Prince Bunnykins

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Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/31

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My dreams are someones reality:



The names Seika... And I'm not perfect, but I'm pretty damn good at acting like it.
These are some Lovely Ladies I adore:

"Even if you don't love me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Even if you don't see me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to the future in which you are…

I love you so much that I forget any suffering.
My heart feels pain every time I count the days we cannot meet.

The loneliness is piling up. Please don’t cry alone.
Even if we are so far away, we can believe each other..."

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I love Reita from the GazettE! My main man!


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"A Butler is what I want. Someone to boss around and know how to deal with me when I get pissy and give me sweets."

I Am:
- Sassy
- Spoiled
- A Strong Uke
- Amazing
- Self Confident
- A good listener
- A better defender
- A good friend to have when you need Oreos at 3am
- A better friend to have when you need booze and a girls
night out from a break up. I got chu gurlfriend. <3
- Did I mention amazing?

Those who are close to me are lucky to know me.
Those who aren't... Pft! Sucks for you, huh!?