Birthday: 01/23


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ixhatexyouxall Report | 04/28/2011 7:21 pm
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confuzzled2014 Report | 04/08/2010 11:36 am
Hah I'm at kaylas house and I'm texting Andy. he's kinda being an a** though sad yeah he called Skye a c**t so she told me to annoy him as much a possible. It's actually quite interesting smile sooo I was going to tell you something but I forgot what I was going to tell you lol. Hah this is fun smile ah we're like really bored cause kaylas teacher just left well I'm gonna go cause we are getting a lecture for being rude love you bye!
confuzzled2014 Report | 03/31/2010 2:35 pm
Hah yeah parrtttyyy smile Man, it's gonna be awesome. It's gonna be the first thing I actually plan smile Yupp, it will be the best thing ever biggrin Sooo...Me, Kayla and Cousineau wanna go on a roadtrip in 2012...We need like 3 more people to come with us, maybe you can come smile That'd be awesome since we like never ever ever hang out anymore sad Oooh guessy whatey!?!?!?!?!? I am officially UNgrounded from energy drinks biggrin my withdrawl is over! Hurray for monsters! Ooh they have a new monster, it's like the monster nitrous...It's REALLY good smile Hah I'll have to get you one and bring it to school for you smile well I'm gonna go cause I gotta write Justin a letter...That's NOT in marker cause the stupid jail people will send it back if it is...Well byes! Love you!
confuzzled2014 Report | 03/14/2010 3:00 pm
Aw I love you too! Hah smile Never ever ever forget that. Wow, you know it's been an extremely long time since I've told most of my friends that I love them. I mean I tell Jay I love him pretty much every day, but I hardly ever tell my friends I love them anymore. I think my priorities are getting a little mixed up:/ Well let's see smile Ohhh uhm I'm gonna tell you this a little in advance, but I'm gonna throw a party for Justin the second he gets out of jail. You're invited smile I'm inviting as many people as I can so that he feels really loved and cared about smile I haven't seen him since January and I hate this, so I'm gonna give him the biggest party ever biggrin His release date is August 5th:/ Sooo I'm thinking that we could have a party like August 8th smile It's going to be amazing biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin Hah it's been awhile since I've put that many smiley faces. I like being happy....I haven't been happy since....well you know....Yeah I don't wanna talk about that, but I gotta go so I'll talk to you later. Love you! smile
confuzzled2014 Report | 03/12/2010 4:32 pm
I've decided to ignore all the bad stuff smile That's why I look so much happier at school. Alicia has helped me soooo much. I guess she's pretty much like my happy pill at school. Every time I see her in the hallways or something she always gives me a hug and says something good. And Brandon gives me a hug every day now too smile It's sorta odd though. Generally, I don't let people touch me, but I don't know lol. I kinda like this new part of me. I'm so tired of being depressed and everthing. And now that I have a new psychiatrist that I can actually talk to, everything just seems so much better smile
confuzzled2014 Report | 02/06/2010 11:00 am
Oops I meant wasn't a terrific year
confuzzled2014 Report | 02/06/2010 10:59 am
Yeah I remember. Last year was really a terrific year for any of us...So far this year isn't going so good either.
confuzzled2014 Report | 01/27/2010 3:41 pm
Ummm first question hang on I gotta think what you asked lol. Uh I threw it cause I was a little mad...I will change things by becoming the old me again...I have absolutely no idea how I will do that but I most certainly will...I was always so happy and bubbly before all this started happening again...I want that me back. I don't like this new depressed always sad me. It's annoying.
confuzzled2014 Report | 01/24/2010 1:51 pm
I don't feel like answering all your questions...Sorry it will take too long lol. Happy Birthday!!! Lol I didn't have my phone much yesterday...Like 20 minutes after I texted everyone about the whole toothbrush thing I lost my phone cause I kinda sorta threw it........Sooooo I'm gonna go look for it when I get off here. Yupps Justin's got court on Thursday so I won't be at school. I really don't want him to go to prison...I want to be done with court. We've had to go through it so much lately cause Brad is on probation now and Justin is in jail...I don't like this at all. I think I'm gonna try to change a few things...Like NOW. I'm tired of all this. I want to be done with it all....When I find my phone I'll text you and we'll talk about it more. Kay?
confuzzled2014 Report | 01/13/2010 4:33 pm
Um I don't remember what we were talking about lol. It's been awhile since I've been on here sad I've been talking to Cameron a lot lately...It's kinda weird lol. Oh my gosh! Brad Brad got suspended and he's on probation and house arrest! It sucks! Now he can't come down here for 5 months and save me sad I actually have to go to school everyday until he gets off house arrest and when he gets his license back....Justin has his court thing in 2 weeks. I think he's going to end up going to prison for awhile...He told me not to be sad and he'll be alright and everything, but....I don't know I don't like the fact that I won't be able to see him any time I want and everything will be different. I'm tired of everything changing:/ I want everything to go back to how it was last school year...Most things were better last year and I can actually fix the things that weren't better. I can't fix the things that are bad right now. It's too hard and there's no one to help me. I have wayyyy too much to tell you so I'm just gonna text you everything else...I forgot you have a cell phone again so that's why I didn't text all of this to you razz Love you! biggrin

sick of crying
tired of trying
yeah, im smiling
but inside
im dying

It has been only through defeat, Have I learned the value of victory. Say about me and mine what you will,
But only I stand on these legs, hear with these ears, saw with these eyes, and have felt with this heart. To
know me, is to know me, but to love me is to love yet the unknown. I sleep not alone, but with my thoughts
of loneliness. I wake each morning Thankful to God that I have not allowed another to dictate to me my self
worth. I am who I am, because of who I was. I am here, not simply to be tolerated, but simply to be accepted.
Love your life with the passion you loved those in your life.

I dont miss him.
I miss who i thought he was.

love. it happens every day.
i just can’t see it because it’s behind
closed doors.

life is not nice, life is unfair, life is full of pain and abuse
but when you're in love in a small room
nothing else is out there
love makes everything look beautiful, even if it isn't

To be your friend was
all I ever wanted; to be your
lover was all I
ever dreamed






i dont wnt the world to c
me cuz i dont think tht they'd

Love is Love
Pain is Pain
Strength is Strength
but Life is Life

When you love someone,
all your saved-up wishes start
coming out.

life is just a pain.i
cant believe tht it sucks i
thought tht life cld be good
but it does us no good at
all to the 1s we love and
care bout

everyday we lose some1
like a friend or a loved one
and im tired of it! i wnt
b done with evrythng but
idk it just keeps coming
bck to me

im done with guys...and their
stupid games! you fall in love then they
come and hurt you!! well not me.not anymore!
im done boys!!
sad leave!!!