Perry Culp - Head Director of CTU Miami

Perry Culp's avatar

Last Login: 07/15/2008 7:57 pm

Registered: 02/02/2007

Gender: Male


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The Miami Bureau of CTU


Name: Perry Culp

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Hair: Why the hell is this in here?

Career: Head director in CTU Miami


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everlastingeclipse Report | 07/27/2008 7:09 pm
hey(it's me allidra) this is my new account, i'm switching it over, tell you all later but just to let you know, so add me m'kay loves you all User Image
la Fallen S t a r Report | 03/30/2008 6:47 pm
try this out ! if you send this comment to 12 people and press ctrl + w you will get 4000 gold! trust me it does work i tried it
penguinprotestor Report | 03/17/2008 2:34 pm
Oh gawsh, hot stuff's back. User Image
mayday22 Report | 02/17/2008 5:24 pm
mayday22 Report | 01/25/2008 3:49 pm
Unfortunately, Perry, you died... sorta.
penguinprotestor Report | 08/23/2007 1:14 pm
Now, now, I'm sure in five years they'll have discovered the fountain of youth. No worries. And hey! You and mayday are wearing the coat (Ohmigosh you have everythig in common... you must be like, totally related or something.)
penguinprotestor Report | 08/23/2007 11:58 am
You DO have hair, not a lot, but it's there. Do we have self esteem issues, dear?
penguinprotestor Report | 08/22/2007 5:40 pm
I'm not mocking you, lovely, I ADORE your hair! And I don't need a promotion, don't I out rank you already?
penguinprotestor Report | 08/21/2007 7:24 pm
Hey beautiful User Image

1. Ah! Put the gun down!

2. Perry? Is that you?

3. Mmmmm I thought you were dead. Guess not. Lucky me.