootch4411 Report | 08/07/2021 10:13 pm
I've enabled alerts to comments on my profile so I'll know if you ever comment back it'll go straight to my email which I check everyday. Hope I hear from you soon old friend...I hope you're still around...
scootch4411 Report | 08/07/2021 9:54 pm
I came back actually. I'm astounded you thought of me all those years kater but now I wonder if I'll hear from you again after this. So much has happened since then I'm not even sure where to start...Either way thanks for helping me get through that difficult time in my life. I know we both had our problems back then but it helped me too. You and Celeste, you guys kept me alive back then. I wouldn't be here today without you guys. You should find me on facebook or twitch or something if you get the chance...if you see this. Look up scootch, you'll find me. I have pink hair these days, its a sight for sure. I hope i hear from you again because you were such a good friend to me. Sorry i didn't come back sooner, life got in the way. I'll tell you all about it when you find me again.
The Guardian Sorceress Report | 09/26/2019 8:03 am
The Guardian Sorceress
biggrin omg hi been a while just thought of gaia and was like looking through the comments omg hope lifes okay for you. biggrin
scootch4411 Report | 11/12/2013 2:28 pm
Wow how things have changed since we last spoke. Umm well let me update you I work in a salon now I absolutely love it. The guy I was dating before broke up with me about four months ago so I'm playing the single game again. But I work so hard theres just no time to be upset anymore how are you I've missed you. Things are still busy doing a lot of noncommital dating so I'm out a lot
scootch4411 Report | 02/03/2013 9:47 am
i know, its been a couple months, i'm sorry. time is unmanageable right now but let me give you an update. i started beauty school in july im in the day class so i have class from 9 to 430 every day. when im not at school im usually working except for right now because my boss has been refusing to give me hours for some reason...i should sue >_> lol anyway it was also around then that i met somone. i spend pretty much any free time i have skyping with him and i stay up pretty late in order to make it work. hes the one constant thing in my life right now but he makes me incredibly happy to be with him. i didn;t think i could ever believe in love but i am so in love with this man and the crazy thing is that he loves me back. i really am sorry about my disapearing acts. there isnt much i can do to prevent them because i go to school six days a week i hope you understand...I want you to know that i still care about even though we cant talk much and i still worry about you stay safe okay?
scootch4411 Report | 05/16/2012 8:30 pm
ugh sorry i havent been able to get one, things have been so hectic here and i just don't know what i'm doing right now and my entire life is on the fritz with the nightmares i've been having and its like my brain is totally shorting out on me from the lack of sleep and food and ughhhhhhh lol i wanted to comment before and i just didnt have time to and i havent been able to get back on lately cause i just finished a final a couple weeks ago. how are you doing? are you okay over there? try not to take my disappearing acts too personally. like i said fritz. sorry i'm babbling its really bad. ignore all of that rest up there. of course i know you're still there lol i just wasnt able to answer for a while. i'm surprised i've been able to now but i didnt have work at all this week so i've been able to just hang around for the past couple days. but i did really want to answer you know? i've just been feeling like i'm running out of time i guess and i dont want to waste another minute of it so i've been running around doing whatever i can to make things seem better you know? but everything's crashing around me anyway and i don't know what to do about it anymore. i feel like i did all those years ago, no confidence or self esteem. not knowing who i was and not having anything holding me together. not that i dont have anything but sometimes its feels like it maybe its just one of those days where everything seems hard, but i'll survive thats what i do after all. sorry this ENTIRE message was really random and kinda sounded like maybe i was complaining or something and it didnt have much to do with you at all. i am so sorry. and its a really long message...sorry sweatdrop redface heart LOL
The Guardian Sorceress Report | 01/31/2012 9:39 am
The Guardian Sorceress
wow thats awesome to hear biggrin i'm back in school well just that lol not much things going on this side lol


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The Guardian Sorceress on 09/26/2019