
Name: Cameron
Nickname: Cam, Dominic, Dom
Age: 16
Gender: male
Height: 5'11"- 6'
Weight: 145 ish
Hair color/style: brown
Birthday: july 24
Place of birth: Statesville, NC
Favorite Holidays: Christmas, july 4, halloween(candy), birthdays
Zodiac: leo
Favorite quotes: "We ride together, we die together, Bad Boys for life."; "Wars come and go but my soldiers stay eternal" - 2pac
Quotes:"If life gives you Lemons make Grape Juice and sit back and let the world wonder how you did it"
Languages: English
Favorite Animals: canines
Favorite Foods: Pizza
Fears: pain
Favorite shows/movies: 2 many to name
Favorite music artists: Kanye west, Akon, 50 Cent, Eminem, and alot more
Favorite songs: Stronger; Sorry, Blame it on me; Lean Back Remix; alot more
theme song:
Best friends (same sex): too many
Best friends (opposite sex): too many
Hobbies: don't really have any, usually just do watever
Relationship status: none
Favorite Flower: tulips
Favorite Color:
Favorite non-alcoholic: Cheerwine, Monsters, Grape soda, Coke, MD, Amp, Amp overdrive, Rockstars, Nos
Favorite alcoholic:
Favorite number: 7, 13
Favorite Season: Fall and spring
Piercing: none
Tattoos: None
Siblings: 2 older brothers
Family: Mom, 2 bros, 2 cats
Medical Issues: i'm legally blind in my right eye wich means i can't really see out of it, i can't remember anything, i think i have ADD

I'm a junior in highschool. I play trumpet in band, yea your prolly thinkin' haha band, well can you play an instrument or read music? prolly not, so shut up. Call me a typical guy but i can't help but flirt with any girl, that i kinda like or like or watever.


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The Journal

i don't know




"life isn't about how many breaths you take, but about the moments that take your breath away."
~"Put your hand on a burner for a minute its like an hour. but sit next to a pretty girl for an hour its like a minute."