Its Me

Sorry im not perfect. Sorry i dont give a ********. Sorry im not a diva. Sorry I jus kno what I want. Sorry im not a virgin. Sorry im not a slut. I wont let you break me, so think what you want.

The name is Amber. I blow the candles out every year on August 20th. Im 18. Donnie is the boyfriend n we have a lil girl named Akira Fay, she was born on August 4, 2011. Ive changed my ways for my family n its a positive change. I really dont care what others think or say about me cuz I am myself n thats all Ive gotta be but Ill protect my family but I dont think you should label people until you get to kno them. I can be a b***h but who isnt? Normally im the typical teenage girl whos hyper n weird n tryin new things but now ive got my own family to focus on n thats more important than the typical teenage life. Well talk to me if you wanna get to kno me better.