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My name is Nina. Be sure to remember.

All that there is to know about how I came to be is in my journal. Or if you're too lazy to scroll down, then click here.

There are many facts that have been left out, or haven't been mentioned in the story thus far, so let me clarify.
I was given the name Nina by a former target of mine.I was tired of being called by that girl's horrid name. I am not her. There was an entire list of names for me to choose from, but I chose "Nina" because it means fire. Like the others of my kind, I have an affinity for said element.
But what am I exactly? I was supposed to be a defense mechanism for that girl, because our kind are weak in their unawakened stage. Weak compared to the awakened state, anyhow. I am the awakened state. I was created by the scientists that worked for that secret organization, in the form of a virus. When they injected me into that girl, their objective was to give her a form of safety if they ever set her free. They had our hosts in cages, and treated them as lab rats. Why? We are a special breed of human. Of course, we aren't really human anymore.
This rare breed has an extremely high immune system as well as the ability to use either side of the brain. Of course, both sides cannot be used at once. In the awakened state, they can be used, which is what grants us our affinities.
Whenever that girl is in danger, or experiences a strong emotion, she awakens and I take her place. Because I don't have a body of my own, it's hard to tell which of us is conscious. I doubt any of us would tell you, seeing as the only reason there is for any of you humans to be near us is if we're hunting you.

When I was created, another child of my kind was awakened as well- a boy named Damian. We both overpowered the guards in our wing of the laboratory. He taught me how to awaken others. We each awakened other children from our chambers, totaling up to nearly sixty followers.
With Damian and I in the lead, we fought our way out.

Not too long after we found a spot to rest, temporarily, the newly changed began fighting amongst each other. The fighting caused our numbers to decrease considerably. Damian wanted to stop them, but I objected; The fighting left only the strong. Soon we were left to less than an eighth of what we stared with.
Eventually, I broke away from the pack, leaving Damian as the leader. I traveled far, feasting on anyone I pleased. I eventually grew weary and was forced to recede back into the girl's sub conscious. While I slept, the girl set up a permanent residence and made friends with others, easily blending in with the other Gaians. The longer I slept, the harder I found it to want to awaken again. One day I forced the girl to switch places and I roamed free while she slept.
To this day, I find it difficult to put her to sleep after she's been awake for so long. I've noticed that it's easier for me to take control when she's in danger. Probably an affect from what those scientists were originally aiming for.
I've crossed paths with the girl's friends while I was awake. I took the pleasure of marking one of them, to keep as my own if I ever need a quick bite, if you know what I mean.
I live free now, away from that horrible lab. I go by my own rules, and don't follow anyone.
Think you can stop me? Go ahead and try. I'll be waiting to suck you dry.

If there are any questions you have, feel free to ask.

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adell16 Report | 05/31/2011 8:11 pm
W-Why're you laughing? -glances back at over shoulder, ears perk up-
adell16 Report | 05/31/2011 7:43 pm
-shivers a little- I-I didn't do what she said though.
A-All I did was say happy valentines day. Was that the wrong thing to do?
adell16 Report | 05/31/2011 6:47 pm
-jumps a little- H-Hey Nina. K-Kiss? W-What're you talking about?
adell16 Report | 02/14/2011 3:02 pm
Hey, uh, Nina. Eshidu Wanted me to stop by and say happy valentines day. She also said to give you a nice kiss, but I figure you wouldn't like that at all, so I'm gonna skip out on that.
adell16 Report | 01/30/2011 6:13 pm
Maybe, but we have different personalities. You're very aggressive, I'm very docile until I have to defend. -yawns-
adell16 Report | 01/25/2011 3:36 pm
-sits up and rubs his neck a little, watches- I know. Why are you getting defensive though? It's not like I'm just gonna and attack you without reason. -blinks a few times-
adell16 Report | 01/24/2011 7:54 pm
Hey, I haven't had to deal with pain like that for a while. -glances at- 'Sides, I've never seen you go on your back like that after biting me.
adell16 Report | 01/24/2011 7:44 pm
Ngh! -hand twitches, struggles a little- I forgot how much this hurts.
adell16 Report | 01/24/2011 7:32 pm
Whoa! -tackled- A-Actually I did. A-At least the shooting part.
adell16 Report | 01/24/2011 7:25 pm
OH shi-! -tries to dodge, part of shirt gets caught on fire- Damn it! -tries to smack the fire out-


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Nina's back.
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Creepy little girl sets the world on fire.

Chilrden of the night, can you hear them hollering?

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adell16 on 05/21/2023
Eshidu on 09/21/2022
Raging Nina

Welcome. Tread lightly.

Hmph.Stupid girl.