
Name: Platina Von Warwick
Age Turned: 37

True age: 2157

Clan: Tremere, Cappadocians.

Haven: Home above a bar.

Appearance - She has long blonde hair, baby blue eyes , thin and frail looking. She normally wears long Victorian or Gothic dresses. She wears glasses, and keeps her hair up in a ponytail.

Personality - She is usually a kind and caring woman. Being a friend or mentor when is needed. She keeps a placid personality and enjoys having a good time. But underneath that lies a dark side, she can be sadistic and cruel. Only her true friend and enemies know this side.

History - Platina leaved deep in the woods of France, with her mother. They were out casts for the time because of there pagan beliefs. That’s when a Mysteries strange collapsed in front of her one night while she was picking herbs. She helped the man back to her home. She knew in a moment what he was and hurried to her barn where she
killed one of her animals and gathered the blood. She then feed it to the man. From that moment on they lived together, she would feed him animal blood and he would do odd jobs around the house. In truth she was slowly draining her mother too death. The two lived together for years, she begged and begged him to make her own his kind so they could be together forever, but he refused untill finally he relized he couldn’t live without her. So she was brought into Clan Cappadocian by fourth gen GhaleonWarwick.Herself and her husband became Tremere a thousand years later, when he had a vision of Cappadocians fall. Together they now run a bar in New York that is considered neutral territory where any and all supernatural and mortal creatures can be together. Durning the Gehanna war it turned out that Ghaleon had Diablerized Tremere himself and had become the new leader a long time ago, but set up the council of seven and the rumors about Tremere as a ruse.

Friends - Ghaleon Warwick (Tremere) Treize Vendo (Ventrue) Jean Ravna (Ravnos) Kepa Broadwin (Lasombra) Xanitos Giovanni (Giovanni) Morticus Tizmice (Tzimice) Atlas Brujah (Brujah) Luranna (Assamite) Malkav (Malkavian) Claude (Malkavian) Alexander Magi (Order of Hermes Mage) Zechs Levonte (Celstral Chours Mage) Thoughtful Warrior (Ragabash Metis Child of Gaia Werewolf)


Viewing 12 of 33 friends


Viewing 7 of 7 comments.


Report | 07/30/2010 7:42 pm


Thnx for the buy XD
Perfect Requiem

Report | 09/14/2009 5:39 pm

Perfect Requiem

These is if I hae a say in it, and I do! Whaddya waant? C: (Gaia items only, for my mailing info is weird, otherwise I could get German goodies >.< )
Perfect Requiem

Report | 09/14/2009 5:20 pm

Perfect Requiem

Make a wanted list dangit!! DX

Report | 08/26/2009 8:12 pm


Thank you for your patronage. ^_^

Report | 07/04/2009 9:03 pm


Love mine! <3
Snow Witch Shirayuki

Report | 03/13/2008 1:45 pm

Snow Witch Shirayuki

Hello Sensei! ^_^

Report | 06/18/2007 9:43 pm


PLATINA-SAN!! *waves* XP


[img:ce918c7415]http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq295/taiyakinonaku/Anime Hotel Party/Couple Bars/LezardxRosa.jpg[/img:ce918c7415]