The poem

Hello Im Angie and i blow my candles on Sep.15. Im in high school and i text a lot, i dont care about people that much. I hate people that are FAKE and they think they are all that. I do karate and i dont mess around w.noboddy. I love my friends/family/phone/Not life D:.
i Dont have a boyfriend im just whaiting for the right one 2 come around. i have a crush on someone. if u wanna now me better...

I whish you were here
always by my side and
not letting you go
i love you more
than a couple love each other
more than plants love water
and more than anything
i will always be there
for you as you will for me
i want you so bad
but i just cant have you
i dream of you
but you don't dream of me
i wonder how can i get you
out of my mind without getting hurt
i will always love you no matter what
and now that i think of you it hurts thinking you are with another girl and that you don't want me its just hurts so much that i can make stories about my life loving you i know this doesn't make sense but i hope you know how i feel about you and knowing that i will always love you no matter what. Sense the first day that i saw you my mind went crazy my stomach had butterflies and you were at the corner and we were looking at each others eyes. I will never forget how i meet you and how bad i want you its been a year i been loving you all ready, i cant belive i fall for you over a year i cant even talk to you because my face goes red im really shy around you but when i talk to some others guys im not shy at all but with you its different i feel like i found the right guy but who doesn't want me at all. You have a girlfriend and i have a boyfriend every time i think of you tonight i fell in love with you more and more and i just cant get you out of my mind. I take my feelings every time you do something wrong i love you even thought you act like a child whish you are not because you have 13 already. Well i just wanted to tell you how much i freaking love you and i would try to not lose this feeling that i have for you.