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My name is Angevin Delamour. I live in France, so oui, je parle le fran硩s. English is my second language...can you tell? I hope that you cannot because I study hard in English class. I am gay, so sorry ladies. I love guys and I love to roleplay and chat.

I love to swim and play, football. Not the American football. That sport is much to rough for me. Well, I also like to sing. I think of myself as a good singer, so do not be surprised if you were to see a French album by Angevin Delamour.

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This is one of my bestest friends on Gaia. She has been there to roleplay with me through thick and thin and she's almost like a sister to me. I just wanted everyone to know about Elding. ^_^




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Call Me Prince

Prince_Slash_Korigashine's avatar

Last Login: 08/18/2017 7:14 pm

Registered: 02/16/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Nice, France


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Ramorgi Report | 03/13/2017 1:57 pm
It's been a while, hasn't it? smile
Ramorgi Report | 01/21/2014 7:04 am
Long time no talk. biggrin
The Disillusioned Report | 02/21/2010 9:45 am
The Disillusioned
Either is fine with me honestly. I just hope I'm not rusty xD lol
The Disillusioned Report | 02/21/2010 9:37 am
The Disillusioned
O.O We should!! Oh my god biggrin
The Disillusioned Report | 02/19/2010 6:18 pm
The Disillusioned
Lol yeah after I sent that I was like "Hmm thats a stupid question" xD

I haven't in a really long time. Like MONTHS D: I can't find any good ones :/
The Disillusioned Report | 02/19/2010 6:06 pm
The Disillusioned
Do you still roleplay?
The Disillusioned Report | 02/19/2010 6:03 pm
The Disillusioned
I've been great!! I haven't talked to you in forever though D:
The Disillusioned Report | 02/19/2010 6:01 pm
The Disillusioned
Hey hun how have you been?! :3
iAnime Cosplayer o3o Report | 01/20/2010 6:47 pm
iAnime Cosplayer o3o

You are welcome dear.
iAnime Cosplayer o3o Report | 01/20/2010 6:36 pm
iAnime Cosplayer o3o
Its alright <3

I hope you are having a nice day
G i a n a
Queen Allons-Y