
ya im a teenager that has a girlfriend and is loving her right now. i want to be the most updated person of tecnology. i have the PS111!!!!!!!!!! did i mention i have a girlfriend?

Jonas! Wassup! haha. yea i am bored...like always haha. so yea this Janize hacking Jonas! wat can i say about you? hm....well for one thing u are very wierd. ur my wierdo! ur special that way lol. you are also the one guy i love so much in the world!!!!!! you are awesome! ya! sorry i'm hyper, u know i'm always hyper and jumpy! also i miss you very much. i hope i see you soon! yea back to you. ur also very kind, caring, and loving. u are the very best but u don't need to do that! u also are mean! how could u give me $50 gift card from Vans on my b-day! ur crazy but yea my mom is right, u do spoil me. that sucks. well i'm getting revenge on you on ur b-day mwahahah. we'll take you to Hooters haha. jk jk Jonas, thank u for always doing as much as you can for me. i can never thank u enough. u try to change and be better just so u can be with me. i'm sorry i can be such a handfull but i'm trying to be better and i'm sorry for all our rough times. i hope things get better. we have been togeder for 4 months and....like 1 week. i hope more to come! later wierdo! and i'll finish later, i dunno wat else to say...
kaay Love ya! bye!