
rainbow_spawn137's avatar

Last Login: 02/06/2009 6:22 pm

Gender: Female


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About MWUA!

everyone click here!

stasuness- straight and taken! (yay!)
school-jennings middle, 7th grd
state of mind- schizo (sara and kate arent as quiet as usual), manic, and naturally high
poem i wrote the only one i like-
A painted smile on my lips
Sits here on my face
As my dad takes another sip
I think I just might slip
Off the edge and disgrace
The saying 'fall from grace

favourite saying- homaphobia is gay

ello people of this dying planet, my name is meagen and i can come off a bit morbid. I am 12 years of age, i know i am young, but c'moin how innocent were you at 12 ... TELL THE TRUTH!!! I live in Florida, and no i won't tell you were and no i dont like it. It so bright with the sun and the green. I'd like to live in Forks, Washington like Bella from twilight so i can meet MY sparkling vampire ... sorry daydreaming lol. I am a proud vegetarian actually this really funny story ... well if you wanna know it ask me. but so yea there really isn't anything interesting about me im not gay although most of my friends are and so i am basicly a times 2 outcast among my friends and normal people (get the punn?) i also have a mibba, imnotokay, quizilla, and piczo. No, no myspace. my top 10 favourite bands are:
My Chemical Romance (they literally saved my life this past summer), 3OH!3, Aiden, Evanescence, Leathermouth (GO FRANKIE!!!), Slipknot, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Kill Hannah, and The Killers
I am a vampire now. SEE!

-It's not the falling that hurts like s**t, it's that sudden stop at the end that crushes everybone in your body, lucky for me this pain is shorter than the pain I have been living-

-Yo, yo, yo WATER! (inside joke xD)-

-G.I.R. LIKES WAFFLES & DOOOOM! and marshmellows, and chocolate, and skittles, and gummybears, and animal crackers, and...-

My Dream Avi, Thx To Kasemp
User Image

and im ******** sorry if i spely anything wrong, deal.

My 7 Deadly Sins
Envy: 60%

Sloth: 60%

Wrath: 40%

Gluttony: 0%

Greed: 0%

Lust: 0%

Pride: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 23%

You will die in a duel.

hmmm strange

Girl- Slow down, I'm scared. Guy- No, this is fun... Girl- No it's not. Please, it's too scary! Guy- Then tell me you love me. Girl- I love you, now slow down... Guy- I love you too. Now, give me a big hug. -She gave him a big hug- Guy- Can you take off my helmet and put it on; its bothering me? In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were broken he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love copy this in your profile

This is Hannah. She commited suicide. Most people know about her becasue people say she killed herself becasue she listened to My Chemical Romance, my favourite band. This girl was very depressed, she did not dye because of lyrics such as 'I am not afraid to keep on living' she died becasue she had somthing deeply wrong with her and her parents migh have been stuck up snobs not willing to even touch her thinking money = love. But the parents part MIGHT no be true, I don't. I am just estimating by the way they looked.
If you believe that this is true repost this with Hannah's picture, because she should not have had to be afraid to keep on living.

^This is Hannah Bond. She killed herself. Her death has been blamed on My Chemical Romance. I believe this is not true. If you beleive this also repost these words and her picture, becasue sh shouldnt have been afraid to keep on living.

my most favourite movie EVER!!!
watch it or die!!