

Hola, my name is Duckeh (No, that's not my real name. But you can't give that out on the internet! ;o). I am a teenager that lives somewhere in Australia. Yay mysteriousness! I is a Gemini, which means I am born on the 21st of June. I is a sanguine (Look it up if you don't know what that means) and am usually very hyper. Well, if I'm not extremely hyper, I am extremely sad and serious. D; Gahness. Anyhoot, I is the youngest of two siblings who fight... a lot. D< *Mumbles* Stupid brother... *Ahem* Moving on... I is very friendly when you get to know me. ^^ And I make friends uber fast. It's like, as soon as you PM me, I'll want to be your friend. XP I is funny like that. Oh and I love Jack Skellington from the Nightmare Before Christmas! He is so kawaii! That's why my profile is based on him. ;D

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I have two people in my Gaia family right now. ^^ My awesome big brother Jeda and my evil twin sister Pocky. I met Jeda ages ago, I can't even remember when. We've always been friends, as far as I can remember. He is really nice, maybe you should say hello? ^^ My twin sister Pocky is crazy, evil and just plain weird. Which is why we get along! >D I would do anything for her, she's so amazing and cool. <33 Definitely say a quick hello to her, she'll love it. =D And then there are some very close friends. Stella is awesome and has always been there for me. She's also an extremely good Gaia stalker. o.o Anyhoot, if you respect her, she'll respect you. M00fin is such a sweetheart, and an awesome artist! However, we met on Neopets, not Gaia. ^^ I still love her though. Tish Fish is so awesomely cool, I can't sum her up in a few sentences! She is a brilliant artist and an amazing friend. <33 Then, Star, is extremely excellent as well! Tish introduced me to her, and we became friends straight away! Hurt my friends, and I hurt your face. D<
Some of my other awesome-tastic Gaia friends:
If you aren't on here, don't feel offended! I still love you! Just PM me to add you in. ^^

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Meep, since I is lazy and can't think of anything else, have some lists!


They Might Be Giants
Tim Minchin
Midnight Juggernauts
Little Birdy
Good Charlotte
Panic! At The Disco
My Chemical Romance
Jonas Brothers
Chemical Brothers
Lady Sovereign
System of a Down
Nelly Furtado
Rogue Traders
50 Cent
James Blunt
Franz Ferdiand
The Pussycat Dolls
Weird Al
Pink Floyd

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Jack Skellington
My Friends
Computer/Internet *Huggles*
Animals (Particulary tigers, otters and falcons)
The colour blue
My dog Rosie (Rest in Peace)
My brother's snake Hercules
My Siamese fighting fish Blaire
Anime (Though I can't watch much in Australia)
Ice cream

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Mean people
Clingy people
Copy cats
Annoying people
Wearing a mask (Not acting like yourself)
Preppy kids
Skinny little bimbos/sluts
People who break their promises
People who think they're cool by breaking the law (You're not)
People who insult me for being a Christian
People who call me four-eyes (Low blow)
When I'm in a fight with someone who think they're cool but have extremely horrible comebacks, but people laugh at them anyway

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Duckeh's Dos and Don'ts

Do call me Duckeh
Do use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation
Do be nice
Do donate if you want
Do know the difference between n00b and newb
Do draw me fanart, if you can/want
Do be nice to my friends
Do feel free to comment or PM me

Don't be mean to me or my friends
Don't sp3@k lyk t1s!11!!shift!
Don't try to hard
Don't ask me out if I don't know you. Seriously, that's just pathetic
Don't beg for money, items, art etc.
Don't insult me for no reason
Don't say I am mean if I share my opinion
Don't call me poor, ugly or anything other insults because I really don't care
Don't expect me to be nice to you if you are mean to my friends

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What Not To Do At Hogwarts

oo1. I will not poke Hufflepuffs with spoons, nor will I insist that their House colors indicate that they are "covered in bees".
oo2. I will not use my socks to make hand puppets of the Slytherin house mascot.
oo3. I will not use Umbridge's quill to write "I told you I was hardcore".
oo4. I will not insist the house elves to serve fried snakes to the Slytherins.
oo5. I will not say that Harry Potter's godfather has "taken the veil."
oo6. Going DUN DUN DUN!!! Isn't nesscary everytime Lord Voldermort's names is mentioned.
oo7. I will not reenact Harry Potter Puppet Pals in the Great Hall
oo8. Or anywhere else for that matter.
oo9. I will not write all my essays in red ink claiming it is blood
o1o. I will not ask Lupin if it's his time of the month.
o11. I will not bring a Magic Eight Ball to Divination class.
o12. I am not allowed to refer to myself as the New Dark Lord.
o13. I am not allowed to wear Death Eater robes to dinner and shout "Long live Lord Voldemort!" because I think it's funny.
o14. I will stop asking the Arithmancy teacher what the square root of -1 is.
o15. Skiving Snackboxes are not suitable gifts for first-years.
o16. I am not allowed to draw a smiley face on my arm and tell everyone its the new Dark Mark.
o17. Hogwarts does not have a student council. Even if it did, they would not wear the rose seal. Therefore I will cease going after the prefects with a sword.
o18. I will not refer to Umbridge as Queen of the Toads, even if she really is.
o19. It is wrong to refer to Aragog as "Charlotte".
o2o. I will not replace Professor Snape's pumpkin juice with Skele-Gro.
o21. It was not an honest mistake.
o22. It is generally accepted that Cats and Dragons cannot interbreed and I should not attempt to disprove this theory, no matter how wicked the result would be.
o23. Crucifixes do not ward off Slytherins, and I should not test that.
o24. The proper way to report to Professor McGonagall is "You wanted to see me, Professor?" not "I have it on good authority that you have no evidence."
o25. I am not possesed by the ghost of Lady MacBeth.
o26. Neither is The Fat Lady.
o27. Professor Snape does not enjoy being called "Snookums".
o28. Dumbledore is not Santa, he does not wish for me to sit on his knee and demand presents, especially not in June.
o29. I will not impersonate the Swedish Chef in Potions class.
o3o. Telling first years that they have to drink every potion they make that year to advance to second year is wrong.
~Thanks Pocky!


Viewing 12 of 55 friends



All About Duckeh

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

grandma duckeh

Report | 06/27/2010 4:17 am

grandma duckeh

cool avi

Report | 06/21/2010 4:01 am


haapy bithday ^^
The Unknown Shadow

Report | 01/22/2010 5:36 pm

The Unknown Shadow

Yes indeed.
The Unknown Shadow

Report | 01/18/2010 9:51 pm

The Unknown Shadow

For me, things have been constantly busy. Haven't been on Gaia that much these days.
The Unknown Shadow

Report | 11/06/2009 11:01 pm

The Unknown Shadow

Hey DUCKEH, long time no see. How's life been?

Report | 07/18/2009 5:26 pm


Hi! Random comment!
r a n d o m DUCKEH

Report | 06/25/2009 3:44 am

r a n d o m DUCKEH

Wow, thanks everyone! <33
The Unknown Shadow

Report | 06/22/2009 9:02 pm

The Unknown Shadow

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Report | 06/21/2009 4:54 pm


happy birthday ^^ i said that before just meaning happy early birthday ^^ but today is your birthday so happy birthday ^^


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