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PureSunshine95's avatar

Last Login: 08/22/2018 6:17 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/22


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It's me!

Hey! My name is Sarah!

Birthday: February 22, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Lover of all things small and fuzzy
Horror Film Fan
BDSM Fan (I'm a switch!)

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Spartian c Report | 08/23/2007 4:53 pm
shes on kinda im so afraid please hide me
Spartian c Report | 08/23/2007 4:46 pm
well shes on some way eeeeeek hide me please
Spartian c Report | 08/23/2007 3:25 pm
what the ******** did you say to chelesy cause after wards she was bendin over in front of me adn in the morinin she tried to take a shower with me what in the world did you say
Rose Kurozawa Report | 08/23/2007 2:18 pm
lol cool video X]
Spartian c Report | 08/22/2007 7:17 pm
Or1g1nAl1nSaNiTy Report | 08/22/2007 5:33 pm
Kyaaaaaa!! ^ ^ hey how are you!?
Spartian c Report | 08/22/2007 5:01 pm
eeeeekkkkkk *runs and jumps in foxhole i dug* ahhhhhh stop i didnt know why are you so angry at her *puts on body armor and helemet* please im sorry i am and hm what joe
Spartian c Report | 08/22/2007 3:33 pm
im sorry its just there big they are there and i am only a man
Rose Kurozawa Report | 08/22/2007 3:10 pm
teh mooses, lol
Raw Knee Report | 08/22/2007 12:20 pm
