
Q u e s t i n g x W i s h l i s t. <3
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M a r c h 5 t h

P r o u d M o m m y && F i a n c e e

G a i a b d a y : N o v. o 7, 2 o o 5 ; D


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Pixie's Diary

o.O Come In!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Instant Miso

Report | 04/25/2015 11:31 am

Instant Miso

is it possible if i can trade you something for dans apple?
Tysm xx :3

Report | 11/08/2014 6:54 pm


You're s**t.
momo the momi

Report | 02/22/2014 5:24 pm

momo the momi

Hi gurlie! I hadn't been on for most of the month, and somehow I missed your comment! D:
And aw a little girl? My Mom would be jealous! We are having another boy (which we are totally happy about), but my Mom's like, "We need more girls in this family" wink Baby Boy #2 is due April 6th, so we'll see when he arrives ~ we got it down to four names, but are being all hippish about it, and waiting to meet him in person before deciding which one fits him best <3

Lex is almost 16mo. now, and has 16 teeth @_@ He seemed to hate the baby food (store bought, and what I made), even the stuff I'd share with him from my plate. Then my Mom gave him some meat, and turns out I have a serious carnivore on my hands (I'm like 99% vegetarian). He's been a great eater ever since (so long there's a meat option on that plate wink ).

We're all doing pretty good, and have moved into our new loft - it's a rental, versus house - but it's condo like living at its best. It's an artist community, so my hubby will get his hands on the studio spaces in April when the construction is finished. There's also storage lockers for the residents, a roof top deck, fitness studio, and super duper modern community room. There's an art gallery, and indoor trash room - nothing beats getting to take out your trash in socks in Minnesota during the winter biggrin
momo the momi

Report | 07/21/2013 8:02 pm

momo the momi

*le gasp!* I didn't even know you were expecting @_______@
Details girlie, details!

And we're doing great <3 Lex is now 8 1/2 months, a big boy who wears 24 mo. clothing (and is just as tall to boot!), and has six teeth (with three more on the way) biggrin
My hubby is enjoying his work, and if we get good news on Monday from the bank, we should be able to do some house hunting this upcoming month!!! *squee*
momo the momi

Report | 07/19/2013 7:08 pm

momo the momi

Aw hi gurlie! How are you?
How's life and all that jazz?

(I'll hopefully be back tonight, but might not -
so if you comment back, and I don't
answer right away, that's why!){/size]
momo the momi

Report | 11/13/2012 11:34 am

momo the momi

Thank you so much! We are so in love with him (there's some pics in my siggy ;D).
I haven't been on either bc of the pregnancy, but I'm hoping to be back around Thanksgiving (as well, as hopefully others, bc of the holidays giving peeps some extra net time?)
Anyways, I'll probably be snooping/pestering/hounding people in about a week or two to see who still wants to continue with the rp's ~ and I hope we finally get to finish AF!
(though it might be cute to finish it during the Christmas holidays - since the timeline is the same as the rp then, and it might inspire some people with holiday cheer ;D).
But we'll see soon enough! Miss you ~ ttyl smile
tony starks body

Report | 03/28/2012 7:00 pm

tony starks body

made a place so we could just post our thoughts. c:
already made a couple posts, so do as you like!
tony starks body

Report | 03/25/2012 11:17 pm

tony starks body

i'm good with whatever you decide.
you're graphics always look nice C:
tony starks body

Report | 03/25/2012 4:30 pm

tony starks body

aw yeaaaaah,
so, do you want to make the graphics or do you want me to... or?
i'm so excited for this, i want to get it running soon!
tony starks body

Report | 03/25/2012 3:51 pm

tony starks body

uh, yeah... i think we should set up pairings.
and i mean, it doesn't all have to be m/f or foreign/american.
yeah, some people could have familial connections.
i dunno C: