Phimms's avatar

Last Login: 08/19/2010 7:31 pm

Registered: 04/29/2005

Gender: Female


Artists: Alexander Henry, Edgar Allan Poe, Hundred, Kishimoto, Lily, ねこまた屋, Stephanie Meyer

Brand: Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, CHANEL, Moi-même-Moitié

Food: Sweets, Tea

General: culture, debates, fashion, languages, secrets

Reading: Kamikaze Girls, Naruto, Of Mice and Men, The Outsiders, The Tell Tale Heart


Phimms' name is Ava.
I'm 16 currently.

I am a scorpio. So, I am a very emotional, passionate, and forceful person. I like to think of myself as a fun person to be around with, and that you can tell me anything in the world without me letting the cat out of the bag.

I'm the most kicking little bunny foo-foo you'll ever see.

Yet, it's very easy to make me laugh. Really. I just like to have a good time.

When I'm bored, I enjoy singing. Other then that, I love to draw, sew, and read. Video games are cool. I suck at them so much that it entertains me.

"Some kid has stopped in the middle of the hallway with a group of his friends. They've conjugated in the middle of the hallway, sucking up valuable space so they can do something stupid like compare shoe sizes.

Damn those people! Damn them all!"

"I can go pinja [pirate/ninja!!] on them, too! D:<" - Marisa (your so cute!!!)

I won't sit down and say, "That will do," I'm afraid.