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Hello There ! emotion_kirakira
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you can call me whatever you want but I prefer the nickname bubble-- honestly. and don't you dare think of popping my bubble because that is my job, of course. emotion_donotwant and I'm an a '06er on here in case you wanted to know how long I've been obsessed with gaia... Um, I think I'm a pretty decent person to hang around if you don't mind talking about anime or being silly. Then I think we can be pretty good friends. yum_puddi However though I'm not always on here or even if I am-- I'm sometimes busy with my role plays. so I apologize in advance if it ever seems like I'm ignoring you. um anyways I'm seventeen years old, and I turn eighteen on December 12th. An well, when that day comes I hope you can be a bro and wish me a happy birthday because it will make me smile. c: Umm I'm a female despite the male avi. lol sorry for confusing you if you haven't already figured out my gender. Um but yeah.. I don't do much outdoor activities rather I'm inside more than half the time. But when I do go out it usually for snacks or cause my best friend forced me out. Otherwise I shall the spend the day listening to music, streaming anime/youtube videos, replying to roleplays, or talking to people on towns.I'm just a lazy ******** but I enjoy it. Hmm...yeah, that's about it..
Later ! I don't mind random adds
but do try to talk to me. Instead of being the useless space
in my friends list. Mmkay. Bye.
the person behind the pixel : emotion_yatta emotion_yatta emotion_yatta

adorble art of my avi :

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"a sweet thing written by two best friends"

Hey, you! This is Hennelyn Jenna. You've probably learned a little about me.
Haha. Let me just say that this girl right here is one of THE most nicest, awesomenest, loveliest, and most gorgeous girl I have ever met. Really. No joke. :]

I could talk to her about almost ANYTHING. And she doesn't mind about my sometimes "rude" behavior. She's always there when I'm down, up, sideways, backwards. And frontwards. She's my shoulder to cry on when I'm down. She's my girl with the curly herr. Wait-- hair.
She, Jenna Hennelyn, and I all met when we started 2nd grade. Well, actually, she and Jenna I possibly met in kinder. But none of us are really sure. Some people wonder, "You guys have known each other since second grade, but you've only been hanging since 5th?" YES. Damnit. Haha. Geez. But yes, we are now really good friends, and we are much different from each other.

-Miss Awesomeness (Jenna)

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