Plunderous Ecstasy

Plunderous Ecstasy's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Hogwarts

Occupation: pirate


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So I suppose I'll put something here....
Name: we'll go with Plundy
Age: 394...what can I say I'm a time lord...
Sex: Not my division...
..... I know there are more points people usually do: likes, dislikes. personality, etc....
******** all that I'm lazy

So the important s**t:
I HAVE NO FILTER NOR DO I GIVE A ******** ABOUT PEOPLES OPINIONS (unless you're one of my friends then I love you and your opinions XD ).
I am who I am and I say what's on my mind. Don't like it, well tough cookies I ain't going anywhere.

Er....I'm a bit bonkers and usually very loud. Loyal to those I care about, they know who they are. I'm nice to everyone till you piss me off. Love is love no matter your race, sex, religion, and all that other fun stuff. ******** the haters love who you want.

1. Liquor.....RUM more than anything

Right....anything else you want to know though I can't imagine what else would be important, ask away though no promises that I'll reply.

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Prince Mimus Report | 07/23/2013 9:16 pm
December Frost Report | 02/29/2012 12:35 am
LOL I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT REALLY LOOKS LIKE. I haven't looked at it since I moved back to this account. Pfffft. WAY TO GO ME.
Prince Mimus Report | 01/07/2012 9:20 pm
OMGOMGOMG THAT'S SO EXCITING! I remember when you would always talk about college whipping your butt and you would always have this face in your post: x.x
Haha, What're you studying for? How many years was it? My boyfriend just started college and finally had a long break since September. Sadly he starts back up on Monday. He might take up physics.
Truthfully, I don't know if I want to do college. It looks like too much stress and s**t that goes down at once. Doesn't even really look worth it considering so many people with college degrees can't even book jobs. and I want to be a vet, too, so that'll be 8 years of shitface crap. This is what frustrates me. The only class I ever really give a crap about is science, and it is always the class with the lowest grade. Seriously. I just wanna cry. ;-;
Prince Mimus Report | 01/07/2012 3:04 pm
I always go to Barton town. But I guess you have to fish through the crap to find the real good stuff. I've just never really found anything good... it's a lot of Twilight and Hunger Games stuff that suck. Or if you look real hard you find the RP's with real life pics that are full of advanced literates (or people who know how to fluff posts) and crappy plots. I dunno, I've never really explored those all too much. So some might be good. How do you find your RPs? And how have you been doing!? cc: how is college?
Prince Mimus Report | 01/06/2012 10:00 pm
You still RP, right? :c
I've been good! Still with the same guy that I've always been with. Happy as a clam. c:
I lost internet around March, then it came back about 2 or so months ago. I've lost my touch on writing and creativity! I changed schools. One of the best decisions of my life, I can easily say. I'm so happy now. My other school was so large and had so much pressure. Got a new camera for Christmas, a damn nice one too. :3
So I have a lot of time now, and one of the things I thought I'd do is come back and see how things are. :3
Everything died though. :cc SDG, Lasia (died a long time ago... but still!), my other RP that was actually a story and lasted til the thousands, and everything else I've looked for is just crap! Nothing is good anymore!
I'm disappointed in Gaia. >:c
Prince Mimus Report | 01/05/2012 11:10 pm
Dude. I came to your profile yesterday and my eyes were attacked with so many things to look at. x.x
Just wanted to drop by cuz I haven't talked to you in awhile! ;-;
I haven't talked to no one, and it makes me sad from time to time. I've had so many great times on Gaia! SO many great roleplays!
So I miss you. :cc
Still doing pirate stuff? >w>
MoroiiAngel Report | 08/01/2011 1:40 pm
I just saw your signature.

I am in a room full of very serious people.

I can't believe you've done this to me.
Tech no logy Report | 04/18/2011 5:18 pm
Lithium Chic Report | 04/01/2011 12:19 am
xD;; Yesh. c: Who needs to be productive?!
Lithium Chic Report | 04/01/2011 12:08 am
The weekend is totally for procrastination. xD

March on (get the klenex)

******** Brilliant


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