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about me;
my name is melissa.
i can be a very complicated person.
i have a huge split personality disorder, ocd, and i'm clinicly depressed. : )
but, that shouldn't keep you from trying to talk to me.
I find that 'random comments' are a total waste of time.
sure, it's a good excuse to get to start a conversation with someone, but honestly. common'.
don't be a p***y about it.
just say: 'uhm, hi, you don't really know me...' and then start something off from there.
i live in a s**t hole. filled with druggies, gangsters and hobos.
i've done drugs. i've smoked weed.
it's not very much fun, to be completly honest.
i'm actually currently grounded for comming home high.
i kept passing out on the side of the street when i tried to walk home. i had to get my friends to walk me.
anyways, yeah.
thats about all you need to know about me.
drop me a comment, PM me, trade with me.
you know the drill.

bubble gum.

bright lights.
rude people.

music; [top 5]
boys like girls.
30 seconds to mars.
mindless self indulgence.

current mood: sleepy.




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Silver Angel Sonata

Report | 08/26/2007 6:55 pm

Silver Angel Sonata

hey hows it goin User Image tehe

Report | 08/23/2007 3:39 pm


hey are you still online if you are add me to the darknessbloodrose account i have already sent you a friend request User Image tehe yeah im sorry i haven't replied in a while User Image i have been in school and piled up with nothing but homework User Image

Report | 08/03/2007 7:47 pm


hehe your welcome lol and your not boring tehe not to me anyways oh and what do you mean by that User Image

Report | 07/29/2007 7:12 pm


tehe i know your not i didn't think you were tehe User Image hey thanks for clarifing for me User Image tehe you seem like a lot of fun to hang with to be honest User Image tehe
alucard no life king

Report | 07/28/2007 6:26 pm

alucard no life king

you would not understand your not a guy if you were a guy you would know the code its the same for ever one not people that live in a happy lala land
alucard no life king

Report | 07/25/2007 3:27 pm

alucard no life king

hey mel whats my religon? did you forget its my law to fight to get to my heaven? forget that? and due to the fact i cant win with words i win by fighting and in black burn unspoken rule amongst guys its starts it ends with a fight no matter so it is the law to fight in black burn dame get your facts strait your a guy after all

Report | 07/25/2007 11:08 am


oh so it isn't the law to fight thats a relief hahaha i actually thought he was serious User Image oh yikes the ghetto what is that User Image drug dealing, gang fights i don't think that gang fights are that good and thomas told me that he goes and helps his friends fight in gangs all the time User Image is that true and he also told me that hes really beat up all over his body and that he has surgury all the time User Image i feel really bad for the guy User Image oh wow he takes tai-quan-do i was goin to but never did User Image i wanted to so badly when i was younger but couldn't User Image hey thats good that yall hang out User Image it must be fun with him b/c of his personality and all tehe User Image oh i see that does sound like him to me User Image tehe coolness anyways so does he protect you alot all the time even or whenever he can User Image wow he can be perswasive when he wants to tehe User Image i can't believe you believed him on that one i don't think i would have believed that User Image but thats just me tehe anyways verbal is just arguing right so of course you would win guys don't have any brains at this age hehe and User Image physical why would you fight with him does he take it easy on you atleast he dosn't like hit enough to hurt you real bad dose he User Image wow you must be really fast User Image if you could win while your sick i wouldn't even go at it User Image oh and also thomas saids that he trains alot for fights like 12 hours on a good day is that ture User Image ewww im sorry you were sick i hate bein sick User Image oh wow you won against him in an arm-wresting compitition thats awsome you go girl tehe excuses excuses he lost and thats that mabey your stronger then he is User Image hehe WO WO WOOOOOOOOOO HE WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT :BUTNING: User Image he was showing YOU the right way to cuddle against a girl THATS CRAZY YIKES User Image User Image isn't that something he should be showing a guy how to do that is akward User Image shock: LOL

Report | 07/23/2007 5:18 pm


oh wow only 3 more years to go then huh thats awsome well your getting closer to school ending for you but i still have college witch is even harder then high school User Image oh turst me your not the only thomas saids that all there really is to do there is fight and that hes fights alot you do know him right in real life does he look as bad as he saids he does im just wondering cause now im worried about him User Image i told him not to make me worry but now im worried even more now User Image oh yeah thats alright i don't mind but im just hearing all kind of crazy things from both of you like people fight to the death and all your allowed to do there is fight and thats the law that your suppost to fight is that true im really freaked out about that place now yikes yeah pee is not hard to smell it smells alful User Image i would hate if that happened to me oh yeah alabama is a very safe place to live and my parents don't lock the door sometimes when they leave the house its so safe and when we moved here we had neibors left and right welcome us to the neiborhood that was pretty nice User Image but i do miss new orleans that was a really fun place to live and just perfect for me User Image it might not have been the saftest place but atleast it was fun User Image oh wow yeah i know about that thomas wouldn't stop talking about it and he just loves to fight but i do worry about him User Image and you to now User Image i hope yall arn't raped or anything that would be horrable User Image oh wow they didn't fight i knew that there would be a lot of cops around b/c of the way thomas was always talking about fights but i didn't think they would go overbored with them yikes oh and yeah that is safe but cops can arrest the wrong people just cause they want prisinors its not good but its also good catch my drift User Image

Report | 07/22/2007 11:17 am


oh wow so yall are friends in real life thats cool oh yikes a ***** sounds really creepy User Image im glad i live in alabama i don't have to worry about stuff like that here User Image there arn't that many bad people here and everybody around here is really nice its alabama is also in the top ten safest states in the world or was it the top 5 i can't remember User Image oh well i would hate an older person raping me that sounds really creepy i feel bad for you now im sorry User Image people like that are creeps and deserve to go to jail and never be let out for the rest of there lives i hope it dosn't ever happen to you or thomas that would be awful mabey you shouldn't go out at night just to be safe User Image ewwwwwwwww they pee on the slides thats discusting yuck i get sick from breathing in cigrete smoke sometimes i get very ill from second hand smoking its awful one time i went to the town of new orleans and people all over the place i mean everywhere you turn there were people smoking and i got so sick and i was coughing the whole time i was there and finally we just left cause i it was really getting bad and when i got home i cought a cold but it got worse after a few days and turned into the flew and so i couldn't go to school for a whole week i was to sick to really move for awhile which is really weird User Image well anyways my summer is goin great except the last 2 weeks of it are not goin so well for me but it was great summer has just about to come to a close in 2 weeks User Image i have school again im just glad its my last year im ready for it to be over now but i am goin to college though so yeah still trucking. so...

Report | 07/20/2007 8:00 am


oh wow rapists didn't even occur to me thats nuts and what are ***** some type of bug User Image story yikes are you serious thats creepy i wouldn't want a guy breaking into my house and stilling my underware thats nuts and not to michen plain crazy. tehe oh wait alucard no life king told you that hes crazy hahahaha now im just lmao thats funny ok i think he was just joking User Image but if that really were true that would be just creepy User Image


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