psycho thingy1

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Last Login: 02/01/2018 8:58 pm

Registered: 05/25/2006

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Location: no one knowz

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crazymunkey534 Report | 07/06/2007 12:43 pm
blah. i love you!
Doppoetry Report | 04/26/2007 4:59 pm
hey hay hay how are you?
Luna_144 Report | 04/26/2007 7:24 am
Luna_144 Report | 04/14/2007 3:35 pm
hey you
Doppoetry Report | 03/26/2007 2:38 pm
FLAME NINJA 95 Report | 03/25/2007 8:13 am
1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If not for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.
15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great. Add this as a comment to ten of your friends tonight and at midnight your true love will find you. Something good will happen to you at 2:25 tomorrow. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life.

Whoever breaks this chain letter will be cursed with 10 relationship problems for the next ten years tag ur it!! this is so scary!!! send this to 15 ppl in the next 143 min. and then press F6 and your crushes name will appear in big letters!! it is so scary because it works.... but if you break the chain.. you will be cursed w/ relationship problems. NO SEND BACKS
brock123456789 Report | 03/17/2007 8:38 am
hot profile
Luna_144 Report | 03/15/2007 1:51 pm
hey read all of this ok, sorry it so long but its a hell of a lot true.

you now you have a true freind, do you know, how can you be shure, are they realy your friend? here how to know. look at these different stats in friendship.

1. there just on your friendlist. Not a friend just a name you know

2.your not cofteble talking too them. Not a friend just a person you know. talk too them maybe once ever other month. not a friend just a peson you feal you have too talk too. talk too them once every month. Not a friend yet but getting there. talk too them once every two weeks. a friend talk too them as much as you can. a friend you like trust them with your secrets. a good friend too you cant wait too talk too them again. a best friend luv there advise and they make a lot of sense too you. a good best friend.

10.they acesp you for you and always make you smile. a true best friend too have

you see, anyway this is my opion of it anyway. oh yeah there on more rating i forgot.

11. you luv being around them. you feel comfterble talking too them and sharing your fealing with them, knowing thell acept them and listen. you luv there mind and personalitly and dont care what they wear or what look like. you simple love there company and the fealing you get when you talk too them . . .you know they hear everyword you say.

if you have anyone like that . . .then you may be stuck between friends and friendlyer. you know it might mean you like them as more than just friends. hey them again this is just my opion after all.
brock123456789 Report | 03/13/2007 11:31 am
hey how are you
softXsweetXrawr Report | 03/08/2007 4:11 pm
Your over obesed with mario!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, on the scale of one to 10 in sexy your a 10!!!!!!!!!!!!! also your not ugly! smile and i if you want to see ugly look at me.


@###*(i'll be your biggest kept secret and your biggest mistake)*##@


LiNdA LiFeLeSs


BRANDON 8-3-09