Planetary Ambrose Chase

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Birthday: 10/20



Real Name: Ambrose Chase

Current Alias: Ambrose Chase

Aliases: The Third Man

Affiliation: Planetary


Ambrose Chase is the son of a survivor of Science City Zero, a genetic experimentation facility. Because of his relationship to that facility, Ambrose (and his abilities) came to the attention of the Planetary organization very early on. He knew Elijah Snow virtually his entire life and the two became good friends. Ambrose joined the Planetary field team alongside Elijah and Jakita Wagner. Ambrose was present during the mission that resulted in the rescue and recruitment of The Little Drummer Boy. In 1994, Elijah revealed to Ambrose that he was Planetary's mysterious Fourth Man and warned him of a coming change, which turned out to be Elijah's departure from Planetary, due to The Four's mental blocks. Ambrose took up leadership of the field team in Elijah's absence.
In 1997, Ambrose Chase led the field team on a raid of a heavily fortified research facility sponsored by The Four in England. The aim of the facility was to retrieve a being from a fictional reality dubbed "Planet Fiction". Ambrose, Jakita and The Drummer made their way through the facility and, while The Drummer retrieved information and Jakita occupied the ground troops, Ambrose ran up a wall to the main control room in an attempt to stop the facility's operations. When he reached the window of the control room, however, the facility's lead scientist pulled a gun and shot him six times. As Ambrose's field failed and he fell back to the facility's ground floor, the scientist declared that they were in a science fiction movie and that "the black guy always dies in science fiction movies." The Drummer and Jakita comforted Ambrose until he apparently vanished into his field; Jakita then killed Ambrose's murderer for revenge.

There is a strong implication that, despite his wounds, Ambrose somehow survived. The Drummer has hypothesized that Elijah's function as a century baby is to save things as Elijah sets his sights on Ambrose Chase's salvation, among other things.

Ambrose is survived by his widow, Larissa and his daughter, Angela. The Planetary foundation had been paying Larissa compensation for Ambrose's service since his death, but after Elijah regained his memories, he and Jakita visited Larissa to inform her that Elijah would personally see to her finances from then on, out of respect for Ambrose.

Following The Four's defeat, Planetary have to pop a distortion bubble that Ambrose created around himself just after he was shot. This bubble had him frozen in time and hidden from reality for a few years until the Planetary team could create a time machine which would bring him back into the present reality. Despite a power surge problem Ambrose reappears and is still heavily wounded from his gunshot wound. With a time machine now in existence teams comprising of Elijah Snow, Jakita and the Drummer from the future blink into existence to witness the event. They stated that they are unaware of the outcome of whether Ambrose will live and uncertainty principles are in place. A prepared team of medics begin work on him immediately and it appears that he is now dead. At that point a future version of Ambrose appears with each of the other future Planetary teams and says he thought it would be funnier this way and the medics take the Ambrose from that present off for surgery as it appears he is stable enough after all. He thanks Elijah for saving his life.

Powers and Abilities

Selective Physics Distortion Field: This field enabled Ambrose to bend the laws of physics within limits. Ambrose could use the field on himself, project it over a large area of unspecified dimensions, or concentrate it onto a smaller area or object, such as another person.

-Friction Control: ability to control friction by the distortion of physical reality.

-Nullify Snares: ability to cancel out movement at a range of 10 feet.
-Nullify Machines: ability to cancel out the working of machines at a range of 10 feet.

-Gravity Control: ability to control gravity by the distortion of physical reality.

-Super-Movement: ability to achieve exaggerations of movement due to control of gravity, allowing him the abilities of (Slow Fall, Wall-Crawling, Sure-Footed, Permeate, Water Walking, Trackless).
-Immovable: ability to control gravity so that he can make himself, others or objects unmmovable
-Super Strength: ability to control gravity to allow him to defy the concept of weight.

-Spatial Control: ability to control space by the distortion of physical reality.

-Deflection: ability to enact spatial control to deflect objects, energy or blows by warping space around him.
-Change Direction: ability to warp space to change the direction of bullets, etc.
-Change Velocity: ability to warp space to change the velocity of moving beings or objects.
-Accuracy: ability to manipulate the spatial characteristics around him to allow for perfect precision.

-Time Control: ability to control time by the distortion of physical space.

-Precognition: allows him brief vague glimpses of the future.
-Postcognition: allows him brief vague glimpses of the past.
-Paralyze: ability to manipulate time to paralyze others and objects.


-Skilled Leader

-Expert Marksman: In addition to his physics distortion field, Ambrose is an expert marksman and used a pair of semi-automatic pistols, kept under his coat in holsters on the back of his belt, on field missions.


-2 Semi-Automatic Pistols


View All Comments

Tatsutoshime Report | 03/28/2012 12:45 pm
Phantoms-Heart Report | 02/24/2012 3:24 pm
((*Applauds* Excellent! There really needs to be a Planatary/Stormwatch team up here in the future...shits going to get crazy lol))
Phantoms-Heart Report | 02/24/2012 2:27 pm
((Well I still would love to see the sample, you and your physics distortion field you lol))
Phantoms-Heart Report | 02/24/2012 2:10 pm
((Well, I pulled it off last night and tore off the arms of that well as broke its jaw and paralyzed it. The Midnigter is having a good day lol))
Phantoms-Heart Report | 02/23/2012 10:26 am
((Exactly, so while I could simply write 'Midnighter tears the arms off the cyber ninja' thats really not that engaging, so right now I'm just in a state of how do I make this interesting.))
Planetary Ambrose Chase Report | 02/22/2012 5:41 pm
Planetary Ambrose Chase
((well I read through, well, skim through it and for the most part you guys seem to be stacked with all that you need. But I understand the writers block. Rps nowadays aren't just about making post, but making them interesting as well as eloquent))
Phantoms-Heart Report | 02/22/2012 5:31 pm
((Well, I'm basing Midnighter Heavily on the Wildstorm version, while the New 52 version seems to have the spirit of the character, I'm not sure if the ability's are exactly the same. Regardless, Wildstorm's Version of Nights Bringer of War, fun times will be had. Furious asked me to join in on an RP so that it may be a slight intro into getting a JLA and Stormwatch Team-up later down the road. Basically, Nowhere Labs was attacked and Superboy was abducted by the Dark Templars who, unknown to the heros, is working for Ras Al Ghul. The Teen Titans, Batman, and Midnighter are currently preparing to attack the base to retrive superboy when they have been attacked by, and I quite 'Cyber Ninjas', obviously because regular ninjas weren't enough. I can link you to both the Superboy Abduction Thread and the current one so you can catch up on whats going on.
Currently going on:
Phantoms-Heart Report | 02/22/2012 5:16 pm
((Doing well, at the moment trying to figure out a RP response to the current guild RP I'm in, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment, I'll figure it out, but I want to try and make it at least somewhat decent post. I know I'll be able to make it happen...its just not happening right now and I want to make sure I can respond before this thread figurativly dies, sadly not a lot of the people involved seem to be posting...))
Phantoms-Heart Report | 02/22/2012 5:08 pm
((lol hows it going?))
shrimp scrampi Report | 12/13/2011 7:06 pm
shrimp scrampi
Thanks for the buy!



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