
Well here's some information about me for any stalkers out there who are interested...

- I am a FEMALE
- I am 17
- My birthday is in mid April
- I have 4 cats and 2 dogs
- I am a gamer (WoW, soul caliber, gauntlet, etc, etc)
- I can speak SOME French; although, I am in AP French
- I am American
- I want to live in France some day
- I find that most people annoy me
- My hair color currently is: Blond white-blond Dark brown with white-blond tips Dark Brown with Red tips
- I want my hair to be white
- Anyone who I do not know can call my either Joe, Rainbow, or Eri/ Eri-bear
- My eye color changes from blue to green and they sometimes go a grayish color
- I wear glasses
- I want to go to college to become a professional Chef
- I could not live with out my computer and music
- I am literate
- I love dancing in the rain
- I watch Stargate SG1/Atlantis, CSI (any of them but i prefer crime scene investigation), any of the Law&orders, Monk, Psych, any Star Treks, In Plan Sight, Burn Notice I hardly watch T.V. anymore
- I enjoy baking food, especially cakes
- I don't believe in any religion, but I do find them interesting
- I play piano (over 3 years now)
- I'm in search of my life... still
- I have a sword named Eve
- I would like to have more weapons
- I would like to learn training for every weapon and several hand to hand combats
- I like classical music, rock (most any type), punk, techno, disco, and jazz music and anything else I feel like listening to
- I dislike rap and country (usually, there are a few exceptions)
- I enjoy sarcasm and humor
- You will most likely never see me wearing anything but jeans, tee-shirt (usually male tee-shirts: I like the sleeves)
- I do irrational things for rational reasons
- I have a tendency of believing in fairies, nature gods/goddesses etc. etc.
- I enjoy reading fictional books and stories, usually ones with magic
- I can be and most likely am a space cadet (I daydream a lot)
- I am a member of a crew team (rowing). I can row either port or starbord.

WARNING: I can not be categorized, labeled, or put in a 'clique'. I am undefinable. If you try you will fail.

Look! One of the few times I wore makeup!
User Image

Just cause I was bored and I thought this looked wicked...
User Image
Total Value: 11,878 Gold, 89,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 10,055 Gold, 89,000 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Dashing Gentleman Silver And Black Cane
Witch Shoes
Long Drag
Courted Ruff
Dead Sexy Midnight Coat
Dashing Gentleman Pristine White Gloves
Ace of Spades
Black Fishnet Stockings
Joker Hat white-black heart
Blushing Bride's Embroidered Bodice


A lonely girl's thoughts on life



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/12/2010 10:02 am


Hey how are you?
Professor Inky

Report | 12/17/2009 4:35 pm

Professor Inky

Professor Inky

Report | 12/15/2009 4:52 pm

Professor Inky

Uh oh spaghetti-o! Haha I knew I wasn't alone!!!

Report | 07/01/2009 3:58 am


I know, but yet I know for some reason, my heart doesn't and won't accept that.

Report | 06/30/2009 5:26 pm


I know but it hurts still even though I feel better...
Professor Inky

Report | 05/12/2009 12:39 pm

Professor Inky

I know. Thanks, that really means a lot biggrin

Report | 05/09/2009 12:25 pm


I changed my hair?!
I kid, but nah, it's not sad.

Report | 03/11/2009 2:42 am


There's a heart next to the joker hat.

Report | 03/09/2009 6:27 pm


I less than three you too.
♥ 3♥


Report | 03/09/2009 6:17 pm


They were sneaky about it
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