
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world - Albert Einstein

If you're paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes fit in a doghouse? None! Ice cream doesn't have bones.

98% of the teen population has tried breathing oxygen. If you are one of the 2% that hasn't, put this in your profile.

Just tell Nemo you couldn't find him because you were getting stoned... he'll understand.

Your kidneys are MINE.

If I had BALLS they'd be bigger than YOURS.

Welcome to the INTERNET, where men are men, women are men, and little girls are FBI agents.

|__MCR FAN BUS_|_| __
|_________________ |_| ____|

"This band is metal in that we have a lot of metal in our instruments, and there's quite a lot of metal on my belt buckle as well." ~Mikey Way

Im going to open ketchup bottles with your face!! -Karma

George Dubyah Bush is like the Jessica Simpson of politics.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people that annoy me.

A rose by any other name would most likely be "deadly thorn-bearing assault vegitation".

Look over there, a distraction!

Santa has three hoes.

Jacuzzis are the cookwear of choice for cannibals


98% of the teenage population has done, is, or blah blah something about drugs. Put this in your profile if YOU LIKE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES.

Interviewer: What kind of surprises do you like to do for your fans while on tour?
Gerard: We like to actually umm, kidnap them in a van, and tie them up and leave them somewhere dangerous...SURPRISE!!!


Teachers teach us to solve problems we wouldn't have without them.

You know how people always say some food taste like chicken,well what does chicken taste like? Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

- King Leo

"We're very attractive to them because we dress like homeless people. " - Mikey Way

"i enjoy stapling wombats to my face!"

Assassinations are the most practical solutions to common problems.

Your Honor, I'm just a simple hyper chicken from a backwoods

Yaoi: I rape because I care.

You cant have manslaughter without laughter

Day after day, I'm thankful that there is no law against torturing fictional characters... if there was I'd be serving 25 to life right now, with no chance of parole...

When life gives you lemons, make grape juice. Then, sit back and watch the whole world wonder just how the hell you DID that.

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

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Viewing 12 of 46 friends


Gosh, it'll just be me rambling on and on...

just look up. it says it all. I might actually put up some drawings for the masses!!! (if i could figure out how...)



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Brair Moss

Report | 08/26/2010 8:54 am

Brair Moss

cool avi
Irie Kyousuke

Report | 04/20/2009 1:23 pm

Irie Kyousuke

Oh, Hey.
I saw you commented on the BOWBS comic.
Anyways, Long time no see?
Brair Moss

Report | 03/10/2009 1:20 pm

Brair Moss

I got you some golds, but I eated it.










Brair Moss

Report | 03/08/2009 6:13 pm

Brair Moss

Yo' mama. >:l
Irie Kyousuke

Report | 01/15/2009 3:23 am

Irie Kyousuke

The uh.........cold part?

Irie Kyousuke

Report | 01/12/2009 2:10 pm

Irie Kyousuke

I'ma Penguin!

User Image
Brair Moss

Report | 01/07/2009 12:02 pm

Brair Moss


Report | 01/04/2009 8:43 am


Thanks for purchasing from my store!!

Report | 12/30/2008 6:51 am


>.> Hmm.... Revving computer doth not sound like a good thing... (My laptop fan sounds like an airplane sometimes, but I don't think it'll blow up like computers sometimes do...)

Well, one is pronounced, "Ya T'byah L'blyoo." That one means "I love you." (My Polish teacher also said it "Ya l'blyoo t'byah." She said it both ways, though, so I'm a bit confused.) The second is pronounced, "Ni stree-eye! Yahz naiyoo govietsky sekrety!" There are some accent things that I'm sure I slaughter.. Like how in "The Saint," one of the soldiers says, "Ni stree-ay." My dad taught that to a bunch of MIs back when he was in the service. lolol. One of my Dad's Polish co-workers (I just noticed we seem to know more Polish people than I thought... User Image) said it was a very American way of saying "Don't shoot me, I know government secrets," so it would almost be assured you would get shot. User Image
Brair Moss

Report | 12/27/2008 11:55 am

Brair Moss


Bar fights in your uterus?
