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~Character Data~

Village:Former Member Of Cloud....
Clan/Bloodline:Hisakata Yaiba Jikei
Element Affinity:Raiton, Doton
Rank:S-Rank Missing-Nin


Headband:Hinata Style
Physical Description:User Image(Except for the blade things and whatever the hell that is on his feet,Theres two katanas on his back)
Personality:Quiet, Mean if talked too.He likes to train.But he mostly LOVES to kill!




Bunshin no Jutsu:
This is a basic technique taught to ninja at an academy. In certain years, Ninja are required to know this jutsu in order to advance to the Genin level. Bunshin no Jutsu creates one or more clones of the user, which can be used as a means to create a diversion, distraction, or cause confusion. Unlike Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Art of the Shadow Doppelganger), these illusory clones will simply disappear if come into contact, thus, they are without substance, and cannot do anything to damage the opponent.

Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
The user utilizes the sheep hand seal or the tiger hand seal and concentrates their chakra to assume the appearance of another person, an animal, or even any object. This is one of the required basic jutsu taught at the Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninjas know this technique.

Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Technique)
This is a technique that usually confuses the attacker. The user quickly projects themselves with another nearby object such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack.

Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)
A high-speed movement technique. It is described as 'appearing with the wind and disappearing like the wind.' A very basic jutsu, it appears that most shinobi above Genin-rank know it. Using chakra to activate the body, the user is able to move from one point to another with extreme speeds. This super-fast movement is almost impossible to see with the naked eye. To a normal person, it would seem as if the user has teleported. The amount of Chakra used depends on the distance and elevation between the user and the destination.

Jutsu Name: Gengetsu Bure-do- (Crescent moon blade)
Description of Jutsu: The attack is sister and bacily same attack as Jougen Kiritateru. The user focouses chakra around the full length of the katana blade. The focoused chakra effectivly doubles the shapness of the blade, thus duobling its power. Then the user slashes the katana with incriedible power. The diference being, At last second the user snaps the wrist. The snap of the wrist causes the chakra to literaly slide off the blade and travel threw the air shaped like a Crescent moon. Due to it being shaped like the katana, from being cast over the katana, it does the same damage the katana would.

Jutsu Name: Jougen Kiritateru- (Quarter moon slash)
This technique is a ranged technique, the use stabs the katana tip down in to ground surface (or water if standing on water) and chanels chakra threw the blade in in to the ground, then the user slashes with incredible power. The slash literaly sends shockwave threw the ground (or water) splitting it slight in a straight line at the target.

Jutsu Name: Ketsueki Getsuei Hitosashi- (Blood moon dance)
Description of Jutsu: The user stand in a defensive position and awaits attack form the target, apon the target physiclay attacking or with some type of melee object the user deflects there attakc and imediatialy counterattack seeming useing body flicker to slash the target several time before appering behide them after the slashes are done.

Jutsu Name: Gesshoku: Gekkani Hitosashi Yaiba- (Lunar Eclipse: Moon lit dance of blades)
Description of Jutsu: The user after casting Getsuei Odori, and while its still in effect then flood chakra in to there legs and begins running in a circle around the oppnent, Due to the effect of Getsuei Odori there would seem to be several of the uses running around them as such a speed they would seem to be standing still. Ounce the target is confused by the motion of the user they begin to strick several time in very rapid sucession and since there seem to be several of the user they seem to get attacked by all sides from multiple of the users. But with the attack it cuases strain on the users body so it canot be used to much.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)
This Jutsu, using a contract, Seal, and the user's blood, binds an animal to the user. The type of animal is determined by the contract and Seal performed. The blood is used as a signature to make the contract, which can be written on a scroll or tattoo, valid. Once bound, the animal can be summoned to perform a task or help the user in battle.

The summon usually is subservient to the summoner. However, the more powerful summons, for instance Gamabunta, or Manda, demand respect and loyalty from their summoners. Manda even demands hundreds of live human sacrifices.

Other types of summonings include even powerful objects, such as the Rashōmon gates.

Jutsu Name: Getsuei Odori- (Moon dance)
Description of Jutsu: The user casts four bushin's over them self and each is controled to move slightly slower than the last. When the user moves they move at a slower pace on purpose as the multiple images confuses the oppnent to make them unsure of wich is the real user and because of this it make the user hadered to hit, as well as making hitting the oppent slightly eaiser as they are unsure if which is the real one and unser sure which to evade.

Jutsu Name: Aoigetsuei Odori- (Blue moon dance)
Description of Jutsu: The move is used in conjunction with Getsuei Odori, as well as a solid clone (shadow or stone). The technique is literaly a dance as each of the minumim of three (user and two clones) move in certain path around the enemy/s with the use of the getsuei odori each of the three then becomes fifteen total while only three of them are real. each fo the three move at high speed, but not so fast where they cannont be seen dy normal sight, and with the conjunction effect of getsuei odori, 4 clone of user move a slight instant of time after previous one, it become incredibly hard to tell wich ones are real and which are fake. The user and clones move bacily in a dome shaped area suronding the enemy, due to this on flat land its not as effective, but in closed room it becomes much more effective. As the user moves about to confuse the oppnent and attack as they pass by. due to this being a dance where each has to remeber there steps actuly dancer can learn this technique with ease.

Jutsu Name: Joushou Getsuei Kumori- (Rising moon shadow)
Description of Jutsu: The weilder with incredible speed runs at uses extreme speed to dissapear form sight of oppnent, Only to duck down as close as they can to ground. Then with a katana in left hand blade down the user jumps as hard as they can, they at last instant the turst the left arm up with incredible force, trying to ram the hilt of the katana in to bottem of jaw of oppnent to send them air borne. This attack purpose is to render the oppnent unable to fight threw nonletahal means.

Jutsu Name: Haikei Getsuei ranpu- (Setting moon light)
Description of Jutsu: The user with a katana in right hand blade up and standing to front left of oppnent Spins one hundred eighty degrees and slams with great force the hilt of the katana in to the solar plex of the oppnent. It can be used as a second attack Joushou Getsuei Kumori, while in air user lashes full power of the arm to spin one hundred eighty degrees and slams with great force the hilt of the katana in to the solar plex of the oppnent while in mid air greatly increasing damage. This attack purpose is to render the oppnent unable to fight threw nonletahal means. It
also a ariel attack.

Jutsu Name: Gin tsuki niou- (silver moon glow)
Description of Jutsu: This technique involves the main hand grasping there seathed weapon at oppsite side, the user then builds chakra threw the weapon and in to the seathe then apon the moment to strike as they unseathe the built up chakra acts as a spring trusting the blade out with double the speed of user unseathing. It name is dirived from the shimmer of the blade going threw the air at such speed it seem to leave a glowing trail of silver light as it is slashed, it so fast the silve light is usualy only thing seen fo the attack.

Jutsu Name: Gin tsuki hakumei- (Silver moon twilight)
Description of Jutsu: The technique is mearly a double version of the Silver moon glow, but also much more effective. The user grabs seathed weapons at oppsite side of body, and they build chakra threw the weapon to fill the seathe as well as bulding chakra in there arms. Then as they unseathe the weapon the compressed chakra literaly acts as a spring trusting the blade out with a great deal more force and speed than the users orginal unseathing speed. The technique gets it name form its effect, the slash is done so fast the only thing seen by human sight is the twin silver gleams from the slashing blades, and it name comes from the effect of making a full circle of this silver glimmer around the user.

Jutsu Name: Hangetsugata: akari kiwa sattou- (Half moon: Light side rush)
Description of Jutsu: The user With right hand out and katana in left hand blade down, Focues great deal of chakra to leg muscles. Then charges the oppnent at great speed, once the user gets close he/shes uses the chakra to jump with incredible force directly at the target. Then right before impact lashes right arm to right hard while trusting left arm hard Trying to trust the hilt of the katana in to solar plex of oppnent with incredble speed and power.

Jutsu Name: Hangetsugata: Myou kiwa sattou- (Half moon: dark side rush)
Description of Jutsu: This is the sister move the Hangetsugata: akari kiwa sattou. The user With left hand out and katana in right hand blade up, Focouses great deal of chakra to leg muscles. Then charges the oppnent at great speed, once the user gets close he/shes uses the chakra to jump with incredible force directly at the target. Then right before impact lashes left arm to left hard, while trusting right arm hard Trying to trust the blade of the katana in to oppnent with incredble speed and power.

Jutsu Name: Mangetsu benso- (Full moon defence)
Description of Jutsu: The user stand in a defensive position and apon attack floods a great deal of chakr threw arms in the same manner one does there legs with the body flicker technique. Apon doing this they right before the attack conects they lash both of there weapons one in each hand very very rapidly in a percise path this slashing of blades will deflect ranged weapon attacks as awell as melee attacks with ease. If used agint taijutsu the attacks wiould basicly punch a wall of slashing blades and therefore be damaged. While it works aginst range and physcial combat it dosent do any thing to ninjutsu or genjutsu. Do to the stress on the users arms they cannot use it contineisly.

Chidori (One Thousand Birds)
A very powerful technique that requires a huge amount of chakra, which becomes visible around the user's hand. Once the hand has been charged, it is then thrust straight through the target. Due to the direct and obvious path the user of the technique must take to achieve an effective strike, a user of Chidori is left highly vulnerable to counterattacks and dodges. The technique can only be safely attempted by a ninja with the Sharingan or a similar countermeasure to defenses and attacks. Although it produces a distinctive sound and is by no means stealthy, Chidori has been classified as an assassination technique due to the incredible speed it requires and the devastating effect of a successful execution. Chidori is also usable more than once. The name Chidori comes from the sound the technique makes, which is said to remind the listener of the chirping produced by a thousand birds. Due to the high amount of chakra it requires, a ninja can only use Chidori a limited number of times per day. Attempting to use the technique more times than one's chakra allows will result in Chidori failing. Depending on how much chakra they draw on past their limits, it may paralyze, or kill the user (due to lack of chakra). The Chidori is also referred to as The Lightning Blade, Raikiri (雷切).

Chidori Nagashi (One Thousand Birds Current)
This jutsu allows user to project chakra from anywhere on his body, creating a Chidori-like effect. Can be used as a defensive technique, stunning multiple attackers within melee range. This jutsu can also be used offensively.

LV. 755

Strength: | mod =5000
Dexterity: | mod =6000
Constitution: | mod =3500
Intelligence: | mod =4300
Wisdom: | mod =4300
Charisma: | mod =5000
Chakra: | mod =10000

Attack Melee:5000
Attack Ranged:4000

Taijutsu: Dual Blade Katanas


Ninjutsu: (Chk) 5000
Genjutsu: (Int) 5000
Taijutsu: (Str) 7000
Fuuin Jutsu: (Int) 5000
Ninja Weapons:Katanas


Equipment: Katanas(DAMN)

ValuablesHis right hand katana that has and carved symbol of his rank on the blade.
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Dream Avi(s):

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My old account...


Avi Art:

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By: Yon

Sold Items:
Katana-May/On Friday in 2008

Banners for my guilds(Only done by LilxBabyy) Buy banner now!:
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Viewing 12 of 42 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/22/2010 11:50 am



Report | 05/30/2010 6:18 pm


lol u spelled pain wrong lol

Report | 03/19/2009 2:25 pm


cnt destroy me

Report | 12/23/2008 8:54 pm


... ummm idk?

Report | 12/05/2008 10:24 am


Soriku Ravenlion

Report | 10/26/2008 5:44 pm

Soriku Ravenlion

At least you have a biology teacher. I didn't have a biology teacher for like 4 months on my report card the grade was blank. And I suck at math too sad . Anyways im in my 3rd year of high school smile
Soriku Ravenlion

Report | 10/26/2008 8:10 am

Soriku Ravenlion

Well you already have the scarf so im not gonna say antthing about that xD. The multimedia, theres a link on my profile that you can use.(idk why gaia wont fix this). Also i've been good just hanging around, nice hidan profile by the way O_O
Pein Espada Kyoukan

Report | 09/16/2008 12:02 am

Pein Espada Kyoukan

Thnx Ill be back later 2morro.....2day ne after school pce

Report | 09/15/2008 11:57 pm


Yeah a lot, we're doing a lot of updates, but it's all documented. So just check the updates. I handled your absence so don't worry about it.

Report | 09/15/2008 10:54 pm


Hey it's cool man, I understand completely. I'll make sure that the VC's know.


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