
Jack's character bio: ( questions or comments on any of this? PM me. Also, DO NOT STEAL ANY IDEAS / CONCEPTS, PLZKTHNX )

First Name: Puck

Middle Name / Alias: "Jack" ( no middle name )

Last Name: FallPaw

Species: Elf

Age: ( undecided - human equivalent: 28-32 )

Gender: Male

Height: 6'11"

Weight: ( undecided )

Physical Description: Jack has a slightly yellow-toned complexion, with a few scars strewn about his body ( though mostly on his back ) due to various unfortunate events that keep befalling him. His tattoo color upon birth was a vibrant forest green as well as four earrings on each ear ( a hoop at the base of the lobe followed by three colored gems becoming progressively smaller towards the tip ). He has a very long, slender, and lanky physique, as well as being on the thin side. He has cropped, black hair, and brown eyes. In his younger days, his hair used to fall to his lower back, and was ( and still is ) extremely straight. When his hair was cut, he later made the decision to grow and maintain a goatee, the hair of which grows outward, accenting the fine point of his own chin.

Clothing: Jack fancies a simple attire. He usually wears plain, blue pants, and a plain, green, button-up shirt with simple, brown shoes. However, when not making certain he's presentable, he merely wears light blue jeans, and his typical, white undershirt ( if wearing a shirt at all ), and prefers being bare-foot when he can get away with it.

Image URL: [link]

Family Relations: Lucious FallPaw ( brother ), ( a number of other yet unnamed siblings ), Jordon FallPaw ( father ), Sylvia FallPaw ( mother ), Rosa FallPaw ( wife ), Barry SilverFeather ( father-in-law ), Aloe SilverFeather ( mother-in-law ), Lylach FallPaw ( sister-in-law ), Zen FallPaw ( nephew ), Russell FallPaw ( nephew ), Akida FallPaw ( niece ), Jayden WolfEye ( distant nephew ), Eddie FallPaw ( great-grandfather ), Lola FallPaw ( great-grandmother )

Other Relations: ( several patrons for his art, but none really named )

Personality Traits: Jack is kind, fun-loving, and eccentric, but he can still brood and be moody. He more often than not is calm and relaxed, always with a kindly smile on his face, and when it comes down to it he's more of a follower than a leader, but when he can he'll still lead a small company if given the opportunity. He loves most anything that has to do with being outdoors, which is evident upon the way he designed his house, being quite natural-looking in the structure.

Occupation: Jack has never spent much time actually holding a job, but he's worked in coal mines, worked on rail roads, and other such grunt-labor work, but he's usually made his money by selling hand-made goods. He's an artist by nature, and loves sculpting and painting, his pieces usually going for high prices due to their intricacy, detail, and unique style. He was recruited by the Soviet branch of the Earth Military for a short while during WWII, and employed doing various, underground "intelligence" missions ( mostly paperwork, though ).

Biography: Jack was born under the name Puck, but discarded it sometime later in his life when he had decided that he had hit such a rock-bottom that he would restart his life from the very beginning, starting with his name. As he started growing up, his family lived up a large hill from a fairly well populated human community, and though his parents advised against interacting with the humans, they did nothing to enforce it and the family quite often went into the community, trading services, and happily interacting. In his youth, Jack was the fourth-born to his family with three older siblings. When he was young he was given a little sister, and one evening when the siblings were out playing the smallest wandered off a cliff. The entire family was devastated, but Jack had vowed from that point to learn how to help injured people - though he didn't learn in the typical fashion, he learned little bits of white magic when and where he could until he became quite a proficient healer. However, his parents also never spoke of human dangers, since elves had taken a strictly don't-ask-don't-tell philosophy when regarding such things as drugs, alcohol, etc., believing them to be of human creation and therefore left out of elven culture all together. This cultural banning caused the elves to evolve without any natural immunities to such things, and therefore left them highly susceptible to their effects, so when Jack was invited in for a friendly drink with the local bread-maker ( he had been working with him and helping him for a couple of months now ), he thought nothing of it and accepted. As time went on, he stopped to have a drink with the local town-boys, and they found his low alcohol tolerance amusing, especially due to his size it would seem it would take a lot more to get him drunk. Little by little, Jack built up his immunity to the alcohol, but unknowingly also grew addicted. He primarily drank beer, so despite his high metabolism he slowly began to gain weight, though only in his stomach-region, the rest of his body stayed fairly thin. When his family found out, they were extremely unhappy with him, and pressured him to quit, but he refused, causing strain to begin developing between family ties. Little by little he separated himself from his family, locking himself up either in his room or staying out in the town. After several decades of this, the townsfolk began to regard Jack as a menace, useless, and just generally looked down on him. By this time he had pulled almost entirely within himself, not wanting to open up to anyone, but the bread-maker he worked for was always able to get to Jack since Jack had developed a soft-spot for the [now] old man. He had also, however, developed something of a fascination towards his brother's fiancee's sister. He always felt rather sheepish and giddy around her, and whenever he caught wind that she'd be visiting or if he ever caught sight of her, he would swiftly run and take cover in his room, and yet something about her fascinated him. It didn't take long for Lucious ( his brother ) and Lylach ( Lucious' love interest ) to notice this, and one day they set up a meeting between the two. Rosa ( Lylach's sister ) sat on a sofa in their front room while Lucious tried to draw Jack out, but Jack had quite effectively locked himself in a closet and it was obvious he wasn't coming out. Lucious and Lylach gave up, and Rosa, not knowing why she was there, wandered off. Jack sat in the closet, where he had a good viewing area of the front room through a grate, rather jealous of his brother's ability to easily get along with Lylach, and even more envious of how happy they were together. Was he to be denied this feeling for his entire life? Was he not made to love? Well, little did he know that while he was brooding Rosa had let herself into the closet, thinking much the same things, though when they realized that they were in the same place they both panicked a moment until they realized it was the perfect time to get to know one another, and quickly Jack found it incredibly easy to talk to this girl, and had gained yet another soft-spot. However, Rosa's parents did not approve of her interacting with Jack due to his drinking, considering him "soiled in human culture", but that didn't stop them from enjoying the small moments they did have together. Years later, Jack's family uprooted and moved to another small town, much closer to the SilverFeather estate, preparing for Lucious to be wed to Lylach. However, while there a highly-placed religious figure also came to that town, calling blasphemy upon the elves and demanding their execution, but the townsfolk denied claiming that the elves had mostly kept to themselves and were kindly and helpful when they were keeping to themselves. The man saw a weakness in Jack, though, and decided to take advantage of it. One night when, almost as if on schedule, Jack was drunk and wandering through the town, trying to find his way home, the stranger jumped him, meaning to take advantage of this moment to prove just how lowsy the elves were, but Jack was a bit more sober than expected, and retaliated trying to defend himself. In the end, the man fell into the town center's fountain, impaling himself and ultimately causing his own death, but one of his followers had been witness and placed the blame on Jack. Jack was unable to heal the man due to his altered state, but tried to explain himself, though no one would listen and he was jailed instead. After a fierce battle of law, the town agreed that the majority of them couldn't see the elves take such a violent action, and since the man was a stranger to the town and the elves relatively trusted, they chose not to hang Jack, but rather castrated him instead. Jack's family was outraged, but the court claimed it was the only justifiable thing to do. After the elven Grand Council caught wind of this, they dubbed Jack a Corrupt and gave him a temporary exile of fifty years, though for the first year he could opt to stay with an elven family that was not his own, so he begged the SilverFeather family to take him in, and begrudgingly they did. He lived in close quarters with Rosa for that entire year, though the family sent him out on errands when they could, trying to keep him out of their hair, and more importantly out of their house. When the exile truly took effect, Jack wandered Europe heading further and further East-ward, staying in one place no more than a few years. In that time he took up smoking tobacco in hopes that it would help him stop drinking, but he didn't stop drinking until he began to pass over a mountain range and found himself completely isolated for about two years, the journey forcing him to sober up, though he continued smoking. Bad luck seemed to follow him, though, and at one point when he was captured by a pack of folk who thought him to be a witch and scheduled to be beheaded, a masked figure rode through the town and demanded they release the man, under penalty of God's wrath if they did not. The pack quickly obliged and handed Jack over, but only once the masked man promised to kill him in the most horrible way he could think of, and publicly sliced off Jack's hair. After riding back into the forest for several hours, they stopped at a river and the masked figure cut Jack free of the ropes. Something was familiar about the man, but Jack couldn't figure it out until he took his mask off - it was none other than his own brother, Lucious, who had since cropped his ears to better fit in with the humans while he hunted down Jack to make sure he was alright. Lucious had, in fact, been tracking Jack, but it wasn't until they arrived at Lucious' house that Jack found out why. Lucious' daughter was deathly ill, and nothing was working to help her, but when Jack protested, claiming that if the Council found out they would be exiled too, Lucious reassured that no one would allow the Council to know of this. Jack stayed with them for several months, helping nurse their daughter back to health, but eventually continued on Eastward, though much to his surprise Rosa had been following him, too. They settled down in the Eastern Siberian plains and lived there until WWII when Jack was recruited to work as an intelligence office, though he was mostly shoved into an office to do paperwork. His time in the military was relatively uneventful, and he was eventually released back to his home and his wife, until much later when Zen returned from being missing for over half a century. When Zen returned, he spouted tails of a planet called Lopezz that everyone else brushed off as fable, but Jack had recalled hearing about it during his time in the military and went back to conduct some research, and sure enough found plenty of proof of Lopezz' existence. After some debate it was concluded that the elves would move to Lopezz since it was much more culturally friendly to the elves than Earth, but at the last minute it was decided that Rosa would stay behind with Eddie and Lola ( Jack's great-grandparents ) until the next Grand Council meeting so that she could let the elders know just what had happened. However, in the next Grand Council meeting the FallPaws were unable to return to Earth and had to wait another decade. During these twenty-five years ( give or take a little ) Jack fell into a deep depression being forced to live without Rosa, but was able to come out of it when Rosa at long last was reunited with the rest of the FallPaws.


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