
prettykittybritty's avatar

Birthday: 08/16


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My name is Brittaney, im just a 16 year old girl,
i like girls, ummmm not much else about me i give my all in everything i do,im a very sweet and caring preson, i jugde no ne unless they hurt me and then i have a hard time still being friends with them, im down to earth and easy to get along with, u can come to me with any problems and i will try to help the best i can.
im looking for some one to really love me and need me as much as i need them, ive been hurt to much already in my life and i just want some one to love and hold me, kitty is a nickname ive been given so if u want to give me and nick name after we talk more that fine by me, thats really all there is about to know for now ^^

heres a story i wrote tell me what u think about it

May : she is very shy and quite in school but outside of school she is loud and very outgoing. Has very rowdy friends from her old town. Has a few dark secrets. Doesn’t trust men very much unless she’s known them for a very long time. Love to listen to music and be on the computer and her phone.

Alice: kind of out going in school. Doesn’t have a lot of friends, meets the new girl. Both the girl and girl two come out of their shell and open up more. Finds out that a lot of people knew her but she didn’t know she was known by so many people till the new girl become her friend. Love video games. Likes to sleep. Like to be outdoors and have a good time.

Clarence: really good friends with the girl one. People say they act like brother and sister, boyfriend and girlfriend, or a married couple. It just depends on the day and what’s going on. Tall handsome but doesn’t and won’t date any girl. Is madly in love with the new girl

Setting: they meet in gym class and after two weeks of hanging out in school they start to hang out at each other’s house. One day out of nowhere when the two girls go to the new girl’s house they find that the new girls friends are there and so they start to hang out and have a good time and girl 2 starts to feel left out, so she gets up to leave and the new girl see this and goes to find out what’s going on, girl 2 says she feels out of place and what’s to go home. So to make her feel better the new girl tells her friends that she will be back and she tells her fiends that she will go over to her house and play video games with her. So they leave, and 3 hours later the new girl is hoping to come home to her quite house but instead all her friends are still there

“Oh boy its gym class not one of my favorite classes that’s for sure. But in order to pass school I have to take it what great fun that will be” May says to herself as she’s changing. It’s another day at a new school and May has no friends no one she can hang out with eat lunch with not even someone to pair up with in gym class how awkward is that. As may is going into the gym she runs into a girl who is late. She’s seen this girl around school and knows she kind of quiet and that they have a few others classes with. The teacher calls out for a girl named Alice, no one looks around to see if this Alice is here, but one girl does and her name is May. May is new to the school and doesn’t know anyone but when she’s seen Alice in school she always wonders if she could be friends with this strange girl whose name she knows is Alice. As u guessed Alice is the late one. So as gym class is getting started everyone has to run three laps may and Alice both don’t want to run at all but they do. As they are running they see that, they are at the end. They are the slower two of the group but that don’t bug them, they like taking their time. Has they are running they start to talk. “Hi my name is May, and what’s yours?” “Mines Alice.” Alice is thinking to herself why is this girl talking to me yea she’s new and all but why talk to me I’m not cool, this girl looks like she a cool person maybe she’s in sports. So why talk to me at all??” when they finish running they find out its weight lifting day, both of them hate it very much. Neither of them have someone to pair up with so they pair up with each other. They start to giggle as they watch the other kids work out and they think to themselves wow what dorks they are they with just lose all that muscle once they hit 30 or 40.m so they start to work out and 20 minutes later it’s time to go change, and here to find out they have a locker right next to each other. So has they are changing they see that they both like a lot of the same music and clothing style even though may dresses like she a little kid but it’s still teenagers like and Alice dress more grown up but she still wear Pokémon shirts and things like that. Once they are changed they both go their own way. Has May heads to her locker to get her stuff and Alice heads to her next class. Now the y both don’t pay much attention to what’s going on so they don’t know they are in the same math class same English class or even the same study hall for that matter. As the days go on and they start to talk more they realize that they like a lot of the same things like anime, music, texting etc. but what Alice doesn’t know about May is that she has a dark secret that is eating at her very soul and she feels like she needs to tell someone, but she is unsure on how to tell Alice. * two weeks later and after they final realize that they have 3 more classes together * “hey Alice I was wondering if you’d like to come over to my house tonight and hang out maybe do some homework?” “Sure I’d like that “Alice says, “What time should I be drop off at” “oh well I was ummmmm *gets shy and looks away* wondering if it was ok at pick you up at your house if that’s fine? I mean if you don’t want me to know where you live that’s fine too.” “No that’s fine” so later that day 2 hours after schools out. May goes over to Alice’s house to pick her up and May asks Alice mom what time she wants her home by. Her mom says it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s not too late into the night, may tells Alice’s mom she will be home before midnight cause that’s what the rules are at her house . So the girls leave and are driving back to Mays house. After a bit Alice notices that May looks different, like she’s darker but at the same time paler , finale after a bit Alice’s ask “ may are you all right? Something looks different about you.” May not even realizing that she was changing looks over at Alice’s and says “I’m all right why would you think something’s is wrong?” “Well you seemed upset about something and your skin looks a lot paler then your normal whiteness and your aura is very dark it’s like a big dark circle around you. That’s the only reasons I’m asking. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you mad.” “No no no you didn’t make me mad at all. I’m all right, I promise.”

In class one day May looks at her phone. she has a txt massage so she opens it. In side it says ““they” are having a meeting on what to do with you.” May knows this is a bad things but it could also be good for her. She is very mad and upset though and not sure what to do she hasn’t told Alice yet. So May goes to the bath and calls school being her “mom” and say she needs to leave early for an appoint, once may is done calling she heads back to class and the teacher tells her she has a pass to go home. Has may is leaving the school she sees Alice but she doesn’t want to face her with all the anger that’s build up so she acts like she doesn’t see Alice and runs out to her car and drives as fast as she can home. Once she is there she feel better but she needs to hunt and it’s not the normal hunt so has to go into a big city to a please where all these people, happy people to be exact meet and what those people don’t know is that in the crowd is these “beings” that are called caelum. Caelum are angle like beings that take away their happiness and turn them into grumpy people that don’t like being around others. Now don’t you worry my dear readers these people get better after a few days but they will never be that happy again. As May arrives she see people she knows, the very same people that are part of this “meeting” that’s going on. She gets out of her car and goes into the building hoping that she can feed enough to at least go back to school and what for Clarence to come see her again. Now Clarence knows what may is and doesn’t have a problem with it. That’s one of the reasons he likes her. He knows she will be herself around him. And that she will let out all her anger out and not hide anything from him. As May is walking around this building and looking for her next pray she starts to feel uneasy like someone is watching her. She text Clarence and tells him where she is at and that something is wrong and to meet her at home as soon as possible. As she turns to go she gets really dizzy and only thing will make a caelum that dizzy is another caelum, and if that is happening it means their energy sources is being taped into. so May runs out of the building and drives home as fast as she can. she gets home on goes into her house and starts pacing and she lets her wings out. now her wings are pure black but shes not bad its just what she was born with. she doesnt know whats going on and what the meeting is about. she is so freacked out that she doesnt hear the knock on the door and that alice as just walked into her house. all of a sudden may hears a gasp and turns too see who it is and then when she reliazes that her true self is showing and its to late to hide it." alice i can explian this" alice turns to go " pleease alice dont go" may zooms over to stop aalice from leaving " please alice let me explian this" " no let me go i want to go home get away from me you.. you......... just let me go may and let me think this over." may moves to let her leave as alice is running down the stiars she runs into clarence. he sees her crying and has a really good guess on what happened. as he walks into ma y house he sees her on her knees crying, now thats a very strange sight to see may never crys at all. " what is going on may? what happened with u and alice? " she seen the really me, clarnce what she i do see seen who i truly am!!!!???? what is she never talks to me again ?????what will i do i cant lose her sshe means a lot to me " " now may u just need to clam down tell me what happened today at the "building" i dont know clarence it was going good just like anyother day and i got a text saying they are having a meeting about me and so i left school early to go feed and then my engery was being drained and i texted you and come stright home and then i lost it, all i could do waas pace and let it all out i couldnt keep me wings in any longer i had to let them out. i was so out of it i didnt even hear the knock and now look what i caused, alice hates me now she wont ever be my friend again" " now may u need to clam down" he says has he kisses her forehead " everything will be fine just give it a few days, bnut right now u are weak and need to feed" " im fine" may says as she pushes away from him and trys to stand up

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Nakamura Stark Report | 06/12/2011 10:30 am
Nakamura Stark
Hi wink
Busty Christy Report | 06/06/2011 5:54 am
Busty Christy
Welcome, PM me <3
Slave_Yomi Report | 05/21/2011 12:45 pm
sorry lots of things are happening in the house alot redface
Slave_Yomi Report | 05/13/2011 3:06 pm
your welcome hun heart heart heart
seph_urias Report | 04/10/2011 7:10 pm
so whos the one whos messin with u.


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i love my girlfriend she the best ever, f**k anyone who has a problem with it.