
Hello, friend! If you attempt to read all of this I suppose you wanna be friends someday heart

Name: Aleesa

Birthday: October 7th (Get me somethin' nice!)

Race: Tons of stuff. Black, White, German, and Native American for starters.

Location: The most boring place I've ever lived compared to Germany DX Pm me if you really wanna know

Things I Like: MUSIC! All of it...except for most heavy metal and rap XP, singing along to my music, dancing to my music, anime, Germany, video games, reading, purple(THAT wasn't obvious lol), cows, open-mindedness, speaking tons of languages, and lots more things I can't think of right now.

Things I Dislike: I'm not a very hateful person so I can't put much here except for narrow-mindedness (duh), the place I live, and spiders.

Random "The More You Know!" section: My cousin calls me a "Top 40 Junkie" because I know all the words to every song on America's top 40 hit songs list and my friends question whether there is any song I DON'T listen to on the radio. As long as you're not a douchebag I would probably wanna be your friend =D I love hearing different languages and my favorites are Gaelic, Finnish, Japanese, and German. I'm kind of a shy person when I'm not around my friends(they influence me to do some crazy stuff haha) but one day I shall break out of my shell! Last but not least, I'm a lurker in the GD. So fun to watch all the E-drama pass by and not be included in it =3

I think I typed enough for you to get a good grasp on who I am but if you wanna know more it'd be great if you commented or PM'd me =) Bye!


Viewing 12 of 46 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Candy Kong

Report | 11/27/2011 7:23 pm

Candy Kong

cool avi
Inu Yasha ruls

Report | 11/10/2011 1:31 am

Inu Yasha ruls

Bloody hell it has been a while, and now I feel like a creep for randomly commenting on your profile lol

Report | 12/23/2008 9:38 am


User Image

Report | 05/31/2008 5:00 am


Aleesa-Chan!!! *Tackle hugs* Ooohh! It's been so long!! I'm so happy to see you! ^__^ I agree that Zuko is bad a**. I love him. X3

Report | 12/24/2007 7:50 pm


User Image

Report | 11/05/2007 9:45 am


I remember you...I think or I'm goin' crazeh >.>

Report | 10/01/2007 1:35 pm


My mama's boyfriend lil cousin big brotha exgirlfriend aunty baby daddy best friends daddy step gramma on his nephew neices side baby brothas lil cousin twice removed related to uncle peaches n aunty herb on baby koolaids mama side told me 2 tell u "HEYYYY!". Send 2 all ur ghetto friends

Report | 08/08/2007 9:26 am


I know what you mean, heh. I really love his voice. He can go from soft and sweet to deep and powerful, it's amazing. I think the only reason they make fun of him is because he's always so nonchalant about being there and very low energy it seems X3.

I'm glad you liked it though! It's been one of my faves for years.
Haralicious disguise

Report | 08/01/2007 6:54 pm

Haralicious disguise

probably O.o

Report | 07/30/2007 12:31 pm


Imma eat joo! :domo

(split side) You look delicious..