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hi there, the name is carlo from the beautiful country of philippines. well to start i'm a thirteen year old boy going fourteen on the twenty seventh of may, i'm a bit talkative and fun to be with and i'm friendly. i love making friends so i hope you can be my friend.

i don't really share some bunch of my infos to everyone, i only share my thoughts or any infos with my friends so if you want to know more about me you can add me as my friend and we'll talk. but i hope we could connect each other, i only log in gaia five hours a day.

that's all i can share guys, i think i'm out of words to say oh i mean write, maybe comment on my profile or pm me. thank you for reading this nonsense about me panel. haha like you just wasted your time, but feel free to contact me if you have some time, mmkay?

donations, donations, donations, thank you gaians for being such a good donor. i thank the red corpse for giving me three items and an anonymous benefactor who gave me a kitty suit, thank you everyone and may you have a nice day and have a good luck this month.

ooh i'm so happy someone gave me another tons of gifts now im worth high as possible, thank you very much whoever you are, i thank you for everything that you gave me, may god bless you and have a nice day :]