It's me!

RaChoTamer's avatar

Last Login: 02/28/2019 6:48 am

Registered: 11/30/2006

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/06/1991

Personal Website



I'll try and reward those who are kind enough to donate to me one day...possibly with artwork. I'm good at that.

About me

I'm in a weird and wonderful place now, where I have a pet crocodile as a pet and I like to water-ski with crows and magpies and the occasional kangaroo. I'm currently bound for a life outside of high school *le gasp*, and I hope to get somewhere in life by drawing. Drawing, or graphic design. Something to do with computers and drawing.

I'm also a Kingdom Hearts fan, Ninja Turtle fan, Gorillaz fan, avid Pokemon gamer, and the understudy for our town's village idiot.

... >:D