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I bet most of you haven't got a clue who I'm dressed as.
Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't.
I'm the amazingly talented, comedian, actor, dancer and singer, Ray Bolger!
Still don't know who he is do you?
Well maybe this quote will help trigger your memory,
"But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?"
*facepalm* Haven't gotten it yet?
Ray Bolger is the actor who plays the Scarecrow in The Wizard Of Oz.
Sadly, most people my age only know him as the Scarecrow.
Actually I doubt they even know his real name.
Such a shame, he is truly talented and I love him with all my heart.
You might wonder why I made this account.
Well it's pretty much to share my love for him.
He means the world to me and is a huge part of my life.
Ray Bolger is my idol and I could only wish I could find someone like him.
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Ray Bolger Fan YouTube Account: Watch His Movies And Subscribe!