
RaccoonGirlMika's avatar

Last Login: 08/02/2024 7:29 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/03/1985


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I love fiction!


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Gaan's Journal

The journal of my thoughts and dreams.


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ii_Jaffa_Jade_ii Report | 04/19/2012 11:38 pm
Thanks for buying from my store smile
XxBlue Rose PetalsxX Report | 07/23/2011 7:41 pm
XxBlue Rose PetalsxX
Say wha....XD
XxBlue Rose PetalsxX Report | 07/21/2011 4:17 pm
XxBlue Rose PetalsxX
Lol....Some how magically make one appear?
XxBlue Rose PetalsxX Report | 07/19/2011 7:00 am
XxBlue Rose PetalsxX
wants inari XD
komuru-chan Report | 08/26/2010 4:34 am
cool avi
RaccoonGirlMika Report | 01/14/2010 8:37 am
Since I'm not sure how to edit my profile right yet here are my gym rules as of 1.14.2010:

4v4 UU
No Items
Stat Clause
OHKO Clause
Evasion Clause
Sleep and Freeze Clause
Santa Clause [no Delibirds!]
RaccoonGirlMika Report | 01/14/2010 8:30 am
What happened to my amazing profile garurururururu!!!!!???
komuru-chan Report | 11/30/2009 8:47 am
Gifts for you in trade :hearts: biggrin
komuru-chan Report | 07/10/2009 8:44 am
oh thats why xD i dont own a PSP so i dont look at the games.
komuru-chan Report | 07/09/2009 9:04 am
never heared of it.


XY FC: 2681 1025 5982

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Celebiest on 08/02/2024


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I gotta go buy more mochi!

Balance Badge Gym


UU Only
Sleep Clause - Only sleep more then
one if your setting up a sleep only
move like Dream Eater.
Santa Clause
Evasion/OHKO Clause
Explosion/Self Destruct Clause
Item Clause
Self KO Clause

If you've read and understand these Rules then ask for a Gym match with the phrase "Shinigami only eat apples."

Winners of the Balance Badge:
Prince Of Panic
OMFG Jesus

GNPL Balance Badge Gym Leader

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Gym Leader Gaan

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My first avatar picture.
Glyf made this for me and I love it ^^

Demon Mark made this one.
Its a cool sprite of my avatar for the GNPL (:

<-----This means I can see you stalkers!

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<---My head on my avi's body!?

Darkness consumes, throwing lost souls to the void of eternity.
Lost in the black I see the light through blind eyes and crushed heart.
I find the way back to you and time twists, turning to apocalypse... the death of all.

Some of my favorite things.

I owe this story so much for introducing me to my favorite game.
I started reading it in Shonen Jump and began playing it on Yahoo games.
I was 25k for about two years despite playing at least one game a day.
It wasn't until I was introduced the Las Vegas Go Club that my rank gradually rose to 20k.
I recently started playing again on Kisido Go Server (KGS) after reading a Learn to Play Go book... well half of the book.
I rose from 23k to 9k within just a few weeks of playing.
In those few weeks I have begun to understand more of the manga that inspired me to play Go.
Now then, since I've explained my love for Go I'll explain why I love the manga.
The story is deep and beautiful, full of meaning and purpose.
The artwork is amazing. There are two examples of the artwork in this section.
The games that are played in the story are real.
Played by pro's and lower ranks alike, the games are amazing and go perfectly with the story.
Or perhaps its the story that goes perfectly with the games.
The characters are complex and there's such a great mix of different character types.
I would urge any manga lover to read this, be you go enthusiast or not I'm sure you'll enjoy this story.

Hikaru no Go

This is my Art Section.
Its full of art of all kinds that have been made for me and I love every piece in my small gallery.

Current pieces of art: 2

Final Fantasy Adventure

This is the first RPG I ever played and it had heavy influence on the future of my gaming. I loved this game so much that I was rarely without my bulky old GameBoy. I don't remember much of the game other then that I enjoyed it and made sure to play as many Final Fantasy games as I could get my hands on.
I have since become a fan of most Final Fantasy games and am always excited for the next game. There are a few that I haven't played and even some that I haven't had the time to beat.

Gundam Wing

As far as I can remember this was the first anime I ever saw. I was about fourteen at the time and the story was very deep and confusing to me.
I watched the show for the fights but eventually I came to enjoy the story, characters and world of Gundam Wing.
I now watch many different anime ranging from comedy to horror, mystery and non hentai romance.
Gundam Wing was my introduction into the world of anime.
I've yet to see an anime that I don't enjoy and am open to suggestions for anime to watch.

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

This was the first Star Wars movies I ever saw and the first movie I remember seeing.
It has been my favorite movie for as long as I can remember and it began my love of scifi movies and space.
I was honestly disappointed in the quality of episodes 1-3 since they are more action and less story.
I did enjoy them but to a lesser extent then I thought I would.

I am still a huge Star Wars fan and read the novels whenever I have a chance.

I also enjoy Star Trek but not nearly as much as I enjoy Star Wars.

iK y o u k a - s a m a made this one for me!~

Info and action buttons are up top.
The list of things I like are down below.
My art gallery is below that.
The gym rules are slightly hidden somewhere at the bottom.

Thank you for visiting and have a nice day~

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Total Value: 22,570,599 Gold, 55,000 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Assassin's Guise
Skull Biker Black Boots
Pantheracorax Agate 3rd gen.
Joker Hat white-black
Guitar of Demona
Devil Tail
Deadly Mood Bubble
Dark Trousers
Dark Halo
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Nitemare Scarf

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