
My name is Tweezer.
Yes, Tweezer.
It's actually a nickname,
but I hate my real name,
so just call me Tweezer.
Kay? Kay.
I like apple juice.
Sticky notes amaze me.
My foot itches.
I collect yo-yo's.. =D
Anything that lights up will instantly catch my attention.
I'm obnoxious.
& Childish.
Don't like it? I don't care.
As you can see, I have a little bit of bitchy blood in me, too. <___<''
I can be rude & selfish..
and, I'll but my nose into other people's buisness,
when given the opportunity. :]
other than that..if you're nice to me, i guarentee i'll be nice in return.
So. feel free to talk to me. :>
i don't bite.
much. <__<


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