U Wanna Know About Me

User ImageUPDATE:
Hey Guys! It's been a very long time since I came on this platform. Many things have changed. I am done with college and have a big girl job. I used this place to escape the reality from highschool & I know I used to talk to you guys on here. If you guys happen to log in after many years & you are reading this, I hope you all been doing well in life, and thank you for being my online friends.

User ImageBasics:
Hanna Vi Tran is my name Vietnamese.Caligurl.

User Image A Little More About Me:

Your your typical azngurl

User ImageBOOKS:

All of the books from harry potter, Twilight, hunger game? pretty basic right? However I am a huge weeb so I prefer manga, which would be One Piece, Tokoyo Revengers, Beauty Bop, & more

User ImageMUSIC:

A lot of things have changed and I am into EDM music (Porter Robinson, Zhu, Chris Lake, Dom Dolla, Madeon, Odesza, Fisher) for other artists (Keshi, Gemini, Majid Jordan)

User ImageMOVIES:

My alltime fav: anything from One PIece

User ImageSPORT:
My top sport is TENNIS
Been playing since I was 7.

User ImageQUOTE:
No one is born in this world to be alone! No matter what happens, don't be sorry you were born. Even though nobody praises us, don't forget to smile in any situation. (One PIece)