
Rainbowgoat's avatar


Whats that JD? Trouble At the Hospital? Lets check it out!



Ariel's Quiz(Updated):

name: Amelia(amy)
birthday: 8-18-93
city your in right now: Santa Rosa
eye color: gray, green, blue
hair color: poop
height: 5foot5
weight: 135? lbs.
brothers/sisters: 1 sister 3 brothers
do you use drugs: duh
do you use alcohol: duh
do you smoke: only certain occasions
do you date: fo sho
what is your favourite acessory: rainbow headband
do you go to your highschool's football games: ewww
favouriet food: mandrian chicken
do you like your life: its better than it was
emo/anti-emo: neither
anime/anti-anime:ant- Anime, haha
age: 15
do you regularly visit other peoples houses: yes
do you have a wii: No
do you have a ps3: yes
do you have a 360: fo sho
do you watch reality tv: No
are you a gangster: No
are you a pirate: No
are you a ninja: No, i wish
are you a nerd: fo sho
do you not believe in last four questions: loser
do you like to take quizzes: fo sho
have you ever jumped off a roof: duh!!!!
what shoes are you wearing right now: idk
i am very...: high
mothers name: Sheri
what is you best friends name: slagathor
what is your favourite color: orange
what music do you listen to:rock, punk, emo, sreamo, country
what clothes do you wear: jeans/ t-shirt
have you ever been in a fight: duh... im mexican
do you think you could win in a fight: fo sho
bling is for...: losers
how do you want to die: ninja syle
heritage: German,mexican,english,czech
hobbies: sims!!! lesbian alians in a loveeeee festival
weaknesses: knees
fears: rats, birds
best physical feature: v****a
favorite place to be: as long as In bed, w/ ariel
favorite movie: my own
favorite class: pe w thompson(even though i wasnt in his class)
favorite pizza: everykind
favorite TV show: talk sex, scrubs, that 70s show
do you plan on getting married? yes
do you plan on having children? yes
weird saying you have: junkpunch
nicest person in you life: ariels fist... it makes cool red liquid come out of places it really shouldnt... thanx!
funniest person in you life: ariel
loudest person in you life: tomato
weirdest person in you life: tony/ariel/anton/everyone!
best all around person in you life: my future lover
have you ever skinny dipped? yes
do you sleep with a stuffed animal? i have a cat
do you have any peircings? no
what kind of underwear are you wearing right now? period panties
you are: a loser... a good one
you make people: turn onto chicks
what are you thinking about?: Right this second? lesbian aliens, and my awsome skills, getting ariel/ jordan/ and others in bed
what are you going to do today: lesbian aliens
how is the weather? sunny
what is the last thing you ate/drank? poptarts
what day is today? monday July somethingth..., 2008


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ANTON_T3H_FOXX Report | 08/18/2010 8:08 pm
cool avi
nekonekoshinobi Report | 07/28/2008 12:12 pm
once you have an acceptable avatar am stealing everyting of mine back
Rainbowgoat Report | 07/28/2008 11:38 am

when gaia stops having errors