PixelBudgie's avatar

Last Login: 01/17/2023 7:33 pm

Registered: 10/11/2014

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/21

Recent Visitors

Nudak of Gilead on 02/22/2024
Mistress Wolves on 11/16/2021
Ember Ignite on 10/22/2021
Lady Mileki on 01/20/2020
The Devils Alibi on 01/17/2020



Sighthound enthusiast
Pet Groomer
Commission Artist
Bird nerd

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December 26, 2014 - Met on Gaia
June 12, 2017 - Met in person.
November 2, 2021 - Closed the gap heart
Maine - Kentucky


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Mistress Wolves Report | 01/07/2020 3:41 pm
Mistress Wolves
The Holiday's were crazy!
When I wasn't working my year end inventories I was dealing with Family and gatherings and such. lmao
I don't host parties very well so now i'm exhausted xD
Mistress Wolves Report | 01/07/2020 3:38 pm
Mistress Wolves
Thats awesome! I hope you have a great time :3
Long distance sucks. I can relate. I don't get to see mine till the 15th. But when he comes back his place of work is putting him up in a hotel for a couple nights so I'm going to stay with him in Vegas for a mini vaca. The wait is worth it.
Mistress Wolves Report | 01/07/2020 11:58 am
Mistress Wolves
Oh i'm not worried!
I just got done with the crazy holiday rush, my work takes a lot of energy from me in December plus family so I wouldn't have been able to respond anyways!
I am interested in group settings so I def going to check that out! :3 heart
Mistress Wolves Report | 11/17/2019 7:27 pm
Mistress Wolves
Yay! whee I'm excited too!
I can't wait ~ hehe
But take your time, no rush lol
Mistress Wolves Report | 11/17/2019 6:23 pm
Mistress Wolves
Yes haha!
She is back ~
My muse for her started up a few months ago but I had been crazy busy with work and helping out with the kids. I'm so glad things are finally calming down around here. Lol
Mistress Wolves Report | 11/12/2019 5:02 pm
Mistress Wolves
Oh gawd that definitely sounds worse. I'm glad she is doing better now!
Yea, they said for baby heart problems a hole to big to close on its own is common.
I don't think i'm going to have kids any time soon, i don't think i could handle the stress and worry. lol
Mistress Wolves Report | 11/12/2019 4:47 pm
Mistress Wolves
He is! Strong little boy. Had a little hole that was just a little to big to close naturally.
But hes doing well now. smile
Mistress Wolves Report | 11/12/2019 4:30 pm
Mistress Wolves
Another nephew of mine, (Different parents, on my boyfriends side of the family) Just had heart surgery too.
Rough thing. I hope your baby niece or nephew is doing well!
Yes yes, thank you. Lol the raise with the promotion was nice. The work load not so much.

Mistress Wolves Report | 11/12/2019 4:23 pm
Mistress Wolves
Good good, Mostly work. haha
I got a promotion to management at work and ever since its been nonstop busy for me.
I didn't anticipate this much work. lol
Plus family stuff outside of work with my baby niece and nephew have me tied up a lot too.
1 year old and a 3 years old. So when we have them over we have our hands full.
Mistress Wolves Report | 11/12/2019 4:01 pm
Mistress Wolves
How you been!?
Well I hope! :3


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Nudak of Gilead


You're a Turkey Bird.


Kentucky Fried Chicken may taste mighty fine...
... but nothing tastes better than a watermelon rine.

Male candy


You get what you lay for.

Homework is fun


Taylor Lautner is a fine a** man.

"TURN- hang the tuuurrnnnn! Come on! Don't black out on me yeeettttt!! There it is! FIRE!-bang bang bang bang- BINGO YAHOOO!" Smething like that xD