
princessmillie123's avatar

Birthday: 07/01


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Now all MCR fans...We have too many haters and you know this. We have to come together even if it's just on here. By adding every true fan you run across on every McR fansites you're helping. Re-post this in ur info if you agree (Posh started this chain.)

92 % of the teen population would be dead iff ambercrombie an finch said breathing wasn't cool.Put this in your profile if your one of those 8% laughing histarically in the background.

Our FAMOUS LAST WORDS were 'I am not afraid to keep on Living, I am not afraid to walk this world Alone,' and as THE GHOST OF YOU walked down that CEMETERY DRIVE, we were DISENCHANTED. We had come upon the grave of HELENA. On her grave it said THREE CHEERS FOR SWEET REVENGE. It was a shame how she died of CANCER. We asked each other if we were alright, I, of course, replied 'I'M NOT OKAY,' and then you told me that you were in it with me TO THE END. HEAVEN HELP US all. [~Put this on your page if you are devoted to My Chemical Romance and their music~]

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x] Emos Rule....
x] Live With It =]
x] Not All Emos Cut
x] Not All Emos R Depressed
x] Emos R Nice People
x] Emos Dont Sit Around All Day Feeling Sorry For Themselves
x] Emos DONT Have Made Up Problems
x] Emos Have Feelings
x] Not All Emos R Bi!!
x] Emos R The Sexiest People ALIVE!!
x] Emos Do Smile
x] Emos Do Laugh
Put this on ure profile if u agree


The 10 Commandments Of A Chemical Romance:

1. Thou shalt not put a gun to thy lover's head.
2. Thou shalt be willing to die for love.
3. Thou shalt seek revenge on those who wrong you.
4. Thou shalt be a demolition lover.
5. Thou shalt unleash the bats.
6. Thou shalt protect thy lover from everything (even
7. Thou shalt respect the lord, Gerard.
8. Thou shalt sing the holy hymns of the chemical
9. Thou shalt see beauty in bloody love.
10. Thou shalt rock hard

The Ten Commandments of Frank Antony Thomas Iero jr:

1. Thou shall run around until thou can no longer breathe .
2. Thou shall eat skittles .
3. Thou shall let the singer feel thou up .
4. Thou shall wear a badge on thy shirt collar or hood .
5. Thou shall get tattoos .
6. Thou shall kick random objects if they are in thy way (yes that means if they are in Gerard/Mikey too) .
7. Thou shall grin with all teeth .
8. Thou shall change hair style every year .
9. Thou shall wear sunglasses in situations of conflict .
10. Thou shall burn everything and call it Cajun.


Gerard Way Puts The 'Laughter' In 'Manslaughter'.
Mikey Way Can Slam Revolving Doors.
The Chief Export Of Frank Iero Is Pain.
Mikey Way Counted To Infinity...Twice.
Frank Iero Can Divide By Zero.
The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side. Unless Gerard Way Has Been There, Then It's Soaked With Tears And Blood.
The Frank Iero Once Visited The Virgin Islands. They Are Now The Islands.
Gerard Way Sleeps With A NightLight. Not Because Gerard Way Is Afraid Of The Dark, But Because The Dark Is Afraid Of Gerard Way.
Mikey Way Is The Reason Waldo Is Hiding.
A Tsunami Is Water Running Away From Bob Bryar.
Bob Bryar Doesn't Get Brain Freeze. Slurpees Know When To Back The ******** Off.
Bob Bryar Doesn't Teabag The Ladies. He Potato-Sacks Them.
Mikey Way Can Speak Braille.
Frank Iero Jacks Off To Monster Trucks.
Jeeves Asks Ray Toro.
If The Bob Bryar Is Late, Time Better Slow The ******** Down.
Geico Saved 15% A Year By Switching To Gerard Way.
Ray Toro Went Back In Time And Stopped The JFK Assination By Catching The Bullet In Mid-Air. JFK's Head Just Exploded In Sheer Amazement.
Gerard Way Has To Sort His Laundry Into Three Loads: Darks, Whites, And Bloodstains.
Jesus Walked On Water. Gerard Way Walked On Jesus.
When Frank Iero Gives You The Finger, He's Telling You How Many Seconds You Have Left To Live.
Gerard Way Doesn't Use Pick-Up Lines, He simply Says "Now."
Mikey Way Is Like A Tsunami. If You Can See Him Coming, It's Already Too Late.
Bob Bryar Ate The Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.
Ray Toro Didn't Vote For Pedro. He Deported Him.
When God Said, "Let There Be Light", Gerard Way Said, "Say Please."

This is for all the kids who doodle MCR lyrics instead of paying attention in class.
This is for all the kids who listened to 'I'm Not Okay' on repeat because it made them feel like they weren't alone.
This is for all the kids who have seen 'Life On The Murder Scene' twenty bajillion times.
This is for all the kids who bought 'The Black Parade' the second it came out and clung to it like a security blanket for a month.
This is for all the kids who love Gerard, no matter what color his hair is.
This is for all the kids think Mikey is awesome, with or without glasses.
This is for all the kids who wish they could play guitar like Frank.
This is for all the kids were worried about Bob when he burnt his leg.
This is for all the kids who secretly fantasize about playing with Ray's hair.
This is for all the kids who know that as long as there is a My Chemical Romance, they will never be alone.
This is for all the kids who love My Chemical Romance with all their hearts.
This is for all the kids who wear their t-shirts not just to look cool, but to promote them too.
This is for all the kids who saved up their allowance for months, babysat, and mowed lawns to go to their concert and sing every word.
This is for all the kids who were NEVER okay.

This is dedicated to everyone:

Who was a demolition lover,
Who was NEVER okay,
Who was Welcomed to the Black Parade.
This is for every Patient, Helena and Harmless vampire,
This is for every single fan who may never get to see them play,
Who live Life on the Murder Scene,
Who cried watching The Ghost Of You,
Who wanted MCR for christmas,
This is for every fan who worried about Bobs burn,
Who are obsessed with Rays hair,
Who mourned the loss of Mikeys glasses,
Who worry about Franks health,
Who search the internet endlessly for new articles on the band
And those who help Gerard stay sober,
This is to, Everyone whos not afraid to keep on living.

My Chemical Romance is the shizzles

Homophobia is Gay!!!

I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a f** everyday.
I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.
I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had.
I wish they could adopt me. I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school.
It was simply too much to bear.
We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.
I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised.
The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.
I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.
I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didnt have to always deal with society hating me.
I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.
I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.
I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends im a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them.
I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson".
If you belive that Homophobia is wrong, please repost this.

I am the girl who dresses in all black and never got to finish middle school because I was called emo everyday.
I am the friend afraid to tell you that I'm bisexual, because you'de leave me for it.
I am the girl who loves to read and is pushed into the corner and beat up because of what I love to do.
I am no one. Just the kid that was pushed to far at school for being emo and cut a little too deep.
I'm the teenager who was kicked out of her house because I was caught hugging my girlfriend.
I am the woman who commited suicide just before I graduated highschool. Since I'm a CheerLeader, no one suspected it was coming.
I am the best friend who just found out she has AIDS, and is afraid to tell her parents because she'll be considered gay. My parents would never accept me if I was.
I am the athlete evryone expects to be perfect, when in reality I'm sneaking heroin between games.
I am the girl who is called a slut everyday because I can't afford to buy new clothes every year. My skirt doesn't cover what I want it to.
I am the sibling forced to clean their sister's blood off of the carpet. Why didn't I see it coming?
I am the boy who wakes up crying because the bruises my parents gave me hurt so much, but aren't even noticed because I'm always wearing the baggy clothes the kids in gangs wear.
I am the girl who got raped at twelve and am considered a whore because of it.
I am the gullible parent who let my child hurt themselves. No one can know this. We have to keep this secret. We have to be

Look in my eyes, you're killin me killin me. All I wanted was you! I tried to be someone else, but nothing seemed to change I know now.... this is who I really am inside, finally found myself... finally found the chance I know now... This is who I really am.

I am standing behind My Chemical Romance 110% to the end. I don't care what they do, or what they're accused of... nothing will break my love for those five beautiful boys.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now.....

Now all MCR fans...We have too many haters and you know this. We have to come together even if it's just on here. By adding every true fan you run across on every McR fansites you're helping. Re-post this in ur info if you agree (Posh started this chain.)


I learned from Gerard Way to be yourself
Ray to never, ever give up
Frank Iero that anyone can a difference
Mikey Way to be proud
Bob Bryar to take NO s**t from anyone
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE to find the strength to live through the hardest times of your life. (Put this in your profile if you agree!)

-Knows the true meaning behind "Helena" and what it means to Gerard and Mikey.
-Knows what MCR means.
-Knows what Gerard has been through.
-Knows that they had a former band member, Matt Pelissier, drummer.
-They love and care about their fans very, very much.
-Believes in the Black Parade.
-Isn't afraid to sing one of MCR's songs out loud in public.
-Is proud to be one.
-Takes Gerard's wise sayings seriously.
-Knows they aren't alone.
-Isn't a person who shops at Hollister and Abercrombie all day and wears pink clothes and a bunch of girly make-up everyday.
-Doesn't consider MCR totally emo.
-Doesn't like them just because they heard their song on the radio or saw 1 or 2 music videos.
-Knows they have 3 albums.
-Doesn't like them just because the lead singer is hot.
-Hates MCR fan posers.
-Has been to or wants to or is going to an MCR concert. (Projekt rev. counts)
-Isn't a person who wears black just because it's in style.
-Goes CRAZY when MCR is on the radio or tv
-Knows how the band really started out.
-Knows how much Frank loves NEW JERSEY.
-Thinks MCR aren't rich vampires.
-Be yourself

They told us they weren't OK. They told us VAMPIRES WOULD NEVER HURT US. They want us to say our FAMOUS LAST WORDS and join THE BLACK PARADE. They said the MIRROR WASN'T BIG ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US. They cried for THE GHOST OF US. They introduced us to HELENA. They DON'T LOVE US like they did yesterday. Put this on your profile if you love My Chemical Romance!

Okay, here's the D.E.A.L. people. A lot of people on Mibba have the "R.E.A.L. M.C.R. F.A.N." thingy on their page. Well listen up. That's not a R.E.A.L. MCR fan. A real MCR fan doesn't S.T.A.R.T. smoking because they think they will be H.O.T. like Frank and Gee. A real MCR fan knows that no one in MCR E.N.C.O.U.R.A.G.E.S. smoking. They know that smoking is bad for you and you shouldn't do it. They also dont ask for G.E.R.A.R.D. or B.O.B. or anyone for dinner. Also, they might not know more S.O.N.G.S. than the black parade, but maybe they just H.E.A.R.D. of them and thats the only song they know. Or maybe they only K.N.O.W. that song because it's on the radio a lot and they can't A.F.F.O.R.D. the CD. Anyone can be a MCR fan. You don't have to know all their songs, including "S.I.S.T.E.R. T.O. S.L.E.E.P." , "kill all your friends", "heaven help us" , "B.U.R.Y. M.E. I.N. B.L.A.C.K.", "my way home is through you" and all the other ones. A real MCR fan likes the boys for their M.U.S.I.C., not their looks. They dont W.R.I.T.E. fan fiction to prove they know MCR. They write it for their own E.N.T.E.R.T.A.I.N.M.E.N.T.. They dont write "I love Gerard" on all their underwear. Thats O.B.S.S.E.S.I.V.E..

So if your a R.E.A.L. M.C.R. F.A.N., put this on your profile. And yes...this was written by Coolestloserx82x

Find Out What Your Name Means
A : You like to drink
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : one in a million.
E : Great in bed.
F : You are dead sexy
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H:You have a very good personality,looks and a very good kisser
I : Great in bed.
J : People Adore you
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Unbelievably great in bed.
M : Great in bed.
N: you like to drink ALOT.
O: awesome kisser
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : ******** Crazy.(in a fun way)
S : Easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You are really silly.
V : You are not judgemental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Great in bed.
Z : Always ready.......

Ways to Tell If You're a Real My Chemical Romance Fan

1.Real MCR fans know more songs than "Welcome to the Black Parade."
2. Real MCR fans know Gerard Way's brother's name.
3. Real MCR fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs comes on.
4. Real MCR fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard's hair.
5. Real MCR fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard in general.
6. Real MCR fans know the names of everyone in the band and what they do.
7. Real MCR fans shop for hours just to find a jacket like the band's have for a MCR concert.
8. Real MCR fans ask their mom "What's for dinner?" and are disappointed when she doesn't say Gerard.
9. Real MCR fans start smoking because they think they will be HAWT like Frank and Gerard.
10. Real MCR fans ask for Bob the Bryar for christmas and cry when they don't get him.
11. Real MCR fans do dirty things with their MCR action figures and are proud to admit it.
12. Real MCR fans sleep with a picture of MCR and actually have to wipe off the drool stains.
13. Real MCR fans piss themselves when they see them... on the televison.
14. Real MCR fans would admit to let them rape you.
15. Real MCR fans go in a rendition of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge when they hear a guy in a restaurant say "So Long"
16. Real MCR fans have this on their profile.
17. Real MCR fans giggle everytime Gerard Way says the word 'way' in his songs
18. Real MCR fans will scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, **insert bandmembers name here**!!" on his birthday, regardless of how quiet the room is.
19. Real MCR fans watch "Life On the Murder Scene" twice a day then apologize to plants.
20. Real MCR fans often zone out, listening to MCR in their heads, and when someone asks them a question they scream the lyrics they were just thinking of.
21. Real MCR fans write 'my' and 'romance' around the word 'chemical' when in science class.
22. Real MCR fans when hearing any word even slightly associated with MCR on the television, insantly freak out and turn up the volume.
23. Real MCR fans eat skittles and drink coke zero three times daily.
24. Real MCR fans have every MCR picture possible saved on their computer, and admit it proudly.
25. Real MCR fans have actually read and re-read and re-re-read etc. any MCR webpages they could find.
26. Real MCR fans can listen to a MCR song repeatidly and not get tired of said song. (no matter how many times you listen!)
27.Real MCR fans hear New Jersy and instantly think MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR!!!!!!
28. Real MCR fans try their hardest to mention MCR in any project at school.
29. Real MCR fans spaz out when they see the word 'way' in books, on trucks, anywhere.
30.When someone says "'fro," you say "Ray Toro!"
31.When someone says "Chemical," or "Romance," you think..."MCR!"
32. When you think of New Jersey, you think of Belleville.
33. When someone talks about St. Helena, Montana, you think Helena.
34. You've had their CD for two weeks and iTunes says it's been played at least 46 times.(true…)
35. You have mixed feelings about the Used. Bert? Or Gerard?
36. You wake up at two AM thinking about Mikey.
37. You view Alicia Simmons as the new Adrienne Armstrong.
38. You truly believe the Black Parade will come to you when you die (Hello Gerard!)
39. You believe they should hire you to be in all their videos since you dance to the songs like nobody's business.
40. Black is your favorite color.
41. It pains you to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force because of the rejection it caused Gerard.
42. You know Bob is a fuzzy bunny and Frank is a princess.
43. You wouldn't mind watching Gerard draw all day.
44. You count the days to and from your MCR concerts.
45. You have their tour schedule on a Word Document on your computer.
46. You wouldn't mind Gerard and Mikey smellling like s**t if it meant you got to go on tour with them!
47. You'd offer Frank your shower at 3 AM.
48. You dye your hair like Gerard did a few years ago and lament as that random red splotch at the back of your head fades away.
49.You scream when your parents accidentally throw away the review of the show you went to a week before. Then you immediately get it off the internet.
50. None of your friends like them but they could probably write a book on them you talk about them so much.
51. You've Googled their high schools(its true u know i have actually done this).
52. You adhere to the MCR Bible, the Ten Commandments of the Black Parade, the Ten Commandments of Gerard Way and the Ten Commandments of a Chemical Romantic.
53. You don't care anymore when people call them emo because you know they're not.
54. You'd cut off Bob and Ray's hair if it meant you could have it all to yourself.
55. You relate to Mikey and his unicorn/coffee/sushi fetish.
56. You really wish Frank would talk on stage.
57. You've named pets/stuffed animals/instruments after them.
58. You sneak into your computer lab at school at lunch to watch their videos.
59. You listen to every band they say they like during interviews.
60. You only tolerate Brandon Flowers because Gerard Way says he likes the Killers and Brandon likes MCR.
61. Your daydreams consist of commentary on your school day by Mikey, Frank, Gerard, Bob and Ray.
62. You call Gerard "Gee."
63.Your friends all get a glazed look when you mention MCR.
64. You wrote an essay about how you admire Gerard when your English teacher told you that you had to write something about someone you admired. 65. Life on the Murder Scene=LOTMS
66. You support Bob Bryar's solo project.
67. Even if they went gansta, you'd still love them.
67. You just wrote and/or read this (or forced a friend too).















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“Your going to come across a lot of shitty bands, and a lot of shitty people. And if anyone of those people call you names because of what you look like, or because they don't accept you for who you are. I want you to look right at that ********, stick up your middle finger, and scream ******** YOU!” Gerard Way

“Yeah, I had a headache, really bad. I was in a gas station and there was a pot of coffee and I looked at it for about a minute and then my brother (motions at Gerard) got a coffee and he taunted me.” Mikey Way

"I'm Not A Psycho I Just Like Psychotic Things" Gerard Way

“There's less violence in the world when people are using Hula-Hoops.” Mikey Way

“All of us grew up as geeks, getting picked on and being told we weren't good enough. It's not meant to inspire you to acts of violence. Everything is a metaphor.” Gerard Way

“If you don't go to highschool you will definitely go to jail.” Gerard Way

“It tastes like somebody stole my wallet. Ya know?” Gerard Way
"I want x-ray vision, sometimes. So that i could check out Syn's package." Zacky Vengence

"Hopefully he'll be a good bartender and make us a nice stiff drink, so then I can get laid. You never know what happens at a bar, with the Rev." Synyster Gates

“Frankie: Eww is that a bug?
Fan 1: No, I think it's a sharpie mark.
Frankie: It is a bug.
Fan 2: No, actually it is a bug. I sorta smushed it by accident and it stayed on the picture.
Frankie: That's gross (circles bug and writes eww on paper).”

“The Devil got landed with a shitty job, he has to deal with assholes everyday, he's probably bored as hell.” Gerard Way

"Look at that ******** duck! That's the biggest ******** duck i've ever seen in my life!" The Rev

“I'd rather be a creature of the night than an old dude.” Gerard Way

“I went to school in drag, in art school and my day was completely different because everybody thought I was a chick. You should see me as a chick. So I went as a girl, as like an experiment and it worked really well and everyone was really nice to me but I couldn't talk know train conductors were really cool to me on my commute...HA! I looked hot as a chick!” Gerard Way

Interviewer: What's the biggest challenge you've had to face this year?
Gerard Way: Biggest challenge?
Frank Iero: Well this year all we did was the album.
Bob Bryar: Yeah
Gerard Way: Yeah The Black Parade is the biggest challenge we've had to face this year. Meet them in a parking lot and yeah you know.(MCR burst out laughing) They brought knives, they cheated it wasn't fair. So I think they won you know?

"The biggest thing I've learned is that you only have one chance. You only have today to live-but you gotta take it and make it the best you can." Bert McCracken

You know you’re a My Chemical Romance Freak when ::

1. Your carpet is soaked with drool after watching them play on TV
2. You cry when u hear them play your favorite song live
3. You hear someone say My Chemical Romance and you snap to attention
4. You stand your ground and defend them when someone tries to criticize them
5. You feel like burning the TRL building down
6. You read a story and claim you saw one of the band members names, though its not there.
7. You have a MCR song for every point in your day
8. You lick the TV when there on it, Mmm..MCR
9. You recite the words to the song when someone even mutters just a word of it.
10. You Live by the words of My Chemical Romance
11. You've asked your parents millions of times if you could make MCR your religion!!!

Because you march with me in THE BLACK PARADE.
From one DEMOLITION to another TO THE END.
Send this to anyone who marches with you.

I DON'T LOVE TEENAGERS cause they scare the living s**t out of me.
And our FAMOUS LAST WORDS are we'll carry on.
Send this to those who are the saviors of the broken, the beaten, and the damned.

Hello my dear,
Hello my precious
I hope you like this,
'cause this one's for you

I had a dream
and you were in it
If I dyed i came with you
and if i disappeared you had to continue
When i woke up, it made me cry
too see your corpse lie,ohh why god, why ?

So i grabbed my razorblade
and did what god forbade
On a count of three, we when back
to sleep with you tight against me

When i woke up once again, you ran away
you looked back, like nothing's okay
i took your arm, but you refused
you oushed me back, it's when you
did that, time had stopped

This was too mutch to bare
I guess after all
You just didn't care

Mikey: ******** YOU!
Gerard: ******** YOURSELF!
Mikey: GO ******** A COW!
Gerard: GO ******** A TOASTER AND TURN IT ON!
Mikey: GO ******** YOUR MOM!
Gerard:GO ******** A WHALE!

This is for the MCRmy.

My Cheesy Romance presents:

I Brought You My Cow, You Brought Me Your Cheese

Cheese-o, This Mirror Isn’t Cheesy Enough For the Two of Us
Edam Will Never Hurt You
Cheese Making Lessons
Our Lady of Swiss (Take My Cheese and Never Be Afraid Again)
Cheesefirst for Pepperjack (Think Cheesy Thoughts)
Bleu Cheese and Cheesestiles
Early Gouda Over Cheeseville
This is the Best Cheese Ever
Muenster Lovers

Three Cheers For Sweet Cheese

Give ‘Em Cheese Kid
To the Cheese
You Know What They Do to Cheese Like Us in Prison
I’m Not Cheesy (I Promise)
The Ghost of Cheese (The Cheese of You)
The Swiss Life is Gonna Cheese You
Thank You for the Cheddar
Hang ‘Em Asiago (Oh Cheesy, Don’t Stop)
It’s Not Cottage Cheese, It’s a Cheese Cottage
Cream Cheese Drive
I Never Told You What Kind of Cheese I Eat

The Black Cheese

The Cheese
This is How I Cut the Cheese
The Sharpest Cheddar
Welcome to the Cheese Farm
I Don’t Love You Like I Love Cheese
House of Provolone
The Hardest Part of This is Leaving Yunnan
Mama, We’re All Gonna Eat Your Cheese
Teenagers Stole My Cheese
Cheesy Last Words

Frank: Has goldfinger ever had a flock of mooses advancing on him? It's a terrifying sight.
Mikey: That's not the plural of moose, it's moosi.
Gerard: ******** off, it's meese.

| M.C.R FANS ! | "|""";.., ___.
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all true mcr fans have this on their profile!!!!

the Gerard song:
Gerard Arthur Way
cutest darn thing
I've seen to this day

Hot as can be
Gerard is so sexy
wished he would hug me

His smile melts my heart
Gerard is so adorable
#1 on my chart

his voice is so hot
Gerard is just darn gorgeous
their albums i all bought

cutest little laugh
Gerard is just so lovable
my heart he's taken more than half

Funny as hell
Gerard makes me smile
When I'm ill,he makes me well

sweet as a teddy bear
i wanna give him a hug
and i absolutely love his hair

if you love Gerard
put this on your channel
and if u don't then you're a retard

there are 4 ways:
the right way
the wrong way
the Gerard Way!!
and the Mikey Way!!

this year is was diagnosed with MCROD(My Chemical Romance Obsessive Disorder).the symptoms are:
1)Stalking MCR's youtube channel for haters
2)listening to their music all the time
3)screaming like crazy wen you see them on tv
4)knowing the lyrics to all their songs
5)hating anyone who disses them.

if you believe you may have this disease....put this on ur page!Get the word is serious....very serious!!!!!!!!!

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Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!




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