Jesssicaaaa Nuuuneeez.
Monnicaa Alexxx, Nuuuneeez
iloveeeher at thee moment shee isnt withh mee):
i misss he likee crazzzy, she thee baaby of thee fam[ily]
i will alwayss loove herr no matter what happenss[:
iloveeyouuu 101308[:

i jusst meet this guuy , im soo inLOVE . my verey be$t
friend , she hoooked uss upp . soo rap youur loveee
around myy summmer, theres noo where i would rather bee
thann withh youu bOy . i get a kisss & a huug all around
mee , theres noo where i would rather bee then with you
boy in thaa middle of june . youur thaa noo i neeed by myy
sidee , youur all i ever needed in my lifeee .