

[x] Misc. Info [x]

[x] More pictures of moi in muh journal! CLICKEY!! [x]

User ImageName: Melody Lake, pretty no?
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair color: Dark purple with red streaks
Eye color: Green
Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Birthdate: March 15
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Favorite beverage: Caramel Frappacino and tea
Favorite food(s): Italian, Chinese and fruits
Least Favorite: Spicy things
Favorite Color(s): Violet, powder pink, baby blue and most of all rainbow!
Least Favorite: Yellow and brown
Favourite Music: Techno and Instrumental
Least Favourite: Country Rap=Crap
Pets: My kitty-cat Lucky, my other kitty Nala, my puppy Broof Broof and my doggy Reba
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, anime/manga, internet, cooking, comics and partying~

[x]About moi [x]
My name is Melody. Most people call me Melly. I am bi-sexual. I am also a ninja-pirate-robot zombie. 'Cause I'm just cool like that. I like to party. A lot. I originally have brown hair and green eyes. I'm pretty tall. I like people who are taller than me. I only have 6 very close friends [I counted]. The few good friends I have, I am very, maybe overly, protective of. I am usually EXTREMELY anti-social in person. But on here I'm supah friendly ;D I hate a lot of people. I'm sure a lot of people hate me too. I LOVE eyeliner, probably more than I should. A lot of things annoy and/or anger me. You're gay. I like really bright and obnoxious colors. Rainbow is my favorite color, whether or not you think it's a color I don't care. I tend to get attached to people I like very easily. I'm not afraid to be mean to people I hate. I get irritated if you're too smart or too stupid. I have a rather natural and earthly sense of beauty. I love being in nature and the outdoors! Camping is my absolute favorite<3 Simple, insignificant things make me happy! I'm actually a very strange individual ;O

[x] I Likes [x]

Biting people, Ghosts & the Paranormal, Anime, Video Games, Hugs, Kisses, Cuddling, Talking, Watching the Stars, The beach, The Rain, Any type of storm, Writing, Partying, Walking in the Dark, Sleeping, Being who I am, When people don't care what other's think, Snuggling in the dark, Being with someone you love, Butterflies, Candles, Chinese Food, Dragons, Drawing, Final Fantasy, Forests & nature, Halloween, Italian Food, Japan, Chrono Cross, Kittens, Love, MUSIC, Originality, Pandas, QUESTIONS, Reading, Rivers, Swimming, Playing Badmitton & Tennis (xD), Sleeping next to someone, Sunsets, Surprises, Talking, Trust, Techno, fat hamsters, fanfiction, fanart, nacho cheese, yaoi, yuri, AMVs, music, Duo, Natural Majick, Fantasy, unique Fairytales, Sea Food, Stuffed animals, feather pillows, comments, the color purple, March, kittehs, floppy-eared bunnies, baby ducks and roleplaying!
But most of all....
heart RAINBOWS heart

[x] I Dislikes [x]
Jerks, Bigots, Close-minded people, Light, Rap, Getting sick, Drama, Labels, Pain, Liars, Being lead on, Awkwardness, Breaking Up, Cheaters, Back-stabbers, Crying, Forgetting important things, Hypocrites, Illness, Jerks, Kisses without meaning, Letting go, Nit-picking, Offices, People who lie to others, Quitters, Racist losers, People who are bias, People who pretend to be something they're not, Really loud noises, Deafening silence, Stupidness, Superficial Bastards, too much T.V, Undermining people for no reason, Wanting something you can't have, Noobs, Illiteracy and Yelling...

[x] Contact [x]

Hotmail: xxrainbow_kissesxx@hotmail.com
Yahoo: xx_lucid_dreams_xx
AIM: WordlessxLullaby



Viewing 12 of 24 friends



What are chu doing here!? O_O



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/05/2009 2:30 pm


Copy and paste this to 10 people and then press F5 on your keyboard. You will win 10,000 gold each time you do it! It's worked 4 me, and it'll work 4 you.

Report | 01/17/2008 7:09 am


*looks around* .............................*pokes you*
-Cute Myio-

Report | 12/23/2007 3:00 pm

-Cute Myio-

Merry Christmas! <3
-Cute Myio-

Report | 12/18/2007 1:01 pm

-Cute Myio-

I miss you : O
-Cute Myio-

Report | 12/04/2007 3:22 pm

-Cute Myio-

Look, it's a rainbow behind you! Oh noes.

Report | 11/26/2007 12:36 pm


hey we havnt spoken in ages! how are you rainbow? x x x

Report | 10/25/2007 4:10 pm



Report | 10/23/2007 9:51 pm


omg hi! bud

Report | 09/26/2007 5:26 pm


Oh Noes!

Joo stole mah bellybutton D:


Gimme eet back D:


Report | 09/13/2007 8:05 am


Haven't talked to you in a while . Figured I'd Say hi. How are you ?


I just stole your bellybutton ;D