
My name is Rain. I was born of sorrow. I live in a trailer park in Heinsville Georgia. There ain't much here cept' a few schools, a park or two, and a dozen or so trailer parks. Were a fairly small town. Everyone's got a connection to one another in some way. I don't know my father, but I live with my mother. Our Trailer is white, but sometimes I wish it was a baby blue. I don't like plain colors. But I've always loved blue. Like my name I was born at midnight on November ninth, the night the biggest storm in Heinsville history hit.
My mom was sixteen.
Today is November second and in a few short days I'm gonna be sixteen as well. When I was four my mom married Jim. My step father. His past times include sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching re-runs of Law and Order, Screaming at my mom, oh ya and his favorite. Hittin me when he gets the chance. But thats not all hes done to me. That man took more from me then anyone...
So I'm right here, out on the street. It's dark and the moon provides the only light. Ya I'm dancin in the street. Theres a bruise on my cheek, the latest gift from my oh so adoring Step-Father. My arms spred and a smile on my face, my head tilted back and the rain sofly pounding my skin. I know I'm gonna get in trouble for my soaked clothes, but I don't care. I'm gonna keep letting the rain wash away my pain. Maybe I'll regret it later, but as of now I can let my soul run free.
So I dance around in circles, my laughter ringing like some old forgotten song.
Beacuse thats who I am.
Born of sorrow.
Raised in pain.

Pics of me:

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Raised to be Broken

I was raised to be Broken. From the time I was a baby I was made in the image of falling Rain. I was born out of sorrow. And to most that is all I am. Sorrow....


Viewing 6 of 6 comments.

CD-Crypt Keeper

Report | 10/22/2008 2:04 pm

CD-Crypt Keeper

CD-Crypt Keeper

Report | 10/22/2008 1:56 pm

CD-Crypt Keeper

i wus asking to add u to my friend list

Report | 01/28/2007 7:12 pm


hi heart
The Lioness Of Sorrow

Report | 11/04/2006 9:49 am

The Lioness Of Sorrow

"Dear, where did that come from?" She asked, gently brushing her hand over the bruise on Rain's cheek. Tisking to herself the Half demon pulled a pouch from her belt buckle and spread some of the powder on the marked girl's wound. "I'm so sorry. Your strong my dear, to have lasted this long. Just try to stand it a bit longer and I promise it will be worth it."

Report | 11/03/2006 8:42 am


OH!! ur life story thing is so sad!!!
The Lioness Of Sorrow

Report | 11/03/2006 8:12 am

The Lioness Of Sorrow

"Rain my dear." Hellfire gently hugged the girl. Rain was one of the few people that Hellfire ever would embrace. "How have you been. I'm sorry that I can't free you from your Step Father yet, soon though, I will. Soon.." She whispered and then disappeared.


I am Rain. Born of Sorrow. Raised to be Broken.User Image