Hey Y'all!

Talking to this fangirl may lead to loss of breath, laughing,
random outbursts, unnormal need for sugar, hyperness,
odd thoughts, insanity, blackmail and fangirl-like behaviour.

Welcome to my profile.
It's the first profile I've ever made!!

Don't you love the about me section? I could tell you explicit information like my favorite color or how much I weigh ([sarcasm]Maybe my address...??[/sarcasm])
I could start making up an alias of myself--
Maybe someone I wish I was, perhaps?
Or I could just start lying through my teeth!
Fun right?
I am who I am, I'll leave it up to you decide who that really is.

I'm a college student,
Biochemistry and Dance major,
Cool right?
I'm a total perfectionist and I love organizing EVERYTHING.
I'm and aspiring model and dancer.
I'm domestic.
I love sewing, drawing, and cooking.
I love chatting and meeting new people.
I'm a chocolate addict.
I love to make clothes, I love fashion.
I love watching movies.
I <3 mandarin Chinese.
And I'm a total nerd.
(I'm the nerdiest model you'll ever speak too ;] )
The coolest person you'll ever meet;

I'm as simple as snow.

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