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PurplePixie44's avatar

Birthday: 04/10



Name: Gertrude Roxanne Smith
Alias: Purple Pixie (Or simply Pixie)
Age: 19
Race: Human
Height: 5'4
Hair: Violet
Eyes: Violet
Weight: 100lbs
Alignment: Villain
Base: Mobile

About: Pixie doesn't remember much about her old life before her powers, or at least she plays it that way. She had a good family, lived in a wealthy neighborhood outside of Gotham, and had the ideal life. But when she started to hear "voices" she was forced to stay in a psych ward for a few weeks, before she realized that the voices were actually the thoughts of the people around her. With no one believing her, she broke out and has been living on her own ever since.

Powers: She can hear thoughts like a normal conversation (Not to be totally lame, but think Edward Cullen XP) and also has telepathic persuasion. Depending on the will of the person, if she can make eye contact with them she can persuade the victim to believe whatever falsehoods she can come up with, this also works if she touches their skin. Also, with eye contact she can dig around to the persons subconscious and find out very intimate information about them.

Weaknesses: Masks and overwhelming thoughts. Pixie can become disoriented if there are a lot of people around, thinking different things. She usually avoids crowds, due to the chaos of thoughts and voices. Also, for the full extent of her powers to be used, she needs direct eye contact, so people in certain masks are safe from her worse powers. Though, she'll still be able to hear their current thoughts, she just can't find out anything vital like secret identities, etc.


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I Superboy I Report | 08/28/2010 3:52 pm
I Superboy I
Conner looked away confused and looked back at the woman. He then pulled his hand away wondering why everybody was acting strange today. "Um, okay well since you're alright now I guess I'll be on my way." Conner began walking in the opposite direction and looked back or a second, but then continued walking.
Ryu Hirushima aka Pyro Report | 08/28/2010 2:49 pm
Ryu Hirushima aka Pyro
(Hey What's up?
I Superboy I Report | 08/26/2010 11:12 pm
I Superboy I
Conner looked at the woman as if she we out of her mind. He still stood there staring into the woman's eyes, confused. "Ugh, are you alright lady?" He continued to look into her eyes unsure of what it was that she was doing.
I Superboy I Report | 08/26/2010 11:48 am
I Superboy I
Conner rushed over the the woman's side to help her up after she had collapsed onto the ground. This day was just getting weirder and weirder and the teen felt as if it was far from over. "Are you alright? I think I should take you to a hospital." Conner said as he helped the woman off the ground.
I Superboy I Report | 08/24/2010 1:35 pm
I Superboy I
As Conner continued his search to find who or what was behind the recent event that occurred in the city streets he spotted a young woman being mugged. Conner ran up to the mugger and picked him up by his leg, leaving him dangling in mid-ar. "Not so tough now are you punk!" Shouted Conner as he dropped the mugger on his head leaving him unconscious. He would let the local police take care of the petty thief. The Teen of Steel was still puzzled by the recent up-rise in crime but would have to solve this mystery later while he checked up on the young woman. "Are you alright ma'am? I don't think this guy will be bothering you anymore."
Kryptonian Nightmare Report | 08/23/2010 4:03 am
Kryptonian Nightmare
I Superboy I Report | 08/22/2010 3:23 pm
I Superboy I
Conner had been walking through the city minding his own business when all of a sudden a loud noise began ringing in his ear. Suspicious as to what this ringing in his ear could be the Teen of Steel continued forward and as he reached around the corner, noticed several civilians causing havoc in the city streets. A look of confusion came upon Conner's face as he looked on wondering what was causing the civilians to act in such a manner. The young hero was unaware of what was causing the civilians to act this way but had to react quickly before someone was hurt. In mere seconds the various trouble makes were subdued and left on the corner for the police to deal with. Still confused as to why random pedestrians would act the way they did, Conner began looking around the city hoping to find some answers.
Kryptonian Nightmare Report | 08/22/2010 11:55 am
Kryptonian Nightmare
how ya been?
Kryptonian Nightmare Report | 08/22/2010 11:38 am
Kryptonian Nightmare
*Is a machine*oxo
Kryptonian Nightmare Report | 08/22/2010 11:32 am
Kryptonian Nightmare
*tears your finger off*<< >>


For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.
