
Hi, I like to quit and come back. I'll just use this for random derps and possibly pixel storage? Naaaah. I'm back now though idk why.
Idgaf about gaia s**t now, good riddance.

This account is currently set to reject PMs, profile comments, guild and friend requests, etc. We good nao. cool
For any concerns, you can find me at my main: idkhowtogayahelp <==== This s**t is dead. Never mind.

Possible things you'll see me doing in this account:
        - Doing art shops, freebies, etc.
        - Wasting my time dabbling at the Gaia economy
        - Stalking and creeping
        - Other activities as I deem necessary

Other links
My Marketplace s**t

I don't like the fact that I'm so cussy and mean now compared to the ray of sunshine that was the old QIXI.